Saturday, August 13, 2022

The DNA-based superconductors can make trains levitate. And they can also make it possible to create WARP-speed supercomputers.

The superconductors are making UFO technology possible. 

The DNA-based 3D superconductors can use in flat but powerful ion engines. 

The superconducting DNA-based superconductors can use also in the next-generation flat ion engines. Engineers can put those superconductors in two layers. And then the north and south poles of power sources are connected to those layers. Then ions will inject into that system. 

That system accelerates ions to a very high speed. The high voltage makes sure. That the speed of ions increases to very high speed even in the short track.  When those ions hit the air. They form the light flash when they deliver their energy. There is the possibility that the tractor ray or levitation ray can create by using the DNA-based superconductors. 

The system puts DNA on the ground like a carpet. Then the energy will transfer to the DNA rag. And then the ions will start to flow to the bottom of another side of the system. Ion flow can pull even heavy objects airborne.

Or the system can turn the water molecules in the same direction. And high-power magnets can pull even non-metallic objects inside the craft. The water in the target is enough that the magnetic system can pull it inside the hovering craft. 

The DNA-based superconductors are making it possible to create the WARP bubbles that can make it possible to transport information faster than light. The WARP speed super- and quantum computers might break all records in the data processing.  


The magnetic levitation that makes trains levitate can also use for making protective fields around objects. The idea is that incoming objects like a small asteroid or ammunition will load with electricity by using the same polarity as the transmitting antenna. 

That thing allows the system can push incoming objects back. So the same effect that makes magnetic levitation possible will make regular ammunition ineffective. 


DNA-based superconductors are powerful tools. They are nanotechnical components. That is quite easy to produce large numbers by using genetically manipulated cells. The DNA-manipulated cell can create so-called empty DNA there is no genetic code that makes that thing suitable for structures. And the only thing that this system requires is nutrients and engineered cells that are turned into DNA factories. 

The printer can move those cells above the layers and that means the DNA can form the wires for the microcircuit. Those DNA wires can cover by using fullerene nanotubes. And inside those fullerene tubes can be high-pressure conditions that are making it possible to use higher temperatures in that superconducting material. 

But there is the possibility that the DNA-based superconducting nanostructures are making it possible to create a computer that acts faster than the speed of light. The idea is that those fullerene tubes are surrounded by hollow laser or radio rays. Then the system will push quantum fields away from that tube by using a quantum piston that is a radio or laser ray that removes quantum fields inside that tube. 

The hollow maser or laser ray makes quantum fields inside that structure weaker. And that thing makes it possible that data can travel faster than it otherwise travels. The DNA structure can make it possible to create a revolutionary energy source for space probes. 

The superconducting DNA antennas can use to transmit energy wirelessly to aerial vehicles like probes and nanotechnical tools. And those DNA bites can use for creating more advanced radars and radio telescopes. Those systems can be more fundamental than ever imagined. 

The superconducting DNA antenna can make it possible to harvest energy from the radio waves. 

Space is full of energy fields and radio radiation. Radio waves are the electricity that is traveling in space. 

That radiation can use as an energy source. The superconducting DNA antenna can collect energy for the space probes from those radio waves and energy fields. 

The idea is that there is a DNA-producing cell or "DNA factory" in the space probe and that "factory" creates the extremely long superconducting DNA string in space. That superconducting DNA string can operate as the antenna that brings electricity to that space probe. And that kind of system makes it possible for next-generation missions to deep space.

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