Thursday, May 31, 2018

The problematic relationships between the East and West

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many problems in the relationships between the East and West, as we have seen in the case when meeting with the President of the United States and North Korea have been delayed.  That kind of meetings would seem very nice and necessary thing to get the peace in the world. But the problem of those relationships are the prison camps, what is found in every eastern block states, and there are many persons, who believe, that if talking between Western states and North Korea will continue, that would be signal, that we would accept those prison camps. The problem with the secret prison camps in the communist states is that they are used to make products for public marketing, and the work inside those camps is actually free. That's why the production in those countries is very cheap.

And in those camps have made many crimes against humanity, what makes them problematic for the governments of the Eastern block. If those prison camps would be opened, and prisoners would send free, also the normal people would know, what happened in those camps after the Korean and Vietnam war. Many people, who live in the west know the existence of those secret camps of the government, where the enemies of the state would be closed. The existence of political prisoners is actually very well known thing, but the use of those prisoners in the production of the commercial merchandise is a thing, what is not very well known.

Those prisoners make skirts and jeans even for public markets, and that production is so-called "moralistically suspicious". The principles of the western democracies, in their relationship for work, is that worker must get reasonable payment for the job, and the worker should live with that money. And slave working is strictly prohibited in Europe. Slavery is the crime against humanity and many concentration camp guards were convicted of this crime. This term consists of the separation of the workers, isolation because of political or religious opinions and unrating other persons work, and making the work in dangerous conditions without necessary protection.

And of course, extortion, killing, and humiliation are crimes against humanity. When we are going back to this delayed meeting, we must say, that in the history of this nuclear crises, North Korea has shown many times, what kind of trust other nations should give to that state. The North Korean government made nuclear weapons even it was made in the contract, to stop the developing nuclear weapons it still made those hydrogen bombs. And shooting missiles over Japan in the tests is the very good way to show, how much peace North Korea wants. Those tests are the very good way to alleviate excitement in that area.

The nuclear weapon is the very problematic thing for the leaders of North Korea. Those weapons are the good shield for them, but if somebody wants to destroy the capital of that state with the nuclear bomb, would it now be possible. The nuclear weapons are also good excuse to avoid military conflict with that nation, and that's why it's also good for Western countries, which have willingly given information of the human right condition in that country. North Korean nuclear weapons are not sharp enough to destroy command bunkers and other support systems of the United States, but it can make damages to cities and other civilian targets. The North Korean government need foreign enemies, because of the threat of the foreign nuclear states would keep it citizens restless. And of course, in the very desperate situation, where the army of North Korea would become rebellious, would the leaders of that state shoot the missiles to the USA, because they would want that USA would attack to that state by using nuclear forces.

And that would cause the counter strike immediately. But as we know, North Korea would start the war in the situation, that somebody tries to murder Kim Jong Un with SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition). The material for that weapon could be stolen from the nuclear projects, and then this weapon could be exploded near the government buildings in Pyongyang. In some scenario, some technicians "forget" to remove the warhead before missile would be sent to parade, and then explode it in the middle of Pyongyang. Also, those missiles or their stages can be used as the FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) -bombs, if they are using liquid fuel, and in this case, the detonators would be connected to the tanks of the missiles. Solid fuel rockets can also use as the bombs, by exploding the stages in those parades. This type of weapon could be installed in the trunk of some vehicle and slip it in that closed area, and in this case, the leaders of that state would think that they are under attack by the foreign state. And in that situation, the North Korean government would start the nuclear war against USA and South-Korea.


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One of the most interesting paintings about the "Christ theme" (Lamentation of Christ by Andrea Mantegna c. 1480)

Lamentation of Christ
Andrea Mantegna
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There was one painting on the Internet, what I wanted to introduce to you, my dear readers. It is painting, what the artist Andrea Mantegna ( c. 1431-1506) painted in the year 1480, and the name of that painting is Lamentation of Christ.  This painting shows Christ after the death, but there is something strange about this picture. The man, who lays in the bed seems sleeping, and that is very interesting. And one of the more interesting parts of the painting is the "face of alien'' or "angry man" between the legs of that man.  But this might be the result of my imagination. Maybe the sheet is only the position, that this image comes to my mind, and nobody else sees this image.

That face actually looks like angry man's face, and it is hidden in the crinkle of the sheet. But sometimes I think that I only imagine that detail, and the effect causes only my imagination. This painting is the very unusual way to show the Christ after the death because this man seems more like sleeping, and the painter is the very unusual character because this painting has been made the woman, or the man, who used woman's name.

Of course, this painter was mentioned as the man, but the name seems like woman's name. And I must think one thing, what might happen in the crucifixion of the Christ. Maybe then somebody put some poison in the body of the victim, what caused deep anesthesia, and after that, the person would just wake up after some time. When we are thinking about the situation, that the man would be crucified, there is one change, that somebody would put to ropes what are too tight to arms, that they would close the flow of blood.

And in that case, the victim would survive. Maybe this was used in cases when the Roman spy must be executed, and the action should confess the people. In some cases, those Roman spies must be very hated, and that's why their death must be framed. But in this painting is the "alien face", and somebody has sometimes claimed, that this picture has been painted, because some "alien" were put in sleep, and prepared for extreme long space trip, but this is, of course, the only hypothesis. Maybe that face or skull is only imagination and the reason for it is that I have read too many writings about some hidden codes in some paintings. But the painter, who made this painting was also top man in the world of art, and that's why he might hide some codes in his paintings.

We might say, that Leonardo Da Vinci was not the only painter in the world, and also others would make secret codes and hidden pictures in their works. Some of them might make them with humor, and maybe this artist has hidden the codpiece in that picture for fun, or because he was tired about knights and their traditional way to fight and playing tough. And maybe, this painting portraits dead or injured knight. The injuries of the body, what is portrait in this painting seems the little bit like the rash, but this is only my own opinion about this painting.

