Friday, December 31, 2021

Can machines predict the future?


 Can machines predict the future? 

In the beginning, I must say that the world is changing. The great mathematicians like Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) had not had quantum computers. 

And maybe quantum computers are allowing us to create the calculations that are making it possible to predict the behavior of human society. But there is the possibility that those systems could predict the behavior of a single person. 

Can we predict the future of material?

When we are thinking about the shape of the universe and material. The behavior of material should follow a certain formula. Making predictions of the things that are going to happen. Seem the easiest thing in the world. We should know the trajectories of the particles and objects very well. The problem is that the universe is full of wildcards like supernovas and other things like gravitational waves that might have a bigger influence than nobody predicted. 

If we are thinking about things like electrons. Those are monopolar particles but they can connect in one entirety by using quantum gravitation. Those quanta gravitational connections might be extremely weak. And the gravitational waves can cause that the electron structure will blow away. There is also another way to connect electrons with other electrons than quantum gravitation. And that thing might be even more sensitive. 

The electron is a particle that has multiple poles. And if two electrons would position that the main pulling effect of the poles are between the poles of another electron that thing can make it possible to create electron chains. But if something pushes that object that causes that the poles of electrons are pointing to each other. That causes that electrons would start to repel each other. 

The answer to the questions is why we cannot predict the movements of the particles. Is that we cannot predict supernovas. And other highly energetic reactions like impacts of black holes. The missing parts of the universe. Are making it impossible to predict. What would be the end of the Universe? Those missing parts are dark matter and actually, we don't know even how many black holes are in the universe. 

There is the possibility that in the black holes is a large mass of material of the universe. The fact is that the only known common phenomenon between dark and visible material is a black hole. Theoretically is possible that dark matter forms a black hole. Suddenly in the middle of some solar system. But nobody has seen dark matter yet and that is the hypothesis. 


Can AI predict the future?

The idea of the mathematical method. For predicting how gas is moving in certain conditions created Ludwig Boltzmann. His formulas are introducing very well how the large gas masses are behaving. But the problem is to calculate the position of the single gas atom in the space. Calculations are made by using the Boltzmann constant gives more accurate answers when the gas mass is higher. 

The thing is that quantum computers are making thermodynamical calculations more accurate. So maybe we can try to calculate the position of a single gas molecule very accurately by using quantum computers. 

So somebody introduced an idea that maybe those calculations are made for thermodynamics. Can benefit from predicting the future of society. The problem in society is the human effect. But humans can also be thought of as atoms and particles. Predicting the behavior of one person is not possible. But predicting the behavior of great entirety is possible. 

The ability to predict the future is one of the most interesting things in the world. Theoretically, a thing called "Psychohistory" which introduced in the fictional novel series "The Foundation" by Isac Asimov. Is possible to make. 

Artificial intelligence can find all data that predicted some upheavals in history. Then the artificial intelligence can search the similar markings in the environment. And that thing can give warning that something will happen again. 

So could we deny something bad happening again? The thing is that we can analyze the society that made something happen. We can search for things that made people support leaders and try to remove or replace that thing from society. 


Black swans and wild cards are making predictions of the future difficult. 

But if we want to create predictions of the things that are happening to human civilization. We are facing too many wild cards and black swans. 

Black Swans are the effects that happen only once and they have a great influence on the entirety. Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduced that term. And that term Blac Swan means extremely extraordinary but still existing possibility. And one of the best examples of that kind of effect was the 9.11.2001 terror attack. That single thing caused effects that still influence global politics. 

Another thing is wild cards. The most effective wild card is the internet. Things like social media and other things are not predicted things. The internet is like the string where is hanging all the time new services and other kinds of things. So the internet offers the term "wild wire". It's like the wire that connects multiple things. 

The internet is the instrument that makes it possible to create new services and new systems even without budgets. Computer program codes and technical manuals are easy to find if a person knows where to look for them. At this moment nobody controls the development of Artificial intelligence. 

So fast that nobody can imagine or respond to that thing. The information is free on the Internet. That means the development of new technology is free. And R&D (Research and Development) precesses are turning self-controlled. The computers are cheap and every flat has an internet connection. So everybody can make what they want on the Internet.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

China has increased its ECM power near its borders.


 China has increased its ECM power near its borders.

China increased its ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure) systems at artificial islands near its borders. The fixed countermeasure stations can deny the use of most modern US weapons. But the more interesting things are details that the Chinese are kept away from people. China has developed many new weapon systems. And there is almost certainly the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons). 

The problem is that those EM stations are on-ground stations. And that means. There could be even a megawatt-class microwave or radio system in those stations. The powerful radio waves can cause the synthetic EMP-pulse that destroys the computers. 

The countermeasure stations can cut the communication links that are integrated ground, sea, and airborne troops in one entirety. Those communication links are playing a vital role in communication between satellites and US systems. If the communication between troops is not working the main tactics of the US are useless. 

That thing can cause at least problems for troops. But another thing is that. The real power of those systems depends on the power and type of those countermeasure systems. The high-power microwave and radio systems can even kill people if they are targeting their radiation to a certain point. Even the low-power electric arcs are dangerous. But high-power militarized systems are even worse.

Crossing high-power radiowaves can form destructive electric arcs which temperature is high enough to melt steel. If the system uses turning transmitting antennas. The crew can aim the electric arc exactly where operators want. 

And those systems are destructive also for other things than some computers. Electric arcs are easy to create by using crossing radio waves. Can start the fire, detonate ammunition and burn fuel storage. 

The high-power electric arc simply detonates targets by causing heat expansions. Thre is planned to use crossing radio waves as weapons. And if those radio waves are hitting humans that causes the shockwave in the body. The internal burn injuries might not be seen outside and they can also be deadly. But the powerful electric arc simply detonates the victim. 

The gound-based counter-measure systems can be very powerful. The power of those radio-and microwave systems can be even megawatts. And that means they can melt metals. This type of powerful electromagnetic system can destroy targets. The microwaves are hitting living cells can also cause the situation that liquids in cells are starting to vaporize.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Could atomic copper and iron in brains cause the Altzheimer?

 Could atomic copper and iron in brains cause the Altzheimer?

Researchers are found atomic iron and copper in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. In an electrolytic environment, the iron and copper nanoparticles form electricity. When we are talking about the things that are causing Altzheimer's disease there can be many things that are destroying myelin cells. 

