Thursday, August 4, 2022

Could super earth host life?

An artist's illustration of the view. From the exoplanet LHS 1140b. That giant orbits an M dwarf star about one-fifth the size of the sun. 

The planet could be a prime target for follow-up studies in the search for life elsewhere in the universe. (Image credit: M. Weiss/CfA )( Alien Planet Is Best Place Yet to Search for Life). 

Water is fairly common in the universe. But the problem is that life needs liquid water. There are some models that in the water droplets of the vapor in the atmosphere of the hot planets can form the RNA molecules. In that case, the water droplets with RNA could be the most primitive organisms that we can imagine. Those hypothetical organisms would be only the RNA bites and organelle in the water droplet that can copy itself. 

The mass of that exoplanet is about 6,6 times Earth, and the size of it is about 1,4 times of Earth. There are calculations that this 6,6 Earth mass is the limit of the mass of the planet. That can host life. 

Super earth of giant rocky planets orbiting very close to red dwarf stars is causing discussions about alien life. There is the possibility some of those super earth have liquid water on their surface. There is the possibility that also yellow stars have super earth. 

Researching those super earth that are orbiting red dwarfs is giving data that can use to make models about the lifeforms of planets that are more similar to Earth. The idea is that life is almost always born in oceans or underwater conditions. 

Even if organisms on planets around red dwarfs remain at primitive level or underwater conditions there is the possibility, that there is a similar planet orbiting some yellow star. And the life forms on that super earth would turn more advanced, creating even civilization. 

And that always causes discussions about the lifeforms that could live on those planets. Those rocky worlds are locked, but vaporizing water from oceans can make those planets' surface temperature low, and freezing night-side of the planet will also lower the surface temperature. So could there be some lifeforms? 

Even if the dry land areas on those planets are hostile to lifeforms. There is a possibility that some kind of alien organisms can live in their oceans. When we are talking about alien life, we must realize that intelligent alien life is a different thing than alien life. There is the possibility. Primitive organisms like bacteria can live on many planets. 

But intelligent aliens are a little bit different thing. They might not be as common as some bacteria or algae. The water worlds or planets that are covered by water layers can host some primitive lifeforms. 

There is one thing that we must realize. That thing is that there could be lifeforms in the oceans. But those lifeforms might not able to rise to drylands. So there could be some algae or even fish-type alien organisms on those planets. 

The water layer protects those animals against the heat of the eruption of the red dwarf. The organisms that live in the alien planet's oceans can exist even close to deadly radiation sources. The water layer is a good protector against the radiation that comes from neutron stars or black holes. 

But the thing is that intelligent lifeforms need some other conditions. In all models technically advanced civilization requires the ability to live and operate in dry lands. All models that are made of alien lifeforms are models. Nobody saw those lifeforms yet. Or there is no concrete evidence that certain planets are hosting life. 

Silurian hypothesis: are aliens visited on Earth? The fact is we don't know. 

There is a so-called "Silurian hypothesis" about the ancient alien visitors to Earth. The evidence of those things is weak. And nobody can say 100% surely are those visitors true or false. And that's why they are under research. Those pieces of evidence are the Egyptian and Mayan artifacts and things like Nazca lines. 

And the artifact on the walls of some cathedrals, along with folk stories like American Indian and Buddhist stories of the blond-hair gods or warriors, give some kind of possibility that some kind of alien visit to Earth is possible. But the "smoking gun" evidence is missing. There is no concrete proof that some nation has alien bodies. Or the existence of those bodies wanted to deny. 

There are a couple of signals like Wow! and BLC1. The origin of the BLC-1 is in the direction of Proxima Centauri. 

The Wow! signal was captured by the "Big Ear" telescope. And the BLC-1 was captured by the Australian Parkes observatory. 

The programmer of the computer forgot to determine which of those two antennas are receiving the transmission. But astronomers calculated the origin of that signal for both antennas. So there are two possible directions where the "Wow! signal" can come. And in another direction is a Sun-like star 3000 light years from us. 

The origin of those signals can be in intelligent civilizations. But the fact is that those signals are captured only once. That makes mystery. There are opinions that the natural source of those signs requires that those signals are repeating or that the chemical compound of those transmitters should be unique. 

The thing is that the "Silurian hypothesis" is one of the versions of the theory that somewhere in our universe is an intelligent civilization. Or in the universe, there must be intelligent civilizations. There are billions of galaxies in the universe and we would be too lucky if we are alone. But how close are those civilizations? 

That thing remains a mystery. Until the first confirmed data transmission comes from another star. And, of course, we must realize that the origin of the data transmission must not necessarily come from endemic species. The source of those signals can be the alien outpost. Or it can be a man-made satellite. Without repeating. The source of those mysterious Wow! and BLC-1 signals remains a mystery.!_signal

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