Thursday, August 11, 2022

Fast radio pulses or FRBs:s can use to give information about material around galaxies.

Could the short-term WARP bubble be the thing that causes FRB?

The FRB:s (Fast Radio Pulses) are the energy events whose origin is unknown. The phenomenon itself s quite similar to the XRB (X-Ray Burst) or GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst). The energy level of the FRB is lower than XRB and GRB so there is the possibility that some magnetar or neutron star eats the planet or some other thick object when the FRB is forming. 

In some exotic theories, the neutron star will get the extremely high power radio- or some other energy impulse. And maybe the neutron star gets impacted by the GRB.  When that radiation ends the effect is similar to a neutron bomb.

Neutrons of a neutron star send an energy impulse in the form of high-power neutron radiation. That high-power neutron radiation can form the WARP bubble around that neutron star. 

If the GRB or XRB hits to neutron star it causes a similar effect to a neutron bomb. There is the possibility that this kind of thing where neutrons of the neutron star are adjusting to higher energy levels and suddenly release this energy is forming the WARP bubble. And maybe that thing is the key to the mystery called FRB. 

When particles fly inside the WARP bubble their speed could be higher than otherwise. And then they hit to quantum fields of the regular universe. In that process, they send radiation impulses when they slow their speed. 

Could the similar effect that forms neutron radiation in neutron bombs be behind the FRB?

When high-power neutron radiation that comes from the object that is forming of pure neutrons is leaving it will push quantum fields and radiation away from the neutron star. That radiation impulse will form a short-term electromagnetic vacuum around the neutron star.

And the material turns to wave motion faster than otherwise. The radiation and electrons are traveling faster than around the neutron star. Then those particles and wave motion that impacts regular quantum fields are slow and send energy impulse through the universe. 

The FRBs are traveling through the universe and every time those radio waves hit material they adjust atoms to higher energy levels. And when that radio stress ends those atoms are sending radiation when their energy level decreases to base level. So the FRB can use to observe the material in the intergalactic space.

See also 

FRB (Fast Radio Burst)

GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst)


Neutron star


XRB (X-Ray Burst)


Sometimes I think that the names of the XRB (X-Ray Burst) and GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) should turn to FXB (Fast Xray Burst) and GRB should turn to FGB (Fast Gamma-Ray Burst).

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