Thursday, December 16, 2021

Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.


 Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.

The "barren plateaus" trap is one of the most cutting edge things in computing sciences. The precise data handling is working perfectly in a closed and very unilateral environment. But in the open environment, fuzzy logic is a more effective tool. 

And the power of fuzzy logic increases whenever the environment is turning larger and the data is turning more versatile. Fuzzy logic is in the key role for handling non-sorted data mass that is collected from the natural and chaotic environment. 

Have you imagined the situation that you go to the flat, where everything is in a certain order? You can't find anything from there, and then some other person comes in. That person finds everything that is needed less than the second. 

You cannot ever find anything faster than that person because that person knows everything in that room. The person knows every single nail in that flat. And that thing makes an impression.  But the prime question is does that person know anything else?

Does that person ever go outside? We can say that if the person would stay all the time at the same flat that person knows everything that is in the flat. There is no other information than the information about things that are necessary for finding things from a closed environment. 

That person would, of course, look outside sometimes, but the information that person gets is limited. There might be a car in the front of the house. But the person would not know why the car is at the front of the house. 

The limited environment is taking us to the "barren plateaus" trap. The person who lives in a closed environment seems to be wiser and more intelligent than a person who lives in an open environment. 

When the person who lives in an open environment comes into a strange space, that person must search for everything. The person who lives in that closed space must only remember where things are put. And then pick them from those places. 

In closed and very limited space everything can have certain and precise orders. But if the environment is very wide and the data is very versatile. The answer to the problems is fuzzy logic. 

In a closed environment, the person might make notes. And read where things are left. But if we are in an open environment making precise notes for things where we left something is impossible. Or those notes must be very large and that means they turn uncomfortable. 

If the person who is operating in an open environment wants to use precise logic. The person must read all notes all the time. For finding the answer to the question, where that person left for example the screwdriver? 

So the precise logic is not a practical thing for an open environment. The person must turn to use the different types of notes. That person can use multiple memo books where is marked places where is used certain tools. If we want to keep memos by sorting them by place. 

There is the possibility that we forget to put them there if we use the screwdriver. Or if we want to sort data by using places we must always read every single line in every notebook. And hope that if there is a marked screwdriver.  

But what if we sort those memos by using the name of the tools that make it possible to find the individual tool more easily. The most effective thing is to use different memo books for each tool. 

And the data is sorted by the name of the tool. When we want to find the screwdriver we must just take the memo book where is word "screwdriver". We can find the place. Where did we use that tool the last time? The searcher should find it on the last page. 

If there is a mark that the screwdriver is taken for use. But it is not returned which means that the screwdriver probably found that place. And the exact place where the searcher can find that tool. Will be found from the work order. This thing is called fuzzy logic. In computing, those notebooks are the tables of the databases.

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