Monday, December 13, 2021

The disinformation about things like the coronavirus spreads in the net.


 The disinformation about things like the coronavirus spreads in the net.

The question of why people believe disinformation is that disinformation is pleasing them. Another reason is that people are looking for social relations with people who are similar to them. And the information that is shared on social media is coming from people who we want to please. And those people please us.

So we are not saying that person shares information that is not relevant because we were afraid to lose somebody that might seem important to us. If our friends are sharing the disinformation. We might not dare to resist the hoax information.

Or say that information is not correct or the shared information might be dangerous. The reason for that is we are afraid to hurt somebody in our social network. If some people who we use to think like an authority or who is the central person in our social network are sharing disinformation, we might want to obey that person. That means we might follow that person even if we know that is wrong. 

1) Misinformation means "not correct" or false information. That is not shared in purpose. 

2) Disinformation means the information that is shared in purpose. That purpose might hurt or damage the trust of the authorities. 

Another name for that kind of campaign is propaganda. The military term for that kind of action is PSY-OP or Psychological Operation. 

The most important targets for disinformation are people who are in influential positions. And one of the groups where the disinformation is targeted is journalists. If journalists are affected the information that is shared will turn more powerful. People trust the media and if somebody cheats the reporter that will turn information more powerful. 

The normal way to resist vaccines is to criticize them. Critical attitude means of course the denial attitude. A critical attitude means that person is investigating the background. But in the disinformation campaign, the criticism means that person is against some things like vaccines. In the same way, critical attitude against the refugees and foreigners is turned to denial attitude in the public language. 

So how do we recognize is something disinformation? One version of that thing is that only negative things are collected in the article. I use the term "article" also for texts. Those are written on social media.  

We might analyze who is the person or actor, who is benefits the case that somebody doesn't take vaccines? The person who benefits from the action is often behind that thing.  The thing is that some vaccines are denying also the use of biological weapons. But that thing might not the reason why somebody is resisting the vaccines. 

If the person is vaccinated there is also impossible to die because of some illnesses. That means the vaccines are protecting people, but they also deny lies like being home in flu when a person has a hangover. 

One of the things that can use as the mark for disinformation is that the article or disinformation is driven by using humor or there are some other things like mentions of mental illness of the writer. Things like schizophrenia have not connected with the things like Game theory. 

But for some reason, the creator of the Game theory John Nash is always mentioned as being schizophrenic. 

When I read books about Game Theory there is one remarkable detail. In those texts is mentioned that Nash has that syndrome. So what the schizophrenia has to do with a thing called the Game Theory? Are those people estimating the Game Theory? Or are they estimating the mental condition of John Nash? That is a very interesting detail about writings of the Game Theory. 

Or the article is written in the spirit that something like a denial of vaccines is somehow "cool". Those texts are also appealed to the vanity of people. "Why I must take vaccines"? 

Other people are taking them, but why should I"? I have the right to say "no", and who cares about the hospital places that are reserved for me"? The corona-passes show that the person is taken the vaccines. But the deliverer of the disinformation appeals to selfishness and vanity. 

If we believe those people we should think like this: other people should sit inside. And all things must be closed because somebody doesn't want to take vaccines.

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