But when we are thinking about this artist and his skills, we must say that even Leonardo Da Vinci took influence about his paintings. And that doesn't remove the strange detail in that painting, what would cause problems for the painter, who had woman's name. In that time every artist were men, but I think that sometimes women made also those paintings, what were sold in the name of their husbands. But I think that this kind of things was quite dangerous, because if somebody plagiarized other person's work, would that be against principals of the art.


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The writing of strange organism 46B and the strange lake at the Antarctic, what can give us the answers, what kind of world, there is probably found in Jupiter's Europa moon

Organism 46B
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Below this text is a video of strange octopus, what has been named as the “Organism 46B”, and that is one of the strange species, that are found in Antarctica. That octopus was once attacked by Soviet scientists, and this case is quite interesting, because of some reasons this incident wanted to remain secret. The reason for keeping this case secret is actually unknown because there should not find any secrets in the cases, where some animals attack human.

The poison of that octopus is similar with other octopuses, what means that the will of getting the poison for some special equipment would not be the reason for keeping this thing secret. Under the Antarctica ice is a strange world, where have been found lakes, what has been isolated from the age of dinosaurs, and those lakes would keep the ecosystems, what is unknown for humans. There is a possibility, that in Antarctica lakes lives some species, what doesn’t need oxygen for the living, and they could possible separate oxygen from the chemical combinations. Even in Europe live fishes, what doesn’t need to take pure oxygen from water or air for the living. Those fishes like crucians would live in conditions, where the oxygen level is extremely low, and that’s why those lakes are very interesting targets for scientists.

Those lakes in Antarctica would give us the thought, what kind of world could be found in the Jupiter’s Europa-moon, what is the very interesting object for searching extraterrestrial lifeforms. That moon is covered by huge ice-cap, and under that ice would be an ocean, where could be found bacteria and probably the fish-shape organisms. The surface of that moon is probably quite unstable, and that’s why landing on it would be dangerous.

But the thing, what could be sent to that moon would be automatized midget submarine, that can dive in the ocean. The simplest way to make that submarine just makes the nuclear-powered system, what outer layer can be heated, And then this submarine would land to the surface of Europa. After that, the outer layer would be warming, and then that submarine can dive thru the ice. Of course, it could use microwaves to get back to surface for sending transmissions to the Earth. That midget submarine can also be equipped with a small rocket, what can send the water of that moon to orbiter-probe, and that orbiter can send this sample to Earth. But this would be very dangerous because if there would be dangerous bacteria in that water, there could be some epidemics on the Earth.

And that’s why on the Moon might build very sophisticated autonomous laboratories, because if that hypothetical organism would accidentally be released to  Earth atmosphere, would the result be terrible. Organism 46B made me think, that those hypothetical alien organisms might have the ability to transform small germs in the victim's body, and those organisms, what hopefully only live in my imagination could grow as an octopus inside the victim's body. We don’t know this kind of organisms except for the parasitoid wasps on Earth, and those bugs are very interesting part of our ecosystem. And their way to life is very disgusting. They put eggs inside other bugs, and then those bugs would kill the victim. They have given ideas for creepy movie creatures like Ridley Scott’s “Alien”, what is one of the most horrified movie characters in the history of science fiction and horror.


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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Secret code of the painting "The Virgin of the Rocks"

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

As we all know the geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci have created many codes in their paintings, and here is one trick, what this man made. The trick is that using mirrors, what would cut the painting, and then combining those pictures, we can take the brand new image in the front of our eyes. This effect is very interesting, and probably we can imagine, what Leonardo meant when he made this awesome picture.

Above the text is Leonardo's painting "The Virgin of the Rocks" (1495-1508), and actually, this is the London version of that painting, what was painted between years 1495 and 1508. If that painting is watched by technique, where it would make a copy, and then the copy would be mirrored and then those pictures would be combined, there would be the strange image. And somebody sees there a spacecraft, where the passengers would be in the lazy position like in modern spacecraft, but maybe it's only the production of the imagination of the watchers.

Someone think, that there might be an alien in this painting, but there might be something else, and in some thoughts, I have imagined, that maybe Leonardo wanted to introduce an idea of the thinking machine, by using this very special picture. When we are thinking about the life of that man and the conditions, where this impressive painter lives, we must remember that this man was also engineer and anatomist, who had many ideas, what was revolutionize the world. And when we are thinking about codes in his paintings, we must remember, that secrecy of those things like tanks would be very important.
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And maybe Leonardo had strange idea to replace human or monkey's body with armor, and that could make possible to create the thinking machine. When we are talking about this kind of ideas, we must say, that Leonardo was working for his government, and that meant, that this man had the mission to supervise other artists and engineers work and report of the work of those people to officials. That meant there were other people, who also made machines and ideas, and they didn't suspect that painter, what send reports to local princes.

It's possible that this idea, where the human skin was replaced with armor was impressive in his mind. In that time there were many things different than the modern era, and one of them is that there were not strict rules for scientific work. That means, that there were made many experiments, what would take the maker to the jail for rest of the life. And in this perspective, we must say, that even if Leonardo himself were against the violence, there were always people, who had not that kind of opinions. And if those men wanted to replace the human skin with metal, they would make it. In the opinion of other people, that  "thinking machine" could be the very bizarre thing even in the case of Leonardo, and maybe it was hidden in this way because the person who introduced that machine afraid that Leonardo would send to the mental hospital or hanged for that kind of thoughts.

If he tried to combine the machine and the man, would this be "playing the god", and that would cause the death in the hands of inquisition. And Leonardo made many services for the local noblemen, and that's why he must be protected. This might be one reason, why he made many outstanding but somehow rare paintings, what hides codes, what are braked just by the modern cytologists, who have used the most modern technology and methodology to break those codes. But of course, Leonardo might be painted, aliens. But were those bizarre creatures man-made or from outer space? If this man tried to combine human and lizard, would that meant crime against the Catholic church, and that kind of persons were convicted to death immediately. And as we might notice, Leonardo was the notable man, who has given ideas for many things of today.