In some cases, the plaque that is created by caries bacteria can simply cover the outer layer of the myelin cells. Or it can close the ion pumps of the cells. And that thing can deny the nutrient from the cells. In the cases that there is galvanic pair inside the living cells. Electricity that thing creates can burn the cell. The electrolysis that this thing creates can disturb the electrolytic balance in those cells. 

That thing can be one of the answers to the question of what causes this terrifying memory illness? The reason why Alzheimer's patient loses memory is that the axons of the neurons are lost their myelin tube. And that destroys brains. 

There is observed plaque between the synopsis of the neurons. The source for that plaque is mentioned the caries bacteria. If caries bacteria are released in the blood it can create plaque between the synopsis that are the holes between neurons. Because there is plaque the neurotransmitter doesn't travel through that hole. The plaque is acting as an insulator. But what causes the situation where the bacteria can put plaque between neurons?

And the answer could be in those copper and iron atoms that are formed in the neurons. And they are transferred to the myelin cells when they are trying to remove the harmful nanoparticles. 

Those nanoparticles are acting like the small battery in the cell. And that thing has a disturbing effect on the electrolytic liquids and especially on ion pumps of the cells. Sometimes those nanoparticles can simply burn cells or their mitochondria. 

Those elements are forming galvanic pairs in the cells. And they are creating electricity.  That electricity cause a situation that enzymes are not working right in the cells. And if that situation continues too long.  The electricity that those elements are creating effects also to ion pumps of the cells. 

Maybe those iron and copper bites are traveling in the ion pumps of the myelin cells. And that thing destroys those cells. The thing is that the destruction of myelin is causing Alzheimer's disease.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Juno probe captured eerie sounds from the Jupiter Moon Ganymede.


 The Juno probe captured eerie sounds from the Jupiter Moon Ganymede.

Above: Ganymede moon imaged by Juno probe in 2021 (Wikipedia/Ganymede (moon))

The radars and new laser altimeters are multipurpose tools. Those systems can use to measure distances between the objects. They can measure the depth of the oceans. And they can turn to laser-and radar microphones that can capture sounds from other planets and moons of our solar system. 

The moving ice above the oceans of the icy moons and the tidal waves inside those moons are causing eerie and interesting sounds. That kind of sound can hear by using remote microphones. 

The thing is that the "water magma" below icy moons is causing the situation that the location of the possible Jupiter base must re-estimate. The icy cores of those moons can break. And tidal forces of the giant planet are causing the situation that the water flow below the ice core is very high. 

The sensors of the Juno spacecraft are very versatile, and also things like impacting ions to the ice moon are causing sound effects. The magnetic field of Ganymede can be the source for some of those eerie sounds. The Ganymede is the only known moon in our solar system. That has stable magnetic fields.

Juno made this record  during Ganymede flyby

The ocean itself offers good protection against the radiation of Jupiter. It also offers water for drink and plantages. Also, water is a good tool for propellant for conventional and electrostatic engines. In electrostatic engines, electromagnetic radiation replaces normal combustion. In "conventional" electrostatic engines. An electric arc vaporizes the propellant, which expands. And that expansion is forming a thrust. 

The water itself can use as a propellant in microwave or laser engines. In microwave rockets, the microwaves vaporize some other materials like liquid hydrogen or water or even some metals like quicksilver. And that vapor is the thing that pushes the craft forward. Same way laser can turn water to vapor, and that expansion replaces the burning in the rocket combustion chamber. 

But the eerie sounds and possible primitive lifeforms are causing a dangerous situation. The human mind would start acting quite differently if those astronauts are at the place, where returning takes many years. And the noise that the water flow and moving ice core are causing is very stressful.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Proxima Centauri Signal decoded.


 The Proxima Centauri Signal decoded. And the only interesting thing is why that signal is unique?

So the signal from Proxima Centauri is analyzed and the broken computer caused that thing. And this is one of the best examples of how people can be wrong. People who are trying to decode signals are using lots of time for those things. And the other people can say that "they should know that this was not another civilization". 

And I would be surprised if that thing would be the signal from another civilization. The thing that is interesting with Proxima Centauri B and C is why that planet was confirmed so late. Many more distant exoplanets were confirmed a long time ago. 

Sorry boys, I must tell you that this kind of thing is a very interesting way to see things. The thing is that we must use sources that are given to the public audience. So there might be mistakes until the source of the signal is confirmed. 

The thing that makes Proxima signal interesting is that the Proxima Centauri is not the habitable solar system. The thing is that even the best of the boys are making mistakes. And if people are not make anything that means there is hard to make mistakes. But projects are not advancing either. 

The electromagnetic spectrum


So what makes those signals interesting? The thing is that those things like Wow! and BLC-1 are unique. 

There are also cases that the broken microwave ovens caused the false alarms of alien signals? Why do radio spectrometers not detect the similarities with the Earth's atmosphere and the signals which source is in microwave ovens?  

Why did radio spectrometers not detect that the microwave ovens were stressed air molecules? Or why does nobody use radio spectrometers for analyzing those signals? The radio telescopes are not detecting microwaves. They are detecting radio waves. 

The microwave ovens can detect by annealing of air atoms. The microwaves are stressing the air atoms and they are sending radiation with the frequencies that are causing the radio transmission with the frequencies of nitrogen and oxygen. 

The same way the metals that can send this kind of emission radiation send the radiation with the frequency of such metal. So if the source of the radio waves is the broken microprocessor there must be the sign of the gold. And another thing is that the width of the electric wires would give the fingerprint for the radio frequency. So why the most powerful and effective systems didn't recognize those marks in the radio spectrum? 

And also the system should, of course, detect the emission of the gas of the Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri would also leave its fingerprints on the radio spectrum of the BLC-1. 


1) Why those very expensive antennas and computers couldn't measure that this signal came from the broken computers? Why is that thing tracked to space?

None of the stars would erupt only once. That means there should be repeatings in that kind of signal. 

2) Why that kind of message has not been detected before and after the Proxima signal? Why that signal is unique? The broken electric equipment causes always some kind of electromagnetic fields. But the world is full of broken computers. 

And that thing means that there should be other cases about this kind of signal. None of the normal electric equipment is unique. They would always send signals that are similar to others. 

3) The broken microwave ovens cannot detect straight by using equipment that detects the radio waves. The things that cause the radio waves are the atoms of the atmosphere and the radio spectrometer should notice that the elementary signature of the radio waves matches with Earth's atmosphere. 

That they would send unique signals this thing means that those systems must have so-called unique components. Same way things like microwave ovens should send always similar waves. 

