"Natural and synthetic embryos side by side with heart and head folds stained in color. Credit: Courtesy of M. Zernicka-Goetz" (ScitechDaily.com/https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-grow-synthetic-mouse-embryo-with-brain-and-beating-heart-from-stem-cells/)
Those synthetic embryos are the most fundamental things in biotechnology ever created. Those embryos had hearts and brains. So this kind of cloning technology can use for creating neurons for people whose brain is injured.
The problem with those neurons is that their memories are gone when they are destroyed. But even the existence of the "spare part" neurons makes it possible to avoid physical damage to the brain structures.
Same way as scientists can clone mice by using stem cells. They can clone humans or any other mammal. Stem cell technology can be the biotechnology of the future.
There is the possibility that before humans are born researchers take a couple of stem cells from each embryo for cryogenic storage. This thing makes it possible that each person has stem cells in a stem cell bank. Those stem cells offer the possibility to give stem cell therapy. Or that technology can use to create spare parts for people whose organs are injured.
The fact is that the DNA of the stem cells can also be stored separately. And nanotechnology allows researchers can change the DNA inside the stem cells. So theoretically if researchers have the DNA in their storage they can use even the stem cells that are taken from mice and change the DNA in the nucleus of that cell. That kind of technology allows the cloning of stem cells.
The human clones are the thing that offers one version of immortality. The person can make a copy of the body and then transfer the memories to that embryo. There is the possibility that the people of tomorrow have the microchip in their nervous system. And then microchips are copying the memories of the person to the internet. Then those memories will transmit to the younger person's brain through the cortex.
That kind of technology can open fantastic and otherwise frightening visions. That thing can give the person some kind of immortality. But it can also make it possible to create clone armies. And in some visions, the clones can also be used to replace people who are injured. Or their death wanted to be hidden. That is one vision for biotechnology, that allows researchers to create spare parts" for people.
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