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The Virgin of the  Rocks

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Mirror image of the same painting

Espoo 30.5.2018

The secrets of ancient flying machines

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

We all who are been interesting about secrets, UFO:s, ancient civilizations, and technology have heard the stories about ancient flying machines and levitation, what might seem incredible. But at the same time we usually forget, that this kind of systems were miracles in that time, and when we are thinking the ancient levitation machines, we must realize, that Chinese have been invented warm air balloon before year zero, and when we are thinking about heavier-than-air solutions, we must say that those devices are needed only the warm air under the body. The ancient Indians might also know that the parachutes can also be used for rising the craft from the ground.

There is only need to make the fire under that device, and then the parachute can raise the device from the ground by the rising air. But there is another way to raise the vehicle from the ground, and that uses volcanic heat in those machines. The volcanic heat can raise even the big device from the ground because the device can be over the heating point long period, and then the heated air would be collected under this device. The French inventors called Montgolfier brothers used this technology in their first warm air balloon, what was introduced for King Ludwig XIV in the year 1734.

The fire was made under the warm air balloon, and then that device was raised from the ground in the front of the Solar King and his court. The idea of this flight might come from some writings of ancient civilizations. And in here I must say that digging the cave under the device, there would be change to make very much warm air for those flying machines. And the levitation can also be made by using acetylene flame, what can be burned inside those balloons. The temperature of that flame is 3500 degrees Celsius, and that could make those devices rise with very high speed.

Maybe later in the modern time, some inventors tried to use electric arcs in them, but in the modern times the microwaves can be targeted to that kind of devices, and the microwave transmitters can be used from the ground. And in this imagination device the flying device would sit on the microwave transmitter, and then the heated air would pull the device to the skies. This kind of devices could be aviation of tomorrow. But this is only the speculation.


Watch "Vimana: 6000 Years Old Levitation Machines of Ancient India - Lost History" on YouTube


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The story of Maglev or Magnetic levitation transport

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The Maglev or Magnetic levitation transporter can change the railroads to the revolutionary way, and if those systems would work, the production of trains, what is faster than an airplane could be possible. The Maglev-trains movement mechanism is actually similar to the particle accelerator, what would pull the train above it.

This system is a gauss track, where magnets would levitate the train above the railroad, and at the same time, this system would accelerate this train. If those Maglev-trains would be set in the large tubes, what would be pumped empty, would thee be no gas, what would heat the nose of that train. And in theory, those magnet trains can get reach the speed of light, if there would not be very tight turns.

There are actually many technical problems with that technical solution about this train, and one of the biggest is, how that train would be stopped if there would be problems with magnets. In realistic scenarios, those trains, what is traveling in vacuum tube could reach the speed of Mach 12, and because there is no resistance of the air molecules, those trains would not be difficult to make.

But the vacuum tubes are problematic, because if there would be the leak in the tube, the air will be sucked in, and that would cause overheating. And if those trains must be stopped, the impact with the rails might release very much energy, what can destroy that vehicle in seconds. And if the stopping system would malfunction near the end station, the Maglev-train would impact to the wall in the speed of Mach 12, what would cause the terrible explosion.

In the last we must tell that time machine, that is called as the "train to the future". In the scenario, that was introduced in one BBC-document, and the link to that document is under the text, would the human race build in some day massive railroad across the equator, and then the train would accelerate in the speed of light.

That would cause-effect that the time inside this train will be slowing like Einstein predicted, and then that system works as the time machine. There have been rumors that in the CERN particle accelerator have been planned to use to accelerate small probes in the speed of light, and those probes would send us information about the future. Those rumors might be true, but if there would be malfunctions in the accelerator, the result would be devastating, if the egg-size probe hits the wall of the accelerator in the speed of light. This would be the theory, but nothing makes it impossible. And maybe tomorrow, we could build that kind device.


Japans maglev-trains

Train to the future:

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When somebody puts something in the garbage, that means it's trash, and leave it there

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Sometimes we would find interesting things like DVD films in the garbages, and of course, we would like to watch those films. But in this case, we must remember old advice, that is given in every business school in the world, and that is "there are no free lunches". In this case, we must think that nobody would ever throw away some DVD films without the reason. And this means that those DVD films might be stolen, and they might be some trap for lawyers or somebody like that. This means that that stolen property would be equipped with the "tracking cookie" and then the hacker would see, that somebody would use them in their computers. In this case, the hacker has made the copy of the DVD, and equip it with tracking software.

This pirate DVD has been put in the original box, what has been stolen from some supermarket.  After that, the hacker just calls the cops, and if the targeted person is some kind of lawyer, would this kind of action make serious damage to that person's reputation. Also, those DVD:s might involve very complicated and sophisticated harmful software, what can be used to control all system, where that DVD would slip that malware. In this case, the DVD film has been used as the "Troyan horse", what will install the malicious software to some computer system. In this case, the hackers would leave this kind of merchandise in the near of targeted company, and then some employer would find it.

After that, the employer, who might be some kind of director would put that DVD film in the computer's DVD station. Then this DVD would upload the malware in the system. This is one way to send the tracking software in the system. Here I must say that nobody would put anything like unopened DVD's in the garbage, and that's why those things should leave in that place.  Many people believe, that those DVD:s are ready for the watch, but we must remember, that they might be stolen.