The radio telescopes would not observe microwaves. The thing that causes that broken microwave ovens would cause radio disturbing is that the microwaves are stressing air molecules. Then those molecules are sending the radiation. But that radiation would detect in the wavelengths that are coming from the nitrogen and oxygen atoms. 

So the radio spectrometer would notice that the microwave ovens are causing some radio transmissions. The reason is that this emission radiation would be sent by oxygen and nitrogen atoms. That means the radiation spectrum of those radio waves should have a match the atmosphere of the Earth.

The new camera is size as salt grain.


The new camera is size as salt grain.

Image 1:

The new camera is small as salt grain. And that is the great victory of nanotechnology. That kind of extremely small camera can give eyes to the nanomachines that can operate inside human veins. That kind of small-size camera can connect with other nanotechnologies like nanomachines and nano-size microchips. 

The ability to connect that kind of camera with nano-size submarines can make those systems extremely capable. The nano-cameras can make it possible to remove blocks from veins or destroy tumors and bacteria nests by using extreme accuracy. The nano-camera can connect with the nano-size microchips that are controlling cyborg bugs. In some visions, the remote-controlled army ants can remove sick tissue from the skin. 

Image 2:

The thing is that operators can also use this kind of system can also for military and intelligence operations. 

The remote-controlled bugs are also good tools for recon and other types of operations. Using the nano-camera operator can control that system accurately. And the thing that system can fly in the rooms by riding with some bug. Then that bug can put that miniature camera in a suitable place. The nano-camera can see everything that happens in the room. 

And also that nano-size microchips can communicate with larger computers by using relay stations. That means the system can outsource things like image-recognition tools. 

The biorobots can be the next-generation tools for the military. They can use to transfer microbes to the oil storage. Or things like remote-controlled mosquitos can infect people with malaria or dengue fever. Those new type of biological weapons is very hard to detect. The control chip that controls cyborg organisms could connect with a small injector that can turn also non-harmful things like grasshoppers into bioweapons. 

Things like soldier ants are dangerous even to humans. The remote control system can turn them to perfect assassinators. In some horror scenarios, that kind of ant can cut carotids. Or the Tse-Tse-flies that are infected with malaria can make to bite people. That means the nanotechnical systems are dangerous in the wrong hands.

Image 1:

Image 2:

What makes populists so popular?


 What makes populists so popular?

If we are thinking the politics there is always the possibility. That the politician will start to follow some very noisy. But a small marginal group. The small marginal groups are many times boosting their agenda with weapons. And that is the reason why I should put the image of R-4 carbine at the top of this text. Guns are the things that guarantee publicity. And those things also guarantee authority for the people who carry them. But in this case, I will not put the image of the weapon in that place. 

The reason for that is he tells people what they want to hear. Same way as other populists he has an explanation for everything. The reason for that thing is the "political elitists". That imaginational group is denying people to think what they want. And the thing that makes Trump somehow terrible is that he plays the same game with marginal groups. The thing that makes marginal groups frightening is that they are boosting their agenda and opinions with weapons. 

And those weapons are, of course, in the main role of that kind of people demonstrations. The reason why regular people want to "respect" Trump. Is that he uses a very interesting way to act.  The official part of the supporters of Trump is using very controlled language. But the people who are not the "official part" use death threats people who are "on their way". Of course, those threats are published in newspapers. And of course, Trump has nothing to do with anger. That his supporters feel. 

The people who are working in the field are in a great role. If somebody shoots them that thing rises martyrs in the hands of Trumpists. There is, of course, forgotten that some of those "demonstrators" who are angry, because their man did not get in White House because that man got too few votes carried guns. 


The description of the disinformation is that is misinformation that somebody delivers on purpose. The modern electronic networks guarantee that also disinformation is spreading very fast. There are four things about disinformation. 

1) We should afraid of disinformation

2) And also deliverers of disinformation can claim that real, confirmed information is disinformation. 

3) Everybody can deliver disinformation

4) Making sure that something is disinformation can be harder than people ever imagine. 


Riots are stressful situations. And those situations make weapons more dangerous than they normally are. 

The case of Kyle Rittenhouse is a good example of how weapons are used as a threat. 18 years old boy shoots two demonstrators by using an automatic rifle. And the court released him. Rittenhouse claimed that those victims threat him. The thing is that if Rittenhouse's victims were black. 

That thing could cause racial demonstrations or even riots. Riots are stressful situations. And Kyle Rittenhouse is a young man without any experience and training to face any kind of violence. The gun in the hands of that kind of man in a stressful situation is always dangerous. 

But Rittenhouse shot white men. The situation was a riot that began in the case that police shot a black man who resisted arresting. Both black and white politicians want sometimes benefit from the situations where a white cop shoots a black person. 

Or the thing is that in the modern US politics is seen the dangerous polarization. There is enough for people who want to make politics with those things. The white cop shoots a black man. And that is the reason for the riot. The cops are racists, and then that thing causes the counter riots. In every riot is people who want just steal property. 

There could be professional criminals who provocate riots for causing disorders. Those people are breaking windows and stealing property by using that kind of riot as a mask. 

The stories of purpose provocation in the cases of riots or "Agent provocateurs" might begin from the professional criminals who provocate riots for causing disorder. Then those people will kick windows of the shops in, and steal things that they want. There are also stories that the members of the Ku Klux Klan are taken apart in some national rights demonstrations for provocating riots. But the coordination of that kind of action is not proven. 

That black man was of course, unarmed. That is the truth that is told in the media. Until somebody thought that there was a gun. That thing can explode the situation. 

The fact is that the attitude of policemen might be so-called "overloaded". When the media and superiorities are telling stories about the high crime records, crack houses, and homes full of weapons in those areas. 

That thing causes that the police is seeing those areas as more dangerous than normal people. And then they are "seeing weapons" more often than normal people. 

That thing causes a dangerous situation and if somebody yells "gun" that means law enforcement might feel that the other people are in danger. And then they open fire. There is a possibility that if the arrested person has a gun. And that is drop to somewhere some other person like a drug dealer or drug user will simply pick that gun from the streets.

The thing is that if there are people around with assault weapons "protecting their property" causes stress to cops who don't know why those people are surrounding them. Riots are always a stressful situation and the possibility that there is a gun in the pockets of rioters causes stress to law enforcement. But when rioters are armed with assault weapons. The stress is very high. There is needed only a small reason And the entire situation turns to the massacre. 

