Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Machine vision is a fascinating tool.


Smart or intelligent glasses that can translate speech to text are magnificent tools. Those glasses can help people to read and understand all languages in the world. The miniature cameras and HUD screens are making it possible that intelligent glasses and contact lenses are giving the ability to travel more flexibly than ever before. 

Intelligent contact lenses are contact lenses equipped with similar technology to regular intelligent glasses. But the size of those components is smaller than in regular intelligent glasses. Intelligent contact lenses can protect eyes against the bright light. 

The contact lens is the screen and there is the camera. That is transmitting data to that screen. So bright light cannot blind the user. 

If intelligent contact lenses or intelligent glasses are equipped with sonar. That makes it possible for that user sees things like bat sees in the dark. 

That CCD camera can use also infrared frequency. That gives the user the ability to see in the dark. If that data is transmitted to the mobile telephone the support operators see everything. What the user of the system sees.  And of course, intelligent contact lenses can have a microphone that allows also to hear what happens around the user. That system requires advanced nanotechnology. 

But there is the possibility that some models of intelligent glasses or intelligent contact lenses are a small sonar system that allows the user to see like a bat in the dark. 

Intelligent glasses can be equipped with a laser microphone that is using nano-lasers. And those systems can make it possible that a person hears everything that other people are talking about in some rooms. The lasers are multi-use tools. And they can also measure things like air pollution.  The laser sensor that is connected to intelligent glasses can also see if there is some kind of poison in food. 

The "babel translator"

It's possible to create glasses that allow us to read any language. The idea of those "babel glasses" is that at the front of them is a small camera that is reading the letters that the person sees. Then the system drives information to the computer that turns the images of the letters into binary data. In that case, the system will read the data by using miniature cameras. And then it can send it to a portable computer, that resends it to the HUD screen or the electrode that stimulates the cortex. 

Then the system will use the electronic dictionary book and similar technology with the google translation program to change the written texts, that is, for example, written using Japanese to English or some other language. Then that translated text can introduce to the person in intelligent classes or intelligent contact lenses. 

The thing is that the system can translate any language to some other by using English as the medium. The system uses a two-stage translator. First Japanese language will translate into English. And then that language will re-translate to some other more uncommon language like Italia. In the more complicated systems, the system can turn the spoken language into text, and then that system translates texts as I wrote before. If a person wants to discuss other people the system requires microphones. 

And then the microphone will send data to the "speech to text" application. That application can also use wireless WiFi connection with other similar systems. This allows that user can store the normal discussion to text. And that thing helps the person to remember things like working instructions. The "speech to text" application can project the things that other people say to the HUD screen of intelligent glasses or contact lenses. 

There is the possibility that the speech synthesizer will read that text to the person who uses that system. But in the most futuristic version, the glasses that are using the translation system will translate the text to synthetic EEG. Then the electrodes that are connected to the right points of the head will send that synthetic EEG to the Wernicke's and Broca's areas in the cortex. That system can base the intelligent stickers. 


Image: Pinterest


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