Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Could planet 9 be some radiation phenomenon?


 Could planet 9 be some radiation phenomenon?

Could some kind of electromagnetic pulse be the thing that causes the effect called "Planet 9"?

The position of planet Uranus is weird. And that position has caused that planet Uranus to be the weirdest planet in our solar system. Uranus seems to have fallen. And sometimes the suspicion of that thing is being the gravitational effect of some unknown planet or object. The thing is that this effect must happen a very long time ago. 

The atmosphere of Uranus is mainly hydrogen and helium. The long-term gravitational effect could pull that atmosphere away. So if some gravitational effect has fallen Uranus that thing should be the result of the flyby of the massive object. 

And that thing along with a very interesting anomaly in the trajectory of the planet Neptune is caused that there is the prediction about the existence of "Planet 9" the mysterious object or phenomenon that causes those things. Sometimes is introduced that Planet 9 could be the black hole. But the question is why that thing doesn't cause denser areas in Kuiper Belt. 

Another thing that makes Uranus interesting is that this planet has a ring system that is pointed to the Sun. The thing is, those particles should fly away from that planet because the sunlight affects them all the time. Another thing that makes those rings interesting is that they are not connected in the Van Allen area or plasma ring of Uranus. The magnetic poles of Uranus are traveling all the time. And that means the magnetic field of that planet is scooping around the universe. 


Rings of Uranus in fiction. And futuristic technology. 

The scooping magnetic field of Uranus is giving an idea to the antimatter creation system.  A high-power magnetic field pulls electrons through the gold layer. That magnetic field will create by using superconducting magnets.

Sometimes there is told that the rings of Uranus are giving an idea to the solar rings or in some fictionary books those rings would be the solar panels of aliens. 

Or in the future. In the place of those rings will position the system that turns  X-rays into energy.  But the fact is that those rings are mysterious. 


Sometimes is introduced that mysterious X-ray flares in the atmosphere of Uranus. Are caused by that scooping magnetic field. 

The magnetic field would pull the electrons to the atmosphere. And that thing can cause mysterious X-ray flares. 

The gravitational field of Uranus is not very strong. It's similar to the gravity of the Earth. And deep inside the atmosphere of that extremely cold planet is a solid object that is Earth-size. So the rings cannot be anchored to the point of the equator only because of gravitation. 

The thing is that there are some suspicions that those mysterious X-ray flares can be the key to the mystery of Planet 9. What if the static ion or particle beams are hitting Uranus and Neptune? There is the possibility that there is some kind of "static GRB" (Gamma-Ray Burst) or burst of some other frequent electromagnetic radiation hitting Uranus and Neptune. There is no evidence about this kind of thing. 

If there is a black hole in a certain position in our solar system. The black hole may accelerate electrons and other particles to the parabolic or half-elliptic trajectory. That thing makes those particles send Gamma- or X-ray pulses. 

That can affect the planets. That radiation makes the atoms in the higher atmosphere of planets anneal. And that thing turns them into rocket engines that can even fall the entire planet.

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