The most extreme exoplanet has been found near Beta Centauri.
"This artist’s impression shows a close-up of the planet b Centauri b, which orbits a binary system with mass at least six times that of the Sun. This is the most massive and hottest planet-hosting star system found to date. The planet is ten times as massive as Jupiter and orbits the two-star system at 100 times the distance Jupiter orbits the Sun. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (
The Beta Centauri is the second brightest star in the Centauri constellation. The brightest star of that constellation is Alpha Centauri.
The Beta Centauri (Beta Cent or Hadar) is a two-star system that has at least three components two stars and one planet. The members of this system are Beta Centauri Aa, Beta Centauri Ab, and Beta Centauri B. There is only one member of this system Beta Centauri A which has confirmed spectral type.
That bight Beta Centauri Aa has a spectral class B1 III. And that means the star is extremely bright. That brightness will make the Beta Centauri B disappear. The exoplanet that orbits in this system is so-called hot Jupiter. The observation is made by using ESO (European Southern Observatory). And that is the first case, where an exoplanet is found near extremely bright stars.
The strong X-ray emission from the atmosphere of an exoplanet is the thing that uncovers the existence of Beta Centauri Bb. Which orbits the Beta Centauri 100 times more distant than Jupiter orbits the Sun.
This means also exoplanets are forming X-ray emissions. The exoplanets that are orbiting bright stars are in the situation, that the high-energy electrons and ions are impacting their atmosphere. And that thing makes the exoplanets visible in X-ray images.
The new exoplanet Beta Centauri Bb Is an example that also bright double stars. Or stars, where are multiple members in the system, can have planets. The planet of Beta Centauri is extremely hostile to lifeforms, but it's the evidence that also other than lone stars can have planetary systems.
The thing is that the exoplanets are very interesting targets for astronomers. They can have lifeforms and maybe someday astronomers can find the intelligent alien species on those planets. The thing is that there is the possibility that the Beta Centauri Bb is not formed in the system of Beta Centauri. It could be a rogue planet that is trapped in the gravity field of Beta Centauri.
This image shows the most massive planet-hosting star pair to date, b Centaur
"This image shows the most massive planet-hosting star pair to date, b Centauri, and its giant planet b Centauri b. This is the first time astronomers have directly observed a planet orbiting a star pair this massive and hot. The star pair, which has a total mass of at least six times that of the Sun, is the bright object in the top left corner of the image, the bright and dark rings around it being optical artifacts".
"The planet, visible as a bright dot in the lower right of the frame, is ten times as massive as Jupiter and orbits the pair at 100 times the distance Jupiter orbits the Sun. The other bright dot in the image (top right.) Is a background star. By taking different images at different times, astronomers were able to distinguish the planet from the background stars"
"The image captured by the SPHERE instrument. On ESO’s Very Large Telescope and using a coronagraph. Which blocked the light from the massive star system and allowed astronomers to detect the faint planet. Credit: ESO/Janson et al.(
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