And if in the lawyers or medical doctors office would found the stolen property, that would make bad things for reputation and career. The easiest way to make problems for some person is just taking this kind of stuff in the garbage and then watch from the window when somebody would take those DVD:s to car or home, and then just call the cops, and claim this person as the thief. This is the very fine idea if somebody wants to destroy other persons reputation.  So leave all trash to garbage is the key rule of the business live. Leave all stuff, what you find in the garbage there. That stuff causes only the problems, and of course, those DVD:s can be in so bad condition, that they would destroy the DVD station.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Secret "antigravity" technology

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The term "antigravity" means the actually silent way to raise the aircraft from the ground. In the real world, this term actually means that engineers try to repeal the magnetic field of the Earth, what would cause that the aircraft would rise above the Earth.  In some tests, there have been tested the magnets, what could push aircraft to airborne. They are actually one version of magnet catapults, but in this case, magnets would pull the aircraft straight to air, and in this system would be used the pulling effect between the same mark heads of the magnets.

And this kind of system is tested with levitating (Maglev) trains, where magnets push the train above the rail. Those magnetic rails would work the same way as gauss guns, where magnets will accelerate ammunition. Those magnets would be suitable to install in some warships or special runways, and they might help to send airplanes to air, with very heavy cargo. Also, pressurized air has been tested for giving airplanes capacity for lifting off with extra cargo, and in those systems, the pressurized air would blow under the body of aircraft by using compressors.

Sometimes there is mentioned the system called "Die Glocke" as one version of anti-gravity vehicle, and that is actually not true. This kind of systems are so-called "plasma-ion motors", and they are basically the same thing as ion motors. But they would use the greater density of ions. And those motors would work as the normal rocket or ion motors, but they are voiceless. Those motors would not use conventional combustion, and they can be used by giving electricity to that rocket with radio-masers. The same kind of systems are laser- and electric arc motors, what uses internal or external systems to make the warm air under the vehicle, and that heat would raise the aircraft to air.

Those internal lasers or radio systems could be targeted to carbon fiber stick, what would warm the air in the chamber under the craft. Or the electric arc can be made in the air, at the middle of the craft. In both versions, the problem of those systems is to create enough energy for raising that vehicle from the ground. The reason, why I took those laser and radio systems in this text at the same time,  is that both systems use electromagnetic radiation for making enough heat, that it can raise the craft in the air.

And sometimes there would be tested the airship, where the heat of the air can be made by using radio waves to make the warm air in this vehicles balloon.  So this kind of antigravity doesn't break laws of nature, and some of them are tested in public places, and below this text is one of those films, where the laser is used to give propulsion for small size test vehicle. And probably at someday, the full-scale system would fly across the earth.


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Cognitive systems and sharing information: New artificial intelligence and expert systems in battlefields and other mission-critical work

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Pentagon is very interested to make cognitive and network-based command systems. Cognitive systems mean systems. that are learning from their mistakes, and then develop the new way to operate, in the case that they fail. This means that this kind of systems needs every information, that it can be collected, and then it would make decisions about the actions.  Those systems might not send same parts of the organization to the similar mission if they fail one of them. Cognitive systems make records for actions, what the system does, and if the system operates in the military mission, it would make new tactics for military aircraft or tanks and changing the flight altitude in attack is one thing, what can be changed, if the enemy is using lightweight anti-aircraft missiles.

The term "cognitive system" means actually hybrid systems, what are the combination of humans and supporting computer systems, what is operating as the networks. This means that any operating particle in this system would get the information straight from the sensors of another particle. And also those actors would share the information, that their sensors collect with other particles. This might help the commanders to make decisions in the middle of the critical situation, where succeed of the missions.

And in complicated situations, is time only for the right commands, and only the right commands come immediately, and those situations could be war or some special cases like the nuclear power plant accident. Those situations can happen in the seconds, and if those cases would the commanders of the situation would give wrong commands, could the result be devastating. And if the commander doesn't have the right information about the situation in the reactor and cooling system, would the nuclear power plant explode like in Chernobyl, and if the military commander would not have the right information about the situation.

That would cause terrible losses, and this is the reason, why the battlefield is full of sensors, and also people stress level and other body functions would be controlled by biosensors and action cameras, what would send the data to the headquarters. This data allows the commander make the decision of the actions. And in the combat situation the leaders of different battlegroups, like pilots, tankmen and infantry would get the information of their action cameras and other sensors to their screens.

This would be the very big advantage in the strike teams, what operates in the missions, where the situation would transform in seconds. In modern warfare, the strike force is the combination of aircraft,  ground vehicles, and infantrymen, and this makes the commanding of this system very difficult because the situations would change in seconds. And if the air strike is made too close to the ground crew, would it cause own casualties. In this case, the commander must make decisions in the seconds. And also the service for those troops would come at the right time.

Because if the combat crew is lost their ammunition,  the force would lose the combat, and that's why those systems would follow the use of ammunition and other equipment because those materials must be ordered in the combat area, and those packages could be dropped to own troops by using the parachutes. But at the same time, would that ammunition deny getting in the enemy hands, in the case that the wind blows those parachutes to another side of the front. And in those cases, the ammunition would equip with GPS-detonators, what would explode if the wrong positions.

The packages of the ammunition can be equipped with fingerprint detectors, what allows only authorized persons to open those boxes. That system can be installed in the gloves of military men, and it can also connect to the weapons, what might send the message if they are in the hands of unauthorized personnel. Those smart or computerized gloves, what are equipped with microchips would be used RFID (Radio Frequency ID) -sensor-transmitters, what would communicate with weapons and other equipment, and those smart gloves can detect if the right person uses them. Those GPS- and the fingerprint detector equipped weapons would send that information to the command center, and then the airplanes would come to destroy those weapons by bomb strikes.


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Artificial intelligence is already here and it's the new "Frankenstein"

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

As we might see, the artificial intelligence is already here, and it can make very much things, what people would not even be expected. The key to the artificial intelligence is that the machine could learn actions without human control, and this makes it very attractive thing for computer games, what are normally lose they are interesting parts when the player learns the places, where the enemy makes ambushes or some barriers comes ahead of the virtual vehicles.