They cannot know are those people in the same gang as the person they try to arrest. Or when the attitudes of the cops are fully loaded to face violence when trainers are telling about shootings and media is full of mass shootings that thing can cause the situation that some cop will open fire. The thing that makes cops more willing to use guns is the personal threat. If there is some threat calls to the telephones of the cops can cause that the cop to "see guns" more often than usual. 

The death threats are causing violence. 

Another thing that the people who are playing the "non-official" line of the supporters of Trump are telling about the threats and other things like post packages full of shit to newspapers. The message of those people is simple.  "If you are against us, you will get lots of shit in your life". This means that people who are against Trump should be quiet. 

The thing is that publicity about things like death threats is the thing that is used for pressurizing people to be quiet about things like weaponized right-wing nationalists whose mission in this kind of theater is to bring force for people who believe populists. And the thing that populists are offering is "strong leadership" and "great nation". 

The thing that is making those things very dramatic and also addictive. Is that those people are offering something concrete for their followers. That thing is the assault weapon with great respect. The weapons are carried in the demonstrations against the police. And that thing makes those situations very stressful. 


Saturday, December 18, 2021

For the first time probe has touched the Sun.


 For the first time probe has touched the Sun. 

NASA Parker probe has been dive in the Sun. That probe used interesting technology that helped to keep it cool. There could be possible to make the probe dive even deeper by using a magnetic field that pushes the plasma away from the probe. That would decrease the interaction between the probe and the plasma that comes from the Sun. 

The reason why Parker was sent to its mission. Is that it should collect data from the solar wind. The solar wind is high-energetic plasma that can destroy spacecraft. But there is another reason why close contact with the Sun is needed. The mission of probes like Parker is to collect data for the fusion tests. The power source of the Sun is fusion reaction. And the close contact with the Sun is the thing that can help to model the conditions that are making fusion possible. 

In some visions, the probes like Parker can collect antimatter from the solar atmosphere. The probe would travel to the sun.  Then that antimatter collector dives deep into the corona. Then it could open the solar sail and solar wind can push the probe back to Earth. 

Antimatter production is extremely expensive. And the probe could create it by putting the beta particles of the solar wind impact with gold leaf. Antimatter can use in fusion reactors to start the fusion reaction. 

The antimatter is creating an extremely high energy load. And that energy can use for starting and maintaining fusion reactions. The antimatter can make annihilate with material around the plasma-ring at Tokamak-type reactors. And that energy dose can start a fusion reaction. And it can raise the temperature after certain periods. The use of antimatter is to boost the fusion reaction in the fusion reactors. 

When the fusion reactor will start to turn too cold small dose of antimatter can turn the temperature to the needed level. The problem with the fusion rector is that the needed temperature is higher than in the Sun's nucleus. In the fusion reactors, the pressure of the nucleus of the sun must compensate by rising temperature to so high level. That the heat replaces missing pressure.  

The use of antimatter is one of the answers to how to create enough energy for starting self-maintaining fusion. But the high price would limit the use of antimatter for that purpose. So antimatter can collect from space.

Where are aliens hiding?

 Where are aliens hiding?

Above: fictional space cruiser from "Star Wars" movie

Are there other technical advanced civilizations near us?

Are there other technical advanced civilizations near us? That is one of the biggest questions we ever faced. There are no official contacts with aliens and the rest are purely hypothetical thoughts and models. 

But there is the possibility that SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) will make contact tomorrow. Or maybe it takes thousands of years for taking confirmed signals from the other civilizations. 

Tools like the James Webb telescope and quantum computers are the most powerful tools ever been used for that kind of mission. The James Webb telescope can find the Earth-size planets orbiting other stars. But the main role in the SETI program plays radio telescopes. The requirement for making contact is that also aliens are using similar technology with us. 

We don't even know if the aliens have radio telescopes? And what frequencies they are listening to. Getting that information requires contact with aliens. And without that information is very hard to make contact. There are no confirmed alien signals so everything we write and talk about intelligent alien civilizations is purely hypothetical and theoretical discussions. 

What if advanced civilizations use unmanned automatic operating probes. Which are controlled by very advanced AI for interstellar missions? 

The answer is that nobody knows. Officially there is no evidence of intelligent alien civilizations. But there are many forms of how those civilizations can exist near us. One of the possibilities is that there could be probes that other civilizations sent. But this is only a theory or theoretical model of how to travel to stars. At first, there would send robots to find out suitable locations. 

The thing is that if aliens use robots that are controlled by artificial intelligence, they must not worry about flight times and other kinds of problems. The journey between stars could take even millenniums. 

And those probes would send data to their senders. That thing requires technology that makes craft able to fix itself. The problem is that the sender can forget those probes if there is some kind of internal problem like the war on their planet. 

Why the Wow!-signal(captured, August 15, 1977) and BLC-1 (captured, December 18, 2019) signals are unique?

The origin of BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) Remains a mystery. Things like broken computers are seeming good, but the problem is why those things that are causing that kind of things are not happening before. 

Same way, why have some high-energetic particle impacts with radio waves from Proxima Centauri haven't cause that kind of signal before? Or if the source of those signals is alien transmitting, why do those transmissions not repeat? The same thing that thing supports both theories. Why do those signals BLC-1 and Wow! are unique? 

Both natural and alien source theories can explain that thing. But there is some extraordinary in the structures of comets. That is mentioned as the source of the Wow!-signal from 1977. If the comets are the source of that signal there is the possibility that there was some kind of unique layer in those comets. 

Technical advances aren't forming without intelligence and motivation. 

The creature can be very intelligent. But that thing doesn't mean that it makes technical equipment. For creating new technical equipment. Intelligence requires motivation, tools, and knowledge on how to make something.

If that intelligence doesn't have the needed information the intelligence can ask that thing from something. or it can start to search answers for testing ad study the suitable solutions for making a new car or interstellar spacecraft. 

Three major things are dominating the R&D (research and development processes. 

1) Level of intelligence

2) Information that intelligence uses for the project. This part includes skills and systems what the project requires. 

3) And motivation. There must be time and other resources for completing the project. 

The thing is that intelligence is not the same thing with technical advances. Intelligence makes technical advances possible. But research and development (R&D) don't happen without motivation. 

The thing is that the lack of information means that there is a lack of stimulus. And creature requires stimulus for creating new solutions. Outcoming information creates motivation for creating new technology. 

If there is no motivation or will to get knowledge about something. When we think of that intelligence and advances are the same things. 

We are wrong about that thing. Intelligence makes it possible to create technical advances. But that requires motivation and will to get knowledge of how to make technical solutions. In the case that we want to make contact with civilization by using radio telescopes. That civilization must also have radio telescopes. 

