Sunday, August 28, 2022

The quantum heat pump can theoretically detect dark matter.


"An illustration of the device, which consists of two superconducting circuits: a cold high-frequency circuit (in blue) and a hot low-frequency circuit (in red). Here, the current that flows in the red circuit generates an oscillating magnetic field which leads to the photon-pressure coupling".

"By sending in a strong signal to the blue high-frequency circuit, this one is transformed into an amplifier capable of detecting radio-frequency photons flowing in the red circuit with much higher sensitivity. Credit: Researchers" ( Have Built a Quantum Heat Pump To Detect Dark Matter)


Above this text, you can see a quantum heat pump. That system is based on the idea of two superconducting circuits with different energy levels. And different frequencies. In that image, they are marked with red and blue colors. 

The red one has a higher energy level than the blue circuit. Or actually, the red circuit is a hot low-frequency circuit. And blue is a cold high-frequency circuit. The red superconducting circuit sends the radio waves to the blue circuit. 

And the low-frequency electric impulses turn into high-frequency signals in the blue circuit. That makes the blue circuit more sensitive than the red circuit. 

And the energy level of those two circuits can be calculated extremely accurately. And if the radiowaves or some other parts of those circuits interact with something that is not visible.  that causes an anomaly in the energy level of that system. 

Normally attempts to create interaction between visible and dark matter are basing extremely high-speed particles or magnetic fields. The idea is that fast-moving particle or wave motion can impact the dark matter causing an interaction that is visible in the changes in energy level. 

But there is the possibility that dark matter particles are virtual. That means that they might be some kind of whirls in gravitation waves. Or they can be impacting gravitational waves. 

Is it possible that the dark matter particles cannot interact because they tunnel themselves too strongly so that there is no interaction between material and dark matter? But what is the limit of that tunneling? Would that tunneling happen between the superstrings that are like whisks when they are forming particles? Or can dark matter particles tunnel themselves even through the superstring itself? 

There is also the possibility that particles of dark matter are so small but their energy level or their quantum field is so powerful, that dark matter can simply push superstrings away from their route. 

Or maybe those mysterious things are making holes in the superstrings that are forming particles. The interaction between dark and visible material would prove that the origin of the strange gravitation effect is the particle. 

Images and other sources:

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