If the game uses artificial intelligence, the game would stay interesting long time, and if the artificial intelligence can develop new systems for the opponent, would that thing make the next generation computer games possible, and the big difference between those intelligent games and old fashion games would be, that the system can develop new technology for enemies or opponents, and this might keep the game interesting.

But as we know that the same technology, what is used in computer games can be used in real-world military leadership. And as we know the generals and admirals need many opponents when they are creating their tactics and choose their equipment for some military action, and then there would be the very attractive method to use the computer games in mission planning. The thing goes the way,  that military intelligence puts the systems, what the enemy uses to some net game, and then enthusiastic players around the world would play this game, and the information about those virtual fights, would give the generals chance to make better plans for their actions.

We must say that the equipment, what is used in the games, would have the same quality than the systems, what enemy uses, but they might not seem like tanks or other equipment. And the players would not be suspicious about the purpose of some games, what are offered in the net, without any payment. Those simulations would also uncover if some person loses those games on purpose. But when we are talking about the use of artificial intelligence as the military systems, we must say, that there would be possible to make hybrid aircraft, what is same time robot and manned plane. That system can have the option, that if the pilot would be unable to operate, would the computer make the mission accomplished. In this case, would the aircraft have automatized fire control system, what opens fire automatically if the "autofire" button is pushed down.

Those hybrid aircraft can operate independently or manned missions, that makes those planes extremely dangerous. Even the human pilots make  "legal attacks" against the targets, could the ground operators borrow those planes, without telling that thing to the pilots, and then use those planes as a tool for war crimes. And probably the pilots would not know anything about, what those planes have done when they have been at the free time.  The independently operating combat androids are very problematic, because of the states, what creates and develops those things claims that they have no difference for missiles.

And in one case, what would become in my mind, could the F-35 or SU-27 fighters modified as a cruise missile. This undercover missile could fly with other planes of flight groups, and then it can be detonated above the target. In this case, this missile would have the internal nuclear warhead. Or the nuclear bomb can be loaded to some attack drone, and then detonate above the target, and this would make devastating result in the target.


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Russian winged submarine would be a fascinating idea

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

I found interesting film on YouTube, what tells the story about Russian winged submarine, what seems very unique idea. The reason for those massive wing structure might be planned because those wings allow that the submarine could jump from the water like some giant dolphin or flying fish, and those wings would allow that this submarine could fly to a longer distance.

This submarine would use this ability when it flees from torpedoes. Another way to to make flying submarine is to replace the missile tubes with giant turbines, what was installed in tubes, what goes thru the hull of the submarine. This system might be used for nuclear power, and in theory, those submarines can fly to the earth orbiter. If that system would be made someday, it will have more capacity to operate than any ISS (International Space Station).

And those over 200 meters long systems would give the sophisticated opportunity for scientific and military operations at Earth orbiter. But those systems need nuclear power to operate perfectly. And the use of nuclear reactors would be quite dangerous in those cases, where untested technology would be used the first time. Those very rare but at the same time fascinating ideas are making engineering interesting thing, and probably some of them might be done in some day.

The idea of flying submarine would be one of them. And in theory somebody would replace missile tubes of some submarine with turbines, that can raise this thing to the air, but there would need very much power. Because this device would be heavier than air, could it maneuver by more agilely than the normal airship, and this makes it more capable than airships, what are lighter than air. The structure of airship makes it very easy to damage, and even one ammunition from the machine gun, what makes holes to the gas tanks might destroy that vehicle.

But heavier than air vehicles would also maneuver tightly, but the problem of those vehicles is, that they would need fuel during all operation, and the fuel is needed very much. And if the system uses nuclear energy, would there need the only propellant for those motors, what must raise tens tons to air. This kind of things are weird examples of engineering, and capacities, what imagination can give to technical advantages. And here we must say, that people thought that motorized aircraft was the hoax until Wright brothers flew with the motorized airplane in Kitty Hawk at 1901.


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Monday, May 28, 2018

Why somebody made that text?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a picture of rock painting in Heinola, Finland. And we might think, that it's made by some narcotic users, who have been in camping at this area at 70's. This text has been made over ancient stone-age rock painting, and if somebody would catch by this, would the price of this text very big. Some narcotic-users make very impulsive actions when they are under the influence of drugs.  And this is the good example, why this kind of artifact must be protected.

When we are thinking this kind of ancient paintings, what has been made by some caveman, we must say that some of those paintings have been destroyed by medieval people, who have had the fanatic relationship with Christianity. And those paintings are made by some pagan, that means, that they should be destroyed. But in this case were not question of some medieval person, because those people didn't have the opportunity to buy oil colors from the shop, and this is, why I suspect that some drug-users have wanted to make their names known forever. And maybe they wanted to show the world, that they had camping site in that area.

And maybe those days what are painted in that yellow text, are the dates when those people were on this camping site. And probably the months are wrong. This kind of people is the reason, why some of the most fantastic cave paintings are kept out of the human eye in secrecy. There are always people, who want to destroy those ancient paintings, and many of those people are drug users. And maybe they don't know what this kind of graffiti costs for them if they would catch about this kind of actions. Destroying ancient artifact is the very bad thing and the bill about those actions is very high. So this kind of art would cause very big bill. But why it's done. If the local people would not talk anything about this case, there would probably not any mysteries behind it.

Of course, some woman could hide just born children in the forest and then kill them in some mental disorder. And those children are probably not born in the hospital, and this causes thoughts about the murder of two innocent children. But normally local people would know about this kind of things if those children were found in some church books. But if behind this is some drug user, there is a possibility, that those hypothetical children are born in some forest, and then some terrible thing has happened. In this scenario, some prostitute has been caught children with some person, who wanted to protect his reputation.