When we write about possibilities to communicate with other civilizations we should rather say. "Communicate with other technical advanced civilizations". That communication requires that the civilization has similar communication equipment with us. And the thing is that even if that hypothetical civilization has the radio communication equipment. 

That thing doesn't mean the hypothetical civilization uses similar radio telescopes that we use. The thing is that without contact we cannot know how to communicate with aliens. And without that knowledge, we cannot make contact. There are a couple of promising signals and the only problem is that they are not repeating. The same thing that makes them promising makes them also uncertain. 

If the source of those signals would be a star these signals like Wow! and the 2019 signal from Proxima Centauri known as BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1)would be a star they should be repeating. But because those signals were unique. That thing also supports the origin of those signals in chemical or electrochemical reactions. But it's also evidence against "natural source". The question is why that reaction happens only once?

The source of BLC-1 has been explained as the plasma impact or some other type of high-energetic particle impact that could disturb radio signals. But again the question is why that signal ever happened again? And why have similar things are not seen before? There is given also an exploration that a broken computer can give that signal. But the question is why that kind of effect has not been seen before?

The solar system itself is inhabited. But the thing is that there is the possibility that some kind of probe could send that signal. But is the position of the probe at Proxima Centauri. Or is it manmade and closer than we think? The fact is that nobody knows what caused that signal that was received in Parkes observatory on 18 December 2019. 

If the source of the Wow!-signal was in comets why did those comets send those signals only once? Was there some unique layer of material that sent that 72 seconds radio transmission to the Big Ear telescope in Ohio sate university? 

That thing means that their source could be some kind of reaction in AREA-51 or some other research plant. And they were formed. When some exotic materials are stressed. By using electromagnetic radiation. If aliens send those signals why they don't repeat them? So the source of those signals is unknown. 

Maybe in the case of the Wow! signal it was some kind of comet, but why do other comets not make similar effects. And why do those comets send that kind of signal only once? That is the thing why the source of those strange signals is unknown.!_signal

The barren plateaus problem and intelligence

 The barren plateaus problem and intelligence

The lack of stimulation is the thing that causes loss of the motivation for create new things. 

What if we would live all of our life on that lone island. Which portrait is above this text without a single contact with other people? Without the internet and other connections, we would not even know about the existence of other humans and things like meteorites and tsunamis. Would we in that case build things like spacecraft? 

This is one version of Barren plateaus problem. Because we think that we are alone. And because of that, we have no stimulus or motivation to make new things.  Without information, we don't recognize risks. And risks are the things that motivate us to create new technical solutions. 

When we are thinking about intelligence, we must remember that intelligence is not enough. When we want to create technology. We also need motivation for research and development. 

In most cases, the reason for termination of some technical advances or ideas is that somewhere is always some other objectives for the resources that some project needs? One of the resources is, of course, time. When we are doing something, we need to reserve time for that thing. And if we find something. That is more important there is no time for the first thing. 

The Game theory can answer why there are so few intelligent civilizations.

The game theory claims that all organisms are maximizing their benefit. That is the thing that unites but it also scatters the society. If the organism feels that the benefit for society is higher than the benefit of the individual organism would fight for a common goal. In most cases, the reason why individual actors forget their benefit is a threat. That comes outside. Or the threat that requires combining forces. That threat can be an incoming meteorite, hostile actor, or some kind of natural disaster. 

Those things are made possible that the entire society connects forces for reaching the united goal. That goal can be destroying the attacker or building a better irrigation system. But then for some reason, the individual actors are starting again to value their benefit higher than the benefit of society. There must be some motivation for developing new technology. In the intensive world of the military sitting on a chair is a destructive thing. 

While the western world believes that old technologies would be enough to give resistance against hostile actors the Chinese developed a great number of new weapons. Those weapons like hypersonic cruise missiles are impressive. And at the same time serious reminder that the world is always changing. Who would believe ten or fifteen years ago that someday Chinese would be the leading nation in quantum technology? 

What kind of thing could motivate to build an interstellar spacecraft? When does some civilization want to put all of its resources into creating interstellar spacecraft? 

That kind of case can be an outcoming attack. But when peacetime comes the personal benefit displaces the benefit of the entirety. So if the civilization would sit alone in a place where it has no outside contacts it would not see a need to develop interstellar technology. 

The outcoming threat connects people. And it motivates to create new solutions for challenging enemies. But then those innovations are forgotten. 

The thing is the same with the barren plateau problem. If the organism has lived all the time in some desert oasis without any social contact that creature believes in being alone on the Earth or some other planet. A similar case would be that organism has lived its entire life at the lone island at the ocean.

Organism feels that there is no other threat to paradise than sharks and flows in the ocean.  That means our organism would just lay on the sand and eat bananas that are dropping from the trees. There is nothing that can treat that organism. So why must that organism make anything for getting out from that island? 

There might be some materials for the boat. But because that island or oasis gives everything for that organism.  There is no need to build the boat or that is how the organism feels that thing. The organism would not know anything about Tsunami or any other threats like the tribes at the island about 1000 kilometers away. They do not exist for the organism that has lived on its island all of its life.

The lack of motivation is the reason why that organism would not build a boat. "There is nothing anyway". This is the excuse why that organism spends all the time eating bananas and looking at the clouds. For similar reasons, humans are not making interstellar spacecraft. We have no place to travel. 

There is no contact with aliens. So we don't need that kind of project. That is the reason why many things are resting at the level of the paper. And one thing that limits our ability to create that kind of thing is we have only our thoughts. 

We cannot exchange ideas with some other species that might have different opinions or points of view on those projects. But when we are thinking about the first contact. That thing might be our greatest threat. But at the same time, that thing can be the greatest opportunity for the human race.

In some scenarios that thing will unite humans. The outcoming threat is always united nations. And that thing can happen also if we find alien civilization. 

What if there are two intelligent alien races in the same solar system? In that case, the cultural and technological exchange between species could enrich the social and other kinds of environment. In that model, the species would not destroy each other.

Friday, December 17, 2021

The quantum mind has electric dreams.

The quantum mind has electric dreams. 

If artificial intelligence will connect with virtual simulation. It can give it the "imagination" or abstract thinking. 

The new findings of quantum systems are the key to creating flat quantum processors. The light source called "soliton" (1)  can create solitary pulses with consisting timing(2). That thing can benefit the flat quantum processors. Which are necessary for compact-size quantum computers. 

