Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Research uncovered that people with similar faces have similar genomes.

Image: ScitechDaily.com/Characterizing Human Beings on a Molecular Level: People With Similar Faces Likely Have Similar DNA)

There was an article today in ScitechDaily.com. It had a highlight: "Characterizing Human Beings on a Molecular Level: People With Similar Faces Likely Have Similar DNA". Genome researchers are uncovered that the DNA is similar between people who have similar faces. But that kind of research can also use to make models of human faces. In databases are stored the shapes of the faces. 

And the DNA that forms the nose and other details can uncover. By connecting the DNA models the AI can create the image of the person.  In the future, the computer can make the model the faces of humans by using the DNA sample. In the same way, the AI can make the model of human fingerprints by using the DNA image. 

Researchers confirmed that DNA between two persons with identical faces is also similar. So that thing tells that face recognition can use to search for family members of some people. When the computer or the Ai sees enough similarities between the faces of two people it might suggest the DNA confirmation about that thing. 

This thing means that people who are from the same family can be uncovered just by using some social media application and image recognition tool. Faces are a heritable thing and that means people who look like the same can have similar genetic backgrounds. This thing is one of the most fascinating things in history. 

It helps researchers to find bloodlines and families that have some kind of tales about ancient times and maybe some of them uncover things like who is Mona Lisa (I think that woman was the sister of Leonardo da Vinci) or was there some woman as pope? Maybe those tales cannot ever be confirmed. But there is always a possibility...


Image: https://scitechdaily.com/characterizing-human-beings-on-a-molecular-level-people-with-similar-faces-likely-have-similar-dna/

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