The research and advances in artificial intelligence are causing the need to re-estimate what things like consciousness means? When we are creating new and powerful AI. We are creating something that has not existed before. And quantum technology has increased the power of AI. So that means we might face surprising situations when we are driving AI algorithms by using quantum computers that are a minimum of 1000 times faster and more powerful than traditional binary computers.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Navy develops high-energy DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) against hypersonic weapons.
A concept of directed energy weapon (Image: Lockheed Martin) ( Against Hypersonic Missiles, US Navy Turns To ‘Faster & Lethal’ DEWs To Battle China, Russia – Top Admiral)
Hypersonic missiles are hard targets but "easy to destroy". If the air-defense weapons can track and aim bullets or missiles against hypersonic missiles they can destroy them. But the problem is that counter-weapons must hit to target. And the low-flying hypersonic weapon will not let a long time for reacting.
Hypersonic weapons have the same thing as all other missiles and airplanes. That thing is that they are easy to destroy if the ammunition hits to target. There are developed weapon systems that can shoot over a million small-caliber ammunition against the target. The problem is that those CIWS systems (Close-in Weapon systems) are using lots of ammunition.
And the ship needs an ammo ship for refilling its ammunition storage quite often. There are also missile-based systems that are shooting multiple missiles against incoming targets. But those systems are expensive, they are slow to reload. And the hypersonic warhead can be stealthy. They hit targets before their sound will reach them. And the radar echo from those targets is extremely weak.
The things like DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) is that they don't need ammunition. The laser systems can also use as Lidar. So that kind of system can see incoming warheads sooner than regular radars. There are developed anti-stealth systems that detect the visual image of the attacking systems. Also, infrared imaging systems are making it possible that the detector sees incoming hypersonic missiles.
Detection of hypersonic missiles is based on the use of satellites. Or some other high-flying platforms like GlobalHawk or some solar-power aircraft. One of those systems could be the blimp which orbits the naval unit near the edge of the atmosphere.
Those high-flying platforms should detect the rocket booster or the air channel or turbulence that the hypersonic weapon leaves after it. Then that system sends the information about that launch to predicted target areas. The problem is that the satellites and other platforms are good targets for the ASAT systems that can aim and destroy high-flying aircraft, blimps, and satellites.
Image 2:) "China’s Type 072III-class landing ship Haiyang Shan is outfitted with a large weapon identified by some analysts as a railgun. (via Twitter)" ( Tests ‘Hypersonic Bullets’ On Live Target; Can Travel At 4000M Per Second & Hit The Opponent From Miles Away)
One type of hypersonic weapon is a hard target even for laser systems. Those hypersonic weapons are rifle-caliber hypersonic weapons. Those systems can shoot even millions of bullets against their targets. The speed of each bullet can be over Mach 6.
China is testing a new hypersonic weapon. The hypersonic bullet travels with a speed that over 4000 meters per second. The hypersonic bullet is a new type of weapon that can destroy tanks and armored vehicles. The hypersonic bullet is the thing that makes personal armor like bullet-proof vests useless. The hypersonic bullets are the thing that is making the Scifi-superweapons true.
Navies are testing railguns that are using hypersonic bullets. Those hypersonic bullets are meant to destroy incoming missiles. But they can also use rail guns to sweep the beach and make a road for landing troops. Those railguns can also use as "super-sniper" systems. But the military industries are developed handguns whose muzzle velocity is over 2000 m/s (Roughly Mach 6).
These kinds of weapons are a new type of solution for the military. Lightweight, man-portable hypersonic rifles that are using intelligent aiming technology can be used in both, offensive and defensive roles. Theoretically, hypersonic handguns can use to replace multiple lightweight anti-aircraft systems.
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Researchers are unveiling the mystery of the time arrow.
Time is an interesting thing. It's the thing that dominates our life. When we want to describe time, we can see describe it as the thing that is between two points, that are in two different moments. Time can also describe as that thing that started in the Big Bang.
Time is the change of the universe. And when the universe reaches stable form, time ends. So time is the change in atoms and subatomic particles. It started during the Big Bang, And the cooling universe is one of the things, that we can use as a description of time. When all energy is gone time ends.
Cosmic inflation is the thing that causes the particles of material are turning to wave motion. And when the last electron and quark are turned to wave motion, the universe reaches its stable form, and that is the end of time. That requires that the universe is open and dark energy pushes it larger and larger. And in the open universe, the expansion continues forever.
We know that the energy level of the particle is directly proportional to its existence as the particle. If the energy level of the particle is high the change of the particle to wave motion takes a longer time. Otherwise saying the aging of particles slows. And that thing is called time dilation.
Time dilation is similar between high-speed objects and objects that are in a strong gravitational field. That means that the gravitational field pulls some kind of energy to the object. Or the gravitational field somehow denies the energy flow away from the particle.
So when we are increasing the speed of a particle or putting it in a strong gravitational field we can increase its lifetime as a particle. That thing means that the gravitational field is pulling quantum fields to that particle.