If we are thinking that a flat quantum processor is two graphene layers that are less than the atom-size distance from each other the system might benefit from the quantum algorithms that keep the ion standstill in a certain position(3). That thing can use for creating new and more compact quantum microchips. In that system, the ions like protons will keep hovering in a certain position. 

And the quantum annealing will turn those protons to operate as the qubit. Quantum-based artificial intelligence can use the three types of sources. For quantum annealing. The system can use those three atom groups as the nervous system. That kind of system is needed to run extremely complicated code. That kind of code is needed for operating in non-predictable areas. 

What if the quantum computer would have "imagination" or abstract operating level. At that level, the AI can use virtual tools for learning new solutions. That is like imagination. That abstract level would be the simulation that updates all the time. The AI would operate in that virtual environment all the time by using virtual tools like driving virtual vehicles. That kind of thing allows the AI to train without causing danger. 

And the certain group of atoms has the match in certain lobe in our brains. This kind of quantum brain is hypothetically extremely powerful. But when we are thinking about quantum AI that thing faces the problem of the barren plateau(4). 

This kind of problem is that if artificial intelligence would not have the ability to get enough data it cannot solve problems. Or actually, it gets data. But that data connects to the fixed situations. 

The AI requires multiple and well-networked databases. For successful independent operations. The barren plateaus can also be called lack of stimulus. In the cases. That AI cannot face new challenges. It cannot create new databases and connections between databases. If the computer would not have a chance to test its skills it would not ever get answers. 

One way to solve the barren plateau problem is to connect artificial intelligence to a simulator where is driven by data from the streets and nature. If that thing is updating all the time. That thing keeps the virtual environment rich. And that thing makes it possible to create more solutions for the AI than using some stable or fixed simulations. 

In that case, there are three systems. The simulator which is storing the situations that the surveillance systems are getting. Then there is the AI that operates in this kind of virtual world that updates all the time. Then the AI would test its ability to solve problems.

And the third part is the human operator or the "super AI". The purpose of that top part is to accept or deny things. That the AI used while it solves problems. The idea of this kind of simulation is that the situation is downloaded to the server.

Then the AI tries to operate in that area by using virtual tools that are reacting like real things. And if there is some kind of danger the AI would ask human operators to solve the problem. Then the solution is stored in the databases of the artificial intelligence. This kind of virtual portal can call as the abstract level of the AI. 





Image: Pinterest

ExoMars discovered water from the Mars Grand Canyon.

 ExoMars discovered water from the Mars Grand Canyon.

Image 1

"Artist’s impression of Mars Express. The background is based on an actual image of Mars taken by the spacecraft’s high resolution stereo camera. Credit: Spacecraft image: ESA/ATG medialab; Mars: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin" (ScitechDaily/ExoMars Discovers Hidden Water in Mars’ Grand Canyon – The Largest Canyon in the Solar System)

The finding of water is the big step for the plans that made for creating a manned Mars station in the future. And also that water can use as fuel in the sample returning mission. In the last case, that water will break electrolytically into oxygen and hydrogen. And the rocket that rises samples to orbiter can use those elements as fuel and oxygen. 

A similar mixture is used in the Saturn V rocket's second and third stages. The use of hydrogen and oxygen mean that the rocket is leaving only water behind it. The thing that causes pollution in the hydrogen-oxygen rocket is the electrolytic process. The creation of electricity for the electrolysis requires some kind of power system. 

"ESA’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has discovered large amounts of water locked up within Mars’ extensive canyon system, Valles Marineris. Credit: From I. Mitrofanov et al. (2021)"(SciTechDaily/ExoMars Discovers Hidden Water in Mars’ Grand Canyon – The Largest Canyon in the Solar System)

Where do we need a Mars station?

The 3D printing system that can use materials that are taken from Mars would make the creation of the Mars station easier. It makes construction work more flexible and faster. So with the first thing that would land on Red Planet would be the chamber where is a 3D printer. That thing makes it possible that every nail and screw must not carry from the Earth to that planet. 

The first Mars station would be primitive. Its purpose is to give experiences about the structures on the surface of Mars. And at the later stage, the mission of those primitive stations is to work as restrooms for crews that are building more capable and larger stations on that planet. But if those construction works can made by using robots everything would be easier and faster.

Robots can operate non-stop, and they would not require humans all the time. So the first thing that lands on Mars could be the 3D printer system that creates robots and tools on that planet. That thing guarantees that there is no need for taking every spare part from the Earth. And also, broken robots can replace very easily. 

In that futuristic Mars -base will test things like closed nutrient circulation. Of course, those futuristic and still theoretical systems. Must have already been tested at the Moon. But on Mars, there is needed nuclear power or some kind of fuel cells that create electricity to the station in the nighttime. 

Image 3: Pinterest

Similar systems can use on the Moon. But Mars is farther away from Earth. If there are some kind of problems on the Moon station the rescue crew will reach it in five days. The Mars station must be more independent. The Mars station might play a big role for asteroid-belt missions and in far away in future, the Mars station might offer a resting place for missions to the outer solar system. 

If we would want to use electrolytic created oxygen in an artificial atmosphere of Mars or some other space station we must remember that pure oxygen is dangerous. If there is a fire at the distant station the pure oxygen causes the detonation. So in that kind of purpose in the gas. Must involve the inhibitor gas that is lowing the reactivity of the gas. 

The thing is that the vegetables and algae are offering a good way to create oxygen for the space station. Those things can use as a nutrient. Then the next challenge is that the Mars station is far away from Earth. The journey to that place will take 260 days. So that thing means that if there is some kind of leak the lost gas must replace. 

In some scenarios, the robots would make the station ready. And then the nutrient and algae are put for growing in that structure. The light and nutrients are dosing extremely carefully. The active carbon filtering systems will work along with biological systems. And that will make the atmosphere suitable, safe, and comfortable for the people who will take their stand in that still hypothetic Mars station. 

The structure can first fill by using carbon dioxide and then vegetables and algae will transform the atmosphere suitable for breathing while the humans are coming to make their stand. In those scenarios, the oxygen is separated by using vegetables and algae that live in the tank. The green algae can be used for killing anaerobic bacteria. That algae are also giving material for genetic research. 

The first Mars station would be primitive. Its purpose is to give experiences about the structures on the surface of Mars. And at the later stage, the mission of those primitive stations is to work as restrooms for crews that are building more capable and larger stations on that planet. But if those construction works can made by using robots everything would be easier and faster. Robots can operate non-stop and they would not require humans all the time. So the first thing that lands on Mars could be the 3D printer system that creates robots and tools on that planet. 

