Sunday, August 14, 2022

Was the Big Bang exist or not?

We should describe the Big Bang as the moment when the material was released into three-dimensional spacetime. Or otherwise saying we should say that during the Big Bang the material took shape, as we know it. The question is where does that material come from?

Of course, it came out from some kind of singularity. But where did that singularity come from? The Big Bang was the beginning of material, but it was not the beginning of space. 

Reality is a form of wave motion that can form particles. And particles can turn to wave motion. This is called wave-particle duality, but wave motion or particles cannot form from nothingness. There are introduced things like multiverse theory and phoenix universe theory. But they do not answer where the first galaxy came from. 

The next part is an oversimplified model of the Big Bang theory. And as you will see there are a lot of weaknesses in that model. Things like collisions of galaxies mean that the distance of every galaxy does not increase. 

Since it was introduced. The Big Bang Theory dominated physics and astronomy along with cosmology.  The theory goes like this. All material and energy in our universe formed in a great explosion called "The Big Bang" and the thing that supports this theory is an expansion of the universe. 

The distance between all galaxies seems to expand. And that thing should prove the existence of the Big Bang. But if we think like this we would think wrong. We would bypass things like collisions of galaxies and other things like the geometrical shape of the universe. 

If we see the shape of the visible universe as the ball where the Big Bang was in the middle of it we would face a situation where galaxies on another side of the universe seem the same size as galaxies near us. 

The thing is that if we would live in the ball-shaped form.  The Big Bang happened in the middle of that ball, and we would see the galaxy that is on another side of that ball. If we want to compare the Big Bang with nuclear explosions. We might think, that there is a great void or some kind of vacuum in the middle of the universe. 

That vacuum or void causes the scattering and quantum fields are not slowing particles like they are doing outside that void. So when light travels through this kind of void. That is similar to Boötes void its trajectory turns. 

When a photon travels through that vacuum or void it loses less energy than it should. Or the energy or wave motion will release only backward to that photon. Energy can travel between quantum systems only if those quantum systems can interact with each other. 

And the Big Bang point would be in the middle of us and that another galaxy. That means that our distance to the point where the Big Bang happened is the same as both galaxies.

The shape of the visible universe seems to be a ball. But there is the possibility that dark matter changes the model of the universe's geometry differently. 

Dark matter is the strange gravitational effect in the universe. There is made lots of work with this material. And some people believe that dark matter is the virtual gravitational effect that is forming because the impacting gravitational waves are rising higher. 

There is the possibility that dark matter is the virtual material that forms this gravitational effect. The virtual gravitational effect could mean that gravitational waves that are impacting each other will rise higher. So that thing causes a similar gravitational effect as so-called real particles. But virtual particles are acting like normal particles. 

Material and wave motion cannot form from emptiness. 

The biggest weakness in the Big Bang theory is where the matter which formed the universe came from. Big Bang was an event that released material and energy to third-dimensional spacetime. So the Big Bang was the event where the energy level of the material reached a certain level. 

Even in the simplest models of the Big Bang Theory material was released in space. So the Big Bang was the event where material reached the energy level that anchors it in the third dimension. In some visions, the giant singularity erupted and released material that formed the universe. But then again, where did that singularity come from? 

In some other versions, the material fell from the fourth dimension and released the electromagnetic pressure wall that formed material in the form as we know it. But that thing requires that there is some kind of wave motion in the third dimension. And that causes a similar question again: where did that wave motion come from? 

Were there other places in space where material fell from the fourth dimension? Falling from the fourth dimension means that material would start to lose energy so fast that the fourth dimension's quantum fields cannot replace it.  In that theory, the dimensions are only energy levels where the size of the particles and their oscillation are different. So that thing makes this material that is at higher energy level unable to interact with lower energy level material. 

The weakness of all models of the beginning of the universe is that they don't answer the question of what was before that mysterious event called the Big Bang. There is the possibility that the crossing wave motion causes an effect called "wave-particle duality". That means impacting wave motion forms quarks and gluons. And then those elementary particles turn into more complicated particles. The problem is where that wave motion came from. 

In some theories, the impacting wave motion turned to the particle. And in total emptiness were no quantum fields that can limit the expansion of that particle or its quantum field.  And that expanding quantum field formed whirls that turned into elementary particles.

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