The reason, why time moves slower when the speed or kinetic energy of a particle rises is that the particle goes through quantum fields more often than when the particle travels slow speed. So kinetic energy is a similar interaction between quantum fields like friction is the interaction between object and air molecules. But there are no air molecules in space. Or the gas or plasma in the universe is not so thick as Earth's atmosphere.
But whenever an object hits an ion, atom, or other thing the kinetic energy will transfer to it. But also radiowaves are increasing the energy of the object. When an object travels through radio waves or some other quantum field, that thing transfers energy to that object.
That means similar friction must also affect to stable object that is in a strong gravitational field. So the question is what causes that energy load to that particle? If the time is energy something pulls energy to the object also when it's in a strong gravitational field. That thing means that the gravitational field increases the impact or rather saying, interaction on the object. Similar way as high speed will increase the number of interactions between objects and quantum fields.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2022
The Meissner effect is the superconducting levitation.
The reason for the Meissner effect where the superconducting object hovers above the superconducting layer is one of the so-called quantum miracles. The reason for that effect is that gas and energy flow through the object. And that causes the low-pressure area above the object. The temperature of the superconducting layer is extremely low. That means energy flows from the upper side of the levitating object to the superconducting layer. And that thing rises the object above the low-temperature layer levitating.
The problem with this kind of levitation is that it requires the layer that is turned into superconducting. And that thing puts limits on the use of the Meissner effect. Normally that thing requires things like magnetic railways for working. But there is made research using Bose-Einstein condensate to make levitation systems that are not needed static magnets or special layers. The powder form superconductors are making it possible to create layer-free solutions for the systems that must levitate in the middle of the forest.
The Bose-Einstein condensate is the powder-form superconducting material. The idea is that the "UFO" will blow the Bose-Einstein condensate under it. And that powder forms the superconducting layer that pushes the craft up. The Meissner effect must just push the system up, and then the regular engines are starting to push the craft in the wanted direction.
The superconducting materials are interesting because they will not give the reflection echo to the transmitter. The thing that is giving the radar echo is the quantum field of the atoms. When a radio wave hits the material it rising the energy level of the quantum fields of the atoms. When that radio wave jumps from the first atom to the next one. That thing adjusts the atom to a higher energy level.
And then the atoms must release their extra energy as wave motion. The thing is that in the superconducting objects the entire atom line is pulled forward. And the radio wave will travel through that material without resistance. So without resistance, there will be no radar echo from those objects.
There introduced an antimatter-based engine. That can use in the saucer-shaped stealth craft.
There are two parts to the system.
1) The area that is made by using graphene.
2) And the area where is the solid or thicked frame. Chancing the frame or "hood" that system can change the direction of the main energy flow.
In the middle of that system is the annihilation chamber. That chamber could be between the outer and inner core of the saucer. The inner core is an extremely thick material that protects the cabin against radiation. The energy that is created by using annihilation would tunnel through the graphene.
And turning the thicker cover or hood, the system can control the main energy flow. So the side where graphene is open gives more energy through it. Then that thing makes it easier to turn the hood above the annihilation chamber.
The laptop broke the "post-quantum" cryptography scheme that was meant to protect information against quantum computers.
Image Source: (‘Post-Quantum’ Cryptography Scheme Is Cracked on a Laptop)
The fact is that quantum computers are a new thing. Those new and powerful systems are making the regular, binary cryptography old-fashion. Traditional RSA cryptography is very easy to break by using quantum computers.
So there it needed a new algorithm that can protect networks against quantum computers. This is why NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) published the race, to create next-generation cryptography. The advances in quantum computing are huge. And that means those systems are turning more common.
So maybe quite soon the first quantum servers are in use in private corporations. And sooner than we think, the first quantum-PC:s are sold in supermarkets. That means we must create new algorithms and methods for protecting our networks against quantum hackers.
There is a problem that nobody knows what will be the next step in quantum technology. And there are many protocols and cryptographic systems tested against the attacks of quantum computers. But some of those algorithms involve mistakes. And one of them is broken by using laptop computers. That thing tells that even the symmetrical curve cryptography and other symmetrical methods don't stand against quantum computers. An algorithm is useless against quantum computers if the laptops can break it.
The reason why quantum cryptography is hard to break is that the data travels in the form of a qubit. Because the qubit is the particle the attempt to steal information will cause the quantum states of that qubit to be disturbed. And that thing uncovers the attempt to steal information.
Normally qubits are traveling in the protective laser ray. And that thing makes quantum cryptography more secure than we even think.
There is, of course, a possibility, that quantum systems can be hacked. But the time that the binary computer uses for that thing is extremely long. So if we want to break the code that is made in a second by using a quantum computer, by using a binary computer that takes over a month. This means real-time hacking the quantum systems by using binary computers is impossible.
So if somebody wants to hack things like battlefield missiles that are using quantum cryptography in their messages by using binary computers, that will take so long time, that this kind of hacking doesn't affect the situation.
If we think that a qubit is like a house, or tower with multiple layers or states we can make quantum cryptography even more secure than it was before. In the case where qubit has let's say eleven