And after this very selfish person have been made the crime, what has no excuses. This kind of action would send that person straight to the mental hospital for the rest of the life. Here I remember some writings in the newspaper, where some reporter protected this kind of crimes and claimed that, if the victim would be just born child, there should not prosecute those brutal and cold-blooded murderers. And now I must ask, is there a connection between those writings and this rock painting? They were quite disturbing writings, where child murders were defended, by claiming that those children were not even humans.  In those cases, where the person has been made crime, what cannot be defended, would this criminal try to apologize for that kind of heartless and brutal crime, by convicting, that this sick crime was right, and other people would accept it.

This feeling of guilty sometimes causes disturbing writings in some newspapers, if someone has been killed the child on purpose or accidentally as an example impacting that young person by car. and in some person's mind comes thoughts, that this kind of victim was handicapped, because that would make the life easier. And sometimes the reason for the texts were child victims are underrated caused the crime, what is called a "hit and run", where the driver escapes from the place, where the impact happened. In those cases would this person sometimes try to convict that the victim was guilty in this thing, what was not right, but claiming that another person would accept that action makes that criminals life easier because that driver might have the very bad conscience about this hypothetical action, that caused the death of the innocent person.

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Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen. Museovirasto - Musketti Copyright: Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen. Museovirasto - Musketti. Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen.

The first flying car, what people really can buy.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

This is the very good advantage for flying cars and for the first time, normal people can buy this kind of vehicle. The major problem with those cheap airborne vehicles is about legislative. The person, who wants to fly those vehicles must have flier's license, what is a quite expensive investment. But those flying cars might take the price of that thing down, but when we are thinking about those cheap airborne vehicles, the technology, what is used in them, have been in use about 20 years. And the term "flying car" means V/STOL (Vertical/ Short Take-Off and Landing) aircraft, that can be as easy to buy like automobiles.

Some of that equipment would drive on the road like automobiles. But there is a couple of problems with those vehicles, and one of those problems is that they can be used to replace combat helicopters in some conflicts. And if somebody makes the decision to equip those vehicles with machine guns, would the result be deadly, and many so-called "third world nations"  might have thoughts, that those "flying cars" could be used in military missions. Those vehicles can use advanced autopilots, and GPS equipment, but if the autopilot would be cut or get malfunctions, would that cause the situation, where the pilot might need to take control, and if the flight skills not found, would results be catastrophic.

Those advanced autopilots and flight control computers use cameras, GPS and GSM-data to communicate with computer centers, what can control the traffic in the air, but if the system would get the malfunction, the flying car can turn dangerous, and if it hits some airplane, the result would be devastating. But flying cars can be used also as replacers of cranes in building sites and those air vehicles could also replace helicopters in many missions, and if they are equipped with the group convention, can they work as a group, that means they can rise very heavy elements from the ground. And this means that they are not toys for some rich people.


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About privacy and armchair experts and "Tic-Tac UFO:s", what might be some plasma-balls.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is FLIR (Forward-Looking Infra-Red)-camera image about the strange object, what is known as "Tic-Tac-UFO". There is a couple of cases, where so-called "armchair experts" have used media for making their opinion public. In fact, those experts are normally some kind of jurists or mental specialists like psychiatrists, what means that they have the very good chair to tell the people, what is right and, how people should act in the cases, where they are facing something, what they cannot explain immediately. One of those cases is actually the UFO-footage, what those experts immediately explained as birds or weather balloons.

 And of course, if the governments have paid somebody about investigations about those things, that would be waste of public money, what tax-payers are paid to the government,  getting "real things". The footages about UFO:s are sometimes tests of drones or new kind of STEALTH-drones, what are tested against real U.S NAVY fighters. Those drones are normally fly from AREA-51 and Helendale facility to those missions, what are top secret part of national security. Treating the witnesses is strictly against investigative methodology. In the real world, there are many things, what can be caused by this so-called "ping-pong UFO-phenomenon".

One of the most fascinating theories about this kind of thing is that ball type UFO would be some kind of plasma weapon test, where the waterdrop would be heated in very hot condition, and after that this piece of plasma would be driven by the electric field. In this case, the radar of the F/A-18 could push this plasma ball ahead of the aircraft, and the side-by-side movement causes because of the magnetic field, what the radar of F/A-18 would cause similar magnetic effect as other magnets. And that might cause the situation, where this plasma ball wobbles ahead of the fighter.

When we are thinking about the movements of those "UFO:s" the 12G turning is not difficult for unmanned drones, what can turn many times thicker turns than manned aircraft. And maybe those UFO:s are caused the sights of some drones. Who knows about secrets of the governments, and what it hides. Maybe there are secrets, like co-operation with extraterrestrial humanoids, but sometimes I have thought, that are those humanoids, what claimed to co-operate with the government actually man-made aliens, what are created by connecting other animals DNA with humans, and this would make possible to create "alien".

But also we can make the hypothesis, that some scientists would find the body of humanoid in some cold place like the glacier, what is found in Greenland, Alps or the South Pole, and then they could clone that thing, what might be very intelligent. But those thoughts are without evidence and this text is the only hypothesis about those cases. And at the last, we must say, that there are always people, who have good explanations about that kind of things. We must say that the orders of the scientific investigation deny treats in this kind of cases, and also forcing to some statements are strictly prohibited. The purpose of investigations is to create real and correct information for investigators. That information is sometimes against the thing, what those people would want to get.



When somebody treats you, warns about media, don't play their rules.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When somebody treats you and your family, and tell to stay out from media, I would say, that don't play with those person rules. When somebody would want other people to stay out from media, would there be something, what affairs those persons, and this is the reason,  there would be reasonable to tell everybody about those letters and another thing, that somebody has put to the mailbox, and sent to the home.

I would tell you, that if the target of treats would follow the instructions, what those persons give, would that just accelerate their actions. If those letters or comments would be published, that would make breaks for the actions against this person. The reason for cheating somebody in the net is sometimes clear. Those cheaters would want that person stops writings or sharing data, what feels uncomfortable for those persons. When somebody uses physical violence, that would be reasonable to publish, because then also somebody else than police can also see, that happened.