The 3D printing system that can use materials that are taken from Mars would make the creation of the Mars station easier. It makes construction work more flexible and faster. So with the first thing that would land on Red Planet would be the chamber where is a 3D printer. That thing makes it possible that every nail and screw must not carry from the Earth to that planet.

Image 1:

Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips.


Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips.

"MIT researchers have pioneered a new fabrication technique that enables them to produce low-voltage, power-dense, high endurance soft actuators for an aerial microrobot. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers" (SciTechDaily/Giving Bug-Like Bots a Boost: New Artificial Muscles Improve the Performance of Flying Microrobots)

Muscle cells can rotate small-size generators. 

The MIT researchers are creating new. Low voltage artificial cells for improving the performance of the microrobots. (1)This is one way to improve the operational areas of small-size flying robots. There is another way to make the power source that uses biological components. The idea is that the muscle cells of flies would connect to cranks. 

And those systems are rotating miniaturized generators. This kind of robot can drink sugar-liquid. And the muscle cells can be natural but genetically transformed that they cannot split. Removing that ability guarantees. The cells are staying in the right form and right places. 

Or those cells can be cloned and grown in cell cultures. This kind of system can work by using the same nutrient with living organisms. And those miniature generators can deliver electricity for the computers and other systems that this miniature robot carries 

The fullerene chains can use as artificial DNA. In this text. The term "artificial DNA" means the carbon chain that acts like natural DNA or RNA. 

The artificial DNA can operate as a chemical computer program. The thing is that these kinds of things might not be the DNA as the natural form. The term "artificial DNA" can also mean the fullerene chains that act like real DNA or RNA molecules. 

The artificial DNA can act as the ROM (Read Only Memory) program for microchips and that thing can use for base-programming for miniature machines. In that case, the base movements of the system are stored in the  chemical computer program

Artificial DNA does not mean that the chemical computer program is like DNA. In the chemical computer program, researchers can replace normal molecules and base pairs of DNA can replace by using fullerene and the other elements. There are four bases in the normal DNA. 

"Two nitrogen-containing bases (or nucleotides) that pair together to form the structure of DNA. The four bases in DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). These bases form specific pairs (A with T, and G with C). Base pair may also refer to the actual number of base pairs, such as 8 base pairs, in a sequence of nucleotides"(2).

So those nucleotides can replace by using some metals. That is connected to the fullerene. Or if we think sharply the fullerene itself can form the structure that can use as a data transporter. The fullerene balls would connect to the nanostructure. 

And they can form a similar nanostructure with DNA or RNA molecules. The fullerene balls form the ladder-looking structure like in natural DNA. And the length of the "stairs" would be the code that the molecule is giving. In the binary model, one fullerene ball could mean 0, and two fullerene balls might mean 1.

The artificial chemical computer programs can also operate as the qubit modes. In that case, one ball might mean zero. Two balls mean one, and three fullerene balls might mean 2, etc. That kind of chemical code can secure the microchips. 

There is the possibility that nanotechnology (3) can use to create real DNA molecules. This thing means that in the future. We will see more complicated and more effective solutions of the combination of nano- and biotechnology. Things like cloned muscle cells and neurons are the things that give the capacity of the small-size robot to more complicated operations than ever before.





Thursday, December 16, 2021

The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.


 The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology. 

Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated. 

And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things. 

In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems. 

The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet, most of the work is searching the brightness of the star. That thing need also the most of the time. 

That can leave the routine work like observing the changes of the brightness of the star for artificial intelligence. That thing releases the time of that person for some other works. 


The route of data handling.

Simply and easy-to-use systems that can use for fixed solutions.

Stage 1: Pocket calculator

Stage 2: Scientific calculator

The route went to modular and easy-to-use solutions. And the last things like neural networks are self-learning tools. They are needed only the data matrixes that they compile with data that the system collects from the environment. 

Stage 3:Computer or stand-alone-computer

Computer or stand-alone-computer was a great advantage: User can customize modular systems can by using the software.

Limited-environment-connected computers: Allows asking help from the workmates. But the problem is that reserves the time of the workmates. And download pre-loaded software to the computer. 

Stage 4:Internet-connected computer:

Internet-connected computer: Gives access to the unlimited program library. Open space or open-source connected systems allows independent search for data. But the worker must have skills how to analyze that data.

Stage 5: Internet-connected computer:

Neural networks are the key in machine learning: Those are learning systems. The beginning of those systems is the indexing tools of the internet. The system can recognize the situations by using certain parameters. 

Those parameters can contain information about the things that happened before the bomb strike. And then the system can compile the data that is collected from surveillance cameras to that data matrix. 

Stage 6: Quantum computers

Quantum computers. Those systems are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. They can run more complicated code and algorithms than any binary computer before. The computer can search data from the internet. And make the solutions by using open-source data. 

Stage 7: Quantum neural networks:

Do the computers of the future have imagination and feel like humans? And could they be more intelligent than humans who made those systems for serving themselves? 

Quantum neural networks: Self-learning internet- or quantum-based network interconnects quantum computers. The ability to send qubits between quantum computers is removing borders between those systems. And that thing means there is no limit to the code that the system can run.


Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. 

When we want to compare pocket calculators and quantum computers the pocket calculator seems more comfortable and useful than quantum computers. The pocket calculators are effective tools for solving everyday mathematical problems like what is the cost of ten butter boxes. 

But if we want to solve more complicated mathematical problems like exponent and geometrical functions we need scientific calculators. Those functions are made in those calculators. And that thing minimizes the possibility of human error. 

Solving those problems can make by using regular pocket calculators is possible. But pushing buttons is more complicated. And there is the possibility that the user of the pocket calculator makes mistakes while inputting data. The reason why we are buying the calculator is that we want to make our life easier. 

Pocket and scientific pocket calculators are impressive tools for solving mathematical problems but they are limited. The abilities of those systems are fixed in those electronic tools. These calculators are the RISC tools. They are effective in some very limited sectors. But if we want to use our systems for something else, we need a new type of system. 


Intelligent mobile telephones are like pocket computers. There is the possibility to load applications for those systems That mean the system is the modular solution for the data handling problems. 

The hardware is the same. And the physical system is only the platform that runs software. The software-based solutions are making those systems flexible. And they can customize to the needs of the user. 


Sending qubits in long ranges can be made by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. In that case, the electron-based qubits are shot between quantum computers by using particle accelerators. 


The computer is the tool that is answering the problem of multi-use tools. A single computer can use for solving mathematical problems. But there might be some kind of writing software. And that means the system can be used also for writing reports. But for searching data, the system operator requires the book. 

If that computer is connected to the network the user can ask for help from the working mates. But if the computer is connected to an open network, that thing allows that the user of the system must not borrow workmates. And searching data is easier. The network-based systems can keep a book about the most common searches. 

And that means they can index searches. That on the top is the most common search. The system can also preload the data for the users. This thing is the beginning of machine learning. 

The next steps are the neural networks. Those networks are searching for data. And storing it. The system can also collect data about the connected searches. Which often follows a certain type of search. If certain searches often follow some other searches the system can also preload those following searches. Or the predicted following searches. That thing is deeper learning than just storing the prime searches. 

The quantum computer is the ultimate tool for the quantum computer. The quantum computer is the ultimate tool. For analyzing the data that is collected from the internet. And the next step is the development of quantum networks. 

The quantum network is the ultimate connection of quantum computers. If quantum computers can communicate by using quantum technologies. That thing means that the quantum computers use the qubits also for long-range communication that means that there is no limit for the size of the quantum computers. Sending the qubit can make by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. That is shooting electrons where the data is stored between quantum computers.

Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.


 Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.

The "barren plateaus" trap is one of the most cutting edge things in computing sciences. The precise data handling is working perfectly in a closed and very unilateral environment. But in the open environment, fuzzy logic is a more effective tool. 

And the power of fuzzy logic increases whenever the environment is turning larger and the data is turning more versatile. Fuzzy logic is in the key role for handling non-sorted data mass that is collected from the natural and chaotic environment. 

Have you imagined the situation that you go to the flat, where everything is in a certain order? You can't find anything from there, and then some other person comes in. That person finds everything that is needed less than the second. 

You cannot ever find anything faster than that person because that person knows everything in that room. The person knows every single nail in that flat. And that thing makes an impression.  But the prime question is does that person know anything else?

Does that person ever go outside? We can say that if the person would stay all the time at the same flat that person knows everything that is in the flat. There is no other information than the information about things that are necessary for finding things from a closed environment. 

That person would, of course, look outside sometimes, but the information that person gets is limited. There might be a car in the front of the house. But the person would not know why the car is at the front of the house. 

The limited environment is taking us to the "barren plateaus" trap. The person who lives in a closed environment seems to be wiser and more intelligent than a person who lives in an open environment. 

When the person who lives in an open environment comes into a strange space, that person must search for everything. The person who lives in that closed space must only remember where things are put. And then pick them from those places. 

In closed and very limited space everything can have certain and precise orders. But if the environment is very wide and the data is very versatile. The answer to the problems is fuzzy logic. 

In a closed environment, the person might make notes. And read where things are left. But if we are in an open environment making precise notes for things where we left something is impossible. Or those notes must be very large and that means they turn uncomfortable. 

If the person who is operating in an open environment wants to use precise logic. The person must read all notes all the time. For finding the answer to the question, where that person left for example the screwdriver? 

So the precise logic is not a practical thing for an open environment. The person must turn to use the different types of notes. That person can use multiple memo books where is marked places where is used certain tools. If we want to keep memos by sorting them by place. 

There is the possibility that we forget to put them there if we use the screwdriver. Or if we want to sort data by using places we must always read every single line in every notebook. And hope that if there is a marked screwdriver.  

But what if we sort those memos by using the name of the tools that make it possible to find the individual tool more easily. The most effective thing is to use different memo books for each tool. 

And the data is sorted by the name of the tool. When we want to find the screwdriver we must just take the memo book where is word "screwdriver". We can find the place. Where did we use that tool the last time? The searcher should find it on the last page. 

If there is a mark that the screwdriver is taken for use. But it is not returned which means that the screwdriver probably found that place. And the exact place where the searcher can find that tool. Will be found from the work order. This thing is called fuzzy logic. In computing, those notebooks are the tables of the databases.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.


 Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions. 

"A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is run. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed theorems to prove that any given algorithm will avoid a barren plateau as it scales up to run on a quantum computer." (

Have you heard of a "barren plateaus" problem? The name of that problem is coming from the J.R.R Tolkien book. Wherein the fictive Middle land is the very dry and hot place. The image, above this text, introduces the "barren plateaus" problem very well. 

In the next example, the food and water are the information. If a creature lives in the "fresh plateaus" it can take nutrients from nature. There is a bigger chance to make mistakes. But the nutrient is versatile and finding and testing new things makes the creature in the work. When a creature searches for things from nature there are many possibilities to test which type of vegetables or other nutrient sources the creature uses. Of course, that thing requires sometimes rise to the mountains. 

In that image, the problem is the mountain. The thing is that if the creature lives on the landscape at the higher image. That creature has stimulus. The green landscape offers motivation and the grass is the food and the creature wants to go to the mountain. The grass and water are everywhere and the creature has the motivation to rise to the mountain. And that could be willing to see the farter places. Or maybe the creature wants to get fresh air. 

The lower image introduces the situation. Where the creature lives in the "barren plateau". The water and food are in a pocket or bag and of course, the creature never makes mistakes if that creature wants to get a certain sandwich. The creature knows which pocket that creature can get sausage sandwich and where is the drinking bottle. But sooner or later, the nutrient would turn unilateral. In barren plateaus problem, the creature will get pre-made food. 

So if we are transferring that model to the information technology the creature will get pre-made solutions that fit in certain situations. And that makes this kind of model very limited. The situation is like that creature lives in the desert or "barren plateaus". The supporter brings water and sandwich to a certain point at a certain time. The food is guaranteed but it's always the same. 

And what the creature gets depends on the supporter. If the supporter wants to give the sausage sandwich that is the food. If someday the supporter wants to give the cheese sandwich that creature will get a cheese sandwich. 

When everything is pre-made the creature doesn't want to try itself to find food. There is difficult to make mistakes if some other person makes the food. The same way is in data science. If all problems are pre-solved that thing means that it's very hard to make wrong solutions. 

The term "flatten landscape" means that when the creature is living in "barren plateaus" the limited information sources makes the problems look harder to solve. Because the creature always is at a certain point where the supporter will bring a sandwich and water the creature is not even trying to climb mountains or solve the problem. 

"A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is running".

"In that situation, the algorithm can’t find the downward slope in what appears to be a featureless landscape and there’s no clear path to the energy minimum. Lacking landscape features, machine learning can’t train itself to find the solution". (LosAlamos National laboratories, Solving ‘barren plateaus’ is the key to quantum machine learning)


The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...