Sunday, December 5, 2021

By the way, how to solve the quadratic algorithm?


 By the way, how to solve the quadratic algorithm?

The most common mistake is just trying to combine the formula that is under the square root mark. The square root is marked in this text as the "sqrt". That is the C++ mark for square root. Forgetting the brackets is fatal in this kind of calculations. So solving this mystery formula happens like this:


That is how the numbers must be input in pocket calculators:

     -b + sqrt (b^2-4ac)=ANS and then ANS/2a

     -b - sqrt( b^2-4ac)=ANS and then ANS/2a

      -b + sqrt(b^2-4ac)



 Using pocket calculator:   

-b + sqrt (b^2-4ac)=ANS and then ANS/2a






Using a pocket calculator:

-b - sqrt (b^2-4ac)=ANS and then ANS/2a

The terms below the square root can mark like this:

-b + (sqrt b^2- sqrt(4ac) The calculation is:      -b+(sqrt b^2- sqrt(4ac)




-b - (sqrt b^2- sqrt(4ac) The calculation is:           -b-(sqrt b^2- sqrt(4ac)



The sqrt is the square root. And don´t forget brackets.


And the most common mistake is that the person tries to calculate the calculations at both sides of the minus mark as the entirety. Or they simply forget to take the square root from both sides of the marks that are below the square root. 

So marking both of the parts under the square root mark by using their square root mark is making it simple to understand the idea of the quadratic algorithm. Combining those terms is not possible because there is a "minus" mark between them. Both of the numbers that are below the square root must calculate separately.

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