 If you would tell the things about violence to the police, they would start the investigations, but then the attacker might get to the police station, would that person tell the own story about those things and, of course, the problem is that this story would be changed many times during the interrogation, and in those cases, where some gang members are made violent actions against other people, is sometimes happen that those persons would claim, that victim of their assault has been the attacked against their girlfriends or something like that.

And sometimes judges believe those persons. Cheaters would always claim, that blogger or writer is some kind of stupid. And this claiming means, that they would want to close that blog or stopping other publications. Then the person would follow the orders, would the victim of the cheater give, that victims start to act the way that cheaters want. And I think that thing would only accelerate the actions what those cheaters want.

When we are talking about writings in newspapers, where some people blame their parents for drinking problems, what made their home as an hell, we might sometimes ask, what those alcoholics think? And sometimes, we might think, how to feel to read those things from some newspapers? Same times we would say, that those children have cried first about their parents, and now it's other person's time to cry. Those alcoholics didn't care anything about their children, who lived in the middle of broken promises.

And why they would not be allowed to write their own opinions about drinking problems? Those parents didn't hide those problems, and why should children be quiet about those things, what happened in their childhood? Today is many ways to write about things, what might be hurt somebody, and now it's time to tell that thing in the different point of view because there are many times when adults have told their story about those things, that happened the long time ago.

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

The people with superpowers

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

In this text, I'm writing the physical superpowers, what are caused by training or some physical effect. When we are facing danger, we would find forces, what is incredible. Those powers and strength are the things, what almost every person in the world have heard. They are stories, about the situations, where some truck driver have been pulled the funnel to the shape of the egg, or sometimes we would hear stories, where some man or woman faces the situation, that some rock has been dropped upon somebody, who that person loved. Or sometimes that person has been buried in the ground, and then the parent or spouse have been dug that victim out without any tools or moved very heavy particles like cars without help. This would tell us story, about what kind of forces is in our body, when we are facing the situation, where we must act without any help.

There are many scientists, investigators or trainers, who wanted to find out, where those powers are coming from, and some persons believe, that in absolute danger, would our mind or nervous system use our muscles by using full of their power. In those situations, when somebody is in the trap under the ground or water is no time to think about sprains or some other injuries, and that means that the person works with full power in those cases. Sometimes I have thought, that maybe there is inside the human body is some kind system, what would drive very much glucose inside the muscle cells, and that would cause the situation, that those cells or their mitochondria can produce much more energy in those muscles, than in normal situation.

 Maybe the thing, what activates that reflect or ability would be high voltage electricity inside the human nervous system. Or the situation, where very large mass of glucose would be driven in muscle cells can happen when the nervous system would send simultaneously the emergency signals to the brains. Those signals are privileged for other signals, and maybe the very large number of those privilege signals causes the situation, that those muscle cells would get very much glucose or they can use in that special situation both glucose and starch in the same time for energy production, what might give them extra power. But the reason for superpowers in the danger would be the will for life, and in this case, the person would not worry about injuries and uses all power, what finds in the body and that might seem like superpowers.

There would be other explanations, but I chose the things, what seemed the most natural and reasonable. And the truth is, that we have not capacity or equipment for searching the actions of human body and nervous system by using MEG- and Computer Aided Tomography, and this causes that we cannot test these hypotheses in the real situation, and we cannot ask anybody, does this person have the active sport wristband records from situations, where the truck has almost crushed this person. So this makes the investigation about the extreme danger very difficult because we cannot get the surveillance equipment in those situations, what might take the only couple of seconds in the life.

And if we would want the records of neural and other body reactions in the situations, what happen without warning, we must put every person on the earth to use active wristband all the life. In this kind of hypothetical tests must the person face the danger without warning. And if some investigator pays to some truck driver about causing the emergency for some man or woman, who uses activity wristband, we would go to jail for those actions, because this is strictly illegal and against the etiquette and moral of investigations.

So we might ever have the chance to investigate normal people in extreme situations, by using systems, what collects neurological and other physiological data. But of course, we can use records, what is collected from professional military personnel's personal support systems, and then we must ask one good question: "is some commando even near of ordinary man or woman, and are the reactions of those people suitable for compiling with ordinary people's reactions in those extreme situations, where mankind's live in stake? ".  But that data can be used in the selection process of those operators. The data what is collected from the biosensors during training can be compiled with the other persons, and the process would be perfect if the persons are compiling with the most commendable military personnel data.


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The slow version of "Star Trek's" material transfer system (3D-Bioprinters)

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

This text is still in fiction, but after a couple of years, we can probably make copies of human bodies. If the system can make copies of organs, it can copy all body. There is a very funny thing in my mind about the "material transfer system", what is used in "Star Trek". This system bases a joke, where some laboratory worker ask another one "what kind of goo, is flowing out from that test tube"? And this is so-called "slow material transfer".

The slow version of that material transfer system is actually spacecraft, or probe, what is equipped with a 3D-bioprinter, and the tissue culture, what is used in future to print organs for some patient. In this version, all tissues of the persons, who would be wanted to transfer would be planted, by taking all organ of that person a tissue sample and after that those tissues would be cultured in some dishes in laboratories.

In to those cells can transfer the genomes, what makes them multiply extremely fast, and in theory that would allow copying human body in a couple of months, and when there would be enough cells, could those genomes removed by using nanotechnology.  And then those tissues would be the load to that probe. Then that probe would be landed, and then 3D bioprinters would start to make the copy of that person, and when the body is ready, would the EEG-be transferred to the brains by using electric shock equipment.

And after that, the heart would be started with the electric shock. I got this idea from those 3D-bioprinters, what are planned to make organs by using tissue cultures, and those systems can be used to get new livers to persons, who are getting cancer in that organ. And also other organs like heart and eyes are planned to make with that system, and if that system can make copies of every organ in the human body, can it make copies of humans. And this kind of things is very fascinating but scary.

Only thing, what those systems need is to get only one cell from every organ, and then it can copy the body. Neurons can be made from other cells by using retroviruses, what transforms the cells to other. In that case, we could, in theory, take any cells, and replace their genomes by using retroviruses, what would transfer right genomes to those cells. This kind of technology is a quite scary thing, and it can be used in some dark operations to hide the loss of the operator.


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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Writing about selective delivering of information

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever hear term "grey project"? This term means that in some aircraft or some other project the information, what is given is selective, and in those cases the project itself is public. But many important things in it would be hidden from the public. Almost all drone projects are that kind of military projects. The robot itself is seen in the pictures, but the materials, computer programs and electronic components of this drone have kept classified.

Also, important parts of the drones or aircraft motors are kept in secret.  And if somebody makes copies of that aircraft, this actor doesn't actually make anything about it. If those systems are made by using the wrong components,  the aircraft or other equipment would be destroyed immediately, when it goes to the battlefield. Many of space probes are actually so-called "grey projects". The probes like Mars-cars or planet orbiting probes are very public, and we can see the pictures, what those systems might send to Earth.

But the computer programs and electronic equipment of that system are not public. In those projects are tested the autonomous robots, what can be operated in distant space, but at the same time, those same computer programs would be used to control battlefield robots. When the robot takes the sample of some Martian rock, by using laser-spectrometer, we forget that the same system can shoot the tank or another vehicle by using automatized weapon system. This kind of things is sometimes forgotten when some persons write about robots. When we are talking about robots, we must remember, that this thing is similar than Holt-caterpillar in 1915.

This system was created for earthmoving but in the World War one some British engineers installed machine guns in that vehicle, and this transformed those tractors as the device, what is known as the main battle tank. Those Mark I (Female) machine gun tanks took part in the battle of Somme in 15. September. 1916, and that show, how the same product can be used as the civil workhorse and in the war. That tank needed, of course, little bit advantages, before it came to the "king of the battlefield". But the first steps are always difficult.

And sometimes even them would let be undone before something bad would happen. The tanks were invented to save lives of British troops. But in the Second World War the same equipment the same equipment caused terrible losses for allies, in the hands of the enemy. And this is the sad thing. This is the reality in technology. Same products can do in war and peace. But we sometimes forget that every technical part of the world are aggregate and if the producer doesn't get all parts in it, would that equipment be the very big disappointment for everybody.


We, humans, are aliens even together.

Is this UFO true or fake?
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

We, humans, are aliens together if we think the relation between western civilization and as an example some Bushmen, who live in Kalahari-desert. Our airplanes and other machines are UFO:s to those people, who live in the stone-age. And this has caused ideas about the ancient state, what would be created very impressive technological advantages, and then they just disappeared. But this is only the hypothetical theory, and there are not many pieces of evidence that support it.  Here I must say, that writing is fun, and I thought that I would write something about UFO:s and their connection with mythical Atlantis.

Maybe those hypothetical members of the ancient civilization were moved to the Universe because the climate of the Earth changed by the meteorite, what destroyed dinosaurs. But there is no evidence about that civilization, and that's why this writing is pure fiction or philosophical thoughts. And as you see, philosophy would give us change to say imagination as the hypothesis, what gives title philosophical thinking for pure fiction.

I thought that I will write this text because there are many theories about the UFOs. And if we would look at the picture, what is above the text, we might notice, that if that saucer-shaped object, what might be some kind of STEALTH-drone, what is used by pumping electricity by using radio-masers, that craft would not explode, because there would not involve any  fuel, what can cause explosion.  Or of course, that picture might be the hoax, but it works as a good example of the thing "what could the UFO:s be?".

Of course, it can be some kind of demonstrator, what uses batteries and electric motors, and maybe it was used demonstrator for next-generation STEALTH-helicopters, what must operate without any noise.  Again Pentagon has released more UFO-files, and I have the opinion, that UFO phenomenon is caused by top secret military aircraft, weapon research or extraterrestrial visitors. In the UFO:s involved many incredible theories about ancient aliens, but there was no evidence of them in nature.

But sometimes I have got incredible thought in my mind, what is based on Plato's tale of mythical tale of the Atlantis. I sometimes read this thing from some book, but it consists the silly theory, that maybe somewhere in the past was one civilization on Earth. And that theory is not so silly, as we might first think. This theory or philosophical thought bases the thing, what we see around us in every day. We must say that modern humans are aliens to other humans. Or what would you like the situation, that some nations have Jumbo-Jets, and some people use still pikes and axes for hunting, and they live in the stone age?

They are living without any technology, those people are nomads and some of them are quite primitive like Bushmans, that live in Kalahari-desert. This difference between technical advantages people inside the human race has made kicks for theories, that in the past was the civilization on Earth, what had the very high level of technical advantages.  And for some reason, that ancient civilization left Earth, and maybe those members of that civilization were reptilians, that lived in the Yucatan area.  And then some meteorites came, and those ancient reptilians left to  Universe for looking new home.

This theory is not the worst of theories about UFO:s, and in this thought, the reptilians escaped from Earth, because of the climate change, what caused the meteorite, that hit the Yucatan area. There are many incredible thoughts about this so-called "ancient aliens", and in some theories, that civilization must be left from Earth, because that was attacked by some stronger civilization.

And when those aliens left the Earth they destroyed the bases, by using meteorites, for covering their existence. As we have seen, we are even today humanoids for other people. And when we are thinking our technical advantage compiling with people, who are living in stone-age, we must think, that are humanoids some people, who traveled to the universe? Maybe we would someday send the people to the other stars.

Because those people are of course highly intelligent, and they would have the very sophisticated technology in use, they might advantage their technology and their genomes would be replaced by some local genomes, and that means that those colonialists would advance and separate from original humans very fast, and then they might become aliens for ourselves.


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The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...