Monday, December 6, 2021

Researchers created chewing gum which protein will trap COVID-19.


 Researchers created chewing gum which protein will trap COVID-19.

This kind of innovation is very nice and interesting. The same technology can use to create medicines against other viruses. So that thing offers very good protection against viruses if their core proteins or proteins that transfer their genomes to cells are known. 

This kind of thing can be the golden horn for the medical industry that tries to create medicines against viruses that are more lethal than COVID-19. There is also the possibility that researchers will increase vaccines in the structure of chewing gum. The thing is that vaccination is the most effective way to protect against viruses. 

Of course, there are always cases that viruses are passing the immune defense. Or in some other cases, the vaccine causes blood clots. Sometimes the thing that causes the blood clots is the physical exercise that starts too soon. But the thing is that the immune system is the most effective way to fight against those viruses. 

Those antiviral medicals are still at the research level.  Creating medicals against viruses is quite a new thing. 

Every single virus needs its special antivirus medicals. And the fact is that those medicals can cause complications. And getting viruses is always a bigger chance to get a deadly or bad virus infection than hospitalization because of the complications of the vaccines. 

But then we are facing one very interesting part of the virus research. Sometimes researchers are increasing the virus's ability to infect cells. Or turn dangerous viruses more dangerous. And that technology is causing critics. The vaccine and medical research need the viruses that can produce proteins that are trapping or destroying the genetic material of the viruses. 

Some of the antiviral medicals are produced biologically. That means the cell cultures are infected with the virus. And then the immune cells are starting to create antibodies against those viruses. After that those antibodies can collect. Or the immune cells can be cloned. Sometimes in those processes is used genetically engineered viruses. That are producing different viruses. 

This thing causes thought that. Could the "Omicron" variant the virus that is escaped from the laboratory? If there are tested new vaccines. There is the possibility that some viruses are accidentally infected personnel that is working. 

So that means the COVID-19 or some of its variants accidentally released in vaccine research. The problem with genetically engineered viruses is that researchers can use the same technology in biological weapon research.

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