The new camera is size as salt grain.
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The new camera is small as salt grain. And that is the great victory of nanotechnology. That kind of extremely small camera can give eyes to the nanomachines that can operate inside human veins. That kind of small-size camera can connect with other nanotechnologies like nanomachines and nano-size microchips.
The ability to connect that kind of camera with nano-size submarines can make those systems extremely capable. The nano-cameras can make it possible to remove blocks from veins or destroy tumors and bacteria nests by using extreme accuracy. The nano-camera can connect with the nano-size microchips that are controlling cyborg bugs. In some visions, the remote-controlled army ants can remove sick tissue from the skin.
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The thing is that operators can also use this kind of system can also for military and intelligence operations.
The remote-controlled bugs are also good tools for recon and other types of operations. Using the nano-camera operator can control that system accurately. And the thing that system can fly in the rooms by riding with some bug. Then that bug can put that miniature camera in a suitable place. The nano-camera can see everything that happens in the room.
And also that nano-size microchips can communicate with larger computers by using relay stations. That means the system can outsource things like image-recognition tools.
The biorobots can be the next-generation tools for the military. They can use to transfer microbes to the oil storage. Or things like remote-controlled mosquitos can infect people with malaria or dengue fever. Those new type of biological weapons is very hard to detect. The control chip that controls cyborg organisms could connect with a small injector that can turn also non-harmful things like grasshoppers into bioweapons.
Things like soldier ants are dangerous even to humans. The remote control system can turn them to perfect assassinators. In some horror scenarios, that kind of ant can cut carotids. Or the Tse-Tse-flies that are infected with malaria can make to bite people. That means the nanotechnical systems are dangerous in the wrong hands.
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