Sunday, December 12, 2021

Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials.


Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials.

Above this text is an image that introduces time symmetry. This kind of thing can also use to create the quantum-size black hole. When the energy is pumped to quantum entanglement. There is the possibility that the energy level between those particles rises to the level that forming the quantum-size black hole is possible. 

That thing can use to create the quantum channel or electromagnetic- or even gravitational wormhole (so-called "real" wormhole) between those objects. And those things can use to create a powerful and very effective communication channel for quantum computers and in long-range quantum communication. 

Quantum technology is coming. The difference between the quantum and nanomaterials is the size. Quantum materials are forming far smaller particles than nanomaterials. The idea is that by using wave movement the single atoms or quarks can move from one place to another one. So quantum technology affects subatomic particles or single atoms. 

Nanotechnology is forming of single molecules or atoms. And by using quantum technology that thing can make the parts of nanotechnology more accurate. If we are thinking possibility to make nanostructures. By using acetylene molecules and long carbon molecules. The acetylene molecules can position between carbon molecules, and that thing turns the molecule turn like a ladder. That kind of ladder-looking hydrocarbon molecule can store information. And it can use in the ROM (Read Only Memory)circuits as storing very complicated kernel programs. 

That thing can act as the frame for quantum machines. The thing is that quantum microchips and other things require extremely small systems. The ability to make the quantum entanglements means that single atoms or ions can locate precisely in the right position. 

But that kind of system requires extremely high accuracy. And one of the systems that require high accuracy positioning is quantum computers. In that system the electrons or photons that are put to superposition transmit data. The electron can position to WARP-bubble by loading it with a high power energy load. And that thing makes it travel faster than other ways. Another thing that makes quantum-size WARP-bubble an interesting, tool is that it allows full control of those qubits. 

Quantum entanglement has an effect over time. This thing makes that effect extremely interesting. There is a possibility to affect quantum entanglement by stressing it with high-accurate energy loads. In that case, the energy load will target the ends of quantum entanglement.

Or energy load will position to the energy channel between that superposition and entangled particle pair. The thing is that superpositioned and entangled particles can bring information to the observer faster than if the information is coming through the air. 

This kind of system is making it possible to move single photons or electrons on the layers. In the quantum world, the layer can be physical or it can be the electromagnetic field where the particles are hovering above the EM-field.


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