Friday, December 24, 2021

Could atomic copper and iron in brains cause the Altzheimer?

 Could atomic copper and iron in brains cause the Altzheimer?

Researchers are found atomic iron and copper in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. In an electrolytic environment, the iron and copper nanoparticles form electricity. When we are talking about the things that are causing Altzheimer's disease there can be many things that are destroying myelin cells. 

In some cases, the plaque that is created by caries bacteria can simply cover the outer layer of the myelin cells. Or it can close the ion pumps of the cells. And that thing can deny the nutrient from the cells. In the cases that there is galvanic pair inside the living cells. Electricity that thing creates can burn the cell. The electrolysis that this thing creates can disturb the electrolytic balance in those cells. 

That thing can be one of the answers to the question of what causes this terrifying memory illness? The reason why Alzheimer's patient loses memory is that the axons of the neurons are lost their myelin tube. And that destroys brains. 

There is observed plaque between the synopsis of the neurons. The source for that plaque is mentioned the caries bacteria. If caries bacteria are released in the blood it can create plaque between the synopsis that are the holes between neurons. Because there is plaque the neurotransmitter doesn't travel through that hole. The plaque is acting as an insulator. But what causes the situation where the bacteria can put plaque between neurons?

And the answer could be in those copper and iron atoms that are formed in the neurons. And they are transferred to the myelin cells when they are trying to remove the harmful nanoparticles. 

Those nanoparticles are acting like the small battery in the cell. And that thing has a disturbing effect on the electrolytic liquids and especially on ion pumps of the cells. Sometimes those nanoparticles can simply burn cells or their mitochondria. 

Those elements are forming galvanic pairs in the cells. And they are creating electricity.  That electricity cause a situation that enzymes are not working right in the cells. And if that situation continues too long.  The electricity that those elements are creating effects also to ion pumps of the cells. 

Maybe those iron and copper bites are traveling in the ion pumps of the myelin cells. And that thing destroys those cells. The thing is that the destruction of myelin is causing Alzheimer's disease.

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