Wednesday, August 10, 2022

DNA is the ultimate tool in nanotechnology.


 DNA-based nanostructures are the most powerful element in nanotechnology. DNA self-assembly is making it possible. That those materials can fix themself without outside tools. It's possible to use cells to produce DNA and connect that cell to a nanomachine that pulls this extremely small bioprinter where the controller wants to move it. The DNA molecule can use in the nano-size power looms, and the DNA can use to produce extremely thin and large-size structures. 

The living cells can create the DNA molecules and the nutrient is the thing that determines how much DNA the cell can create. DNA is a multi-use tool. That molecule can transport information. But it can also use as miniature springs between extremely thin material layers. The power-loom can create the DNA layer. And the system can put nano springs between those layers. 

The DNA molecules can form the DNA carpet. That can cover by using graphene bites. But the DNA structure is very strong and elastic without it. That kind of nanomaterial can be the most fundamental thing in history. 


The DNA molecules can use in the next-generation nanotechnology kevlar. 

The structure of the DNA molecule is the spiral helix. That form makes the kevlar so effective in bulletproof materials. The spider cobweb filament is stronger than the kevlar. But the DNA molecules can be an even more powerful tool. The spider's cobweb filament can produce by using the same cells that the spider uses for making that thing. Similarly, the cells can make the DNA molecule. 

The DNA molecule-based structures are making it possible to create materials that can fix themselves. If the DNA carpet faces damage the nanomachines can fix those very easily. Because the DNA-based nanomaterial is like springs that are put in the form of canvas. That material is extremely hard to break. The DNA can connect with other materials which makes them extremely strong. That structure can also create by using DNA self-assembly. And then that system can push even large-scale structures airborne. 


The DNA bites are making it possible to create the nanoscale rotors for the nanomachines.

Image 2: The DNA-based nano rotor. ( Rotors Constructed From DNA – Smallest Flow-Driven Motors in the World)

The DNA bites are making it possible to create the nanoscale rotors for the nanomachines. The DNA bites are acting in the flow-driven system, and they can use to make nano-scale engines and even nano-scale induction engines possible. Those systems can rotate between two magnesite bites. 

Then there could be two bites of magnesite at both ends of the DNA. That system can use in the next-generation generators and engines that are meant for nanomachines. But the fact is that nanomachines are the tools that can make large entireties. And they can to use deliver electricity also in large-size systems. Of course, in those processes, the system requires an enormous number of nanomachines. 

DNA nanostructure can use to levitate large things above the ground. 

Image 3:) An illustration showing how DNA-self-assembling can use to create highly nanostructured 3-D superconducting materials. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory. ( 3D Superconducting Nanostructures With DNA)

The DNA-nanostructure can also use as the nano-scale superconductor. Or nano-scale magnetic levitation system. The system has based on the idea that the 3D DNA-based nanostructure can act like an antenna. That antenna can push large structures above the earth. 

There is a possibility that the levitating system has two fullerene layers and the DNA-antennas are between those layers. Then the system will pull the DNA carpet below the craft or whatever wanted to levitate. That structure can also create by using DNA self assembly. And then that system can push even large-scale structures airborne. 


The DNA can use as the support material in the fullerene tubes. The fullerene tubes can form over the DNA molecule. 

The DNA molecule can transform into superconducting material. DNA-based superconductors can make it possible to create a new type of quantum computer. The superconductors are required for making the solid qubit. The DNA-based superconductors that can operate at room temperature are impressive. DNA origami can use in DNA-based microchips. 

And that kind of thing can revolutionize nanotechnology along with things like aviation. The fullerene nanotubes can use for miniaturized rockets and especially antimatter rockets. The entire layer of the craft can cover by using nanotubes. And the annihilation can happen precisely in certain nanotubes that can make the revolutionizing abilities to change directions and speed. And the fact is nobody knows the limits of nanotechnology.


Image 2:)

Image 3:)

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