The shape of gravitation is a wave motion. And because it's wave motion. That thing means that gravitation acts like all other wave motions. So when wave motion impacts particles their effect is similar to when two cars are impacting. When two objects are impacting the kinetic energy transforms to wave motion. The energy or wave motion that begins from the impact point will travel through the object which can be a car, particle, etc.
And then that wave motion continues its movement behind the object. If impacting objects are cars people will hear that wave motion as the sound. When that impact happens at the quantum level the impacting wave motion faces the quantum field that forms the particle. And that quantum field moves backward like jelly. Then the wave motion continues to travel behind the object.
When gravitation hits the nose of the particle the wave motion continues to travel backward of the particle. The reason for that is that energy travels always from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. And that difference between the two energy layers is called the potential difference. When wave motion travels through the quantum system it will deliver or get energy from the quantum system. And that thing causes the material would fall to the gravitational center.
If the distance between begin and end of the object is long. That means that the system reaches a stable condition longer time. Stable condition or energy stability is the situation where begin and end of the track of the wave motion are the same. And that thing means that the energy flow in the system ends.
Can the superstring theory explain why gravitation is so weak?
Superstring theory describes particles as the whisk or yarn ball-looking quantum fields. The superstrings are the wave motion or quantum lightning that form the quantum field.
The whisk-shaped form where superstrings are traveling over the poles makes the particle can have multiple quantum states at the same time. That thing means that every single superstring can have a different energy level or quantum state,
The idea is that the gravitational radiation must travel through the superstring that is like serpentine. The catching area of the radiation is very large, but the problem is that gravitational radiation must travel through that superstring.
When we are thinking about superstring as the paper serpentine the thickness of that paper is not very big. And there is no time to transfer information to the superstring.
So why gravitation is the weakest of all forces?
So why gravitation is the weakest of all forces? The answer might be easier than people ever imagine. The idea is that the wavelength of the gravitation waves is so short that the gravitation will impact the superstring. Because a superstring is extremely thin far thinner than some quarks or even gluons the energy difference between two layers is so small that the wave motion travels through that superstring causing an extremely small potential difference.
The reason why gravitation affects long distances can be that the superstrings are very long. So the area that receives the gravitational wave is so large that it can receive enough gravitational radiation. But the depth of that superstring is so small that the potential difference between the side that is closer to the gravitation source and the side that is away from that source is very small.
The superstring is like some kind of serpentine. The length of that thing can be very long. But the thickness of those papers is so small. The gravitational effect will affect straight through that superstring, not across it. And that means there is so little time to collect energy.
The length of the superstring is very long. And also the width of the superstring can be large. but the thickness of that thing is so small that it makes gravitation weak. So catching area for gravitation would be large, but that radiation has a very short time to tunnel through the superstring. And that time will not give time to transfer information or energy to the superstring,
Wave-particle duality and gravitation.
The gravitation is the wave motion that behaves like all other wave motions. The limit of the speed of gravitational radiation is the speed of light. So gravitation can make whirls, it can reflect.
Wave-particle duality means that the gravitation can also take the shape of the particle and otherwise. And when two very powerful gravitational fields are impacting there is the possibility that those fields are jumping out from each other. In some wild theories, the gravitation can turn even solid if the gravitation field is powerful enough.
Image: Pinterest
See also:
Black holes¨
Gravitational waves
Standard model
Theory of Relativity
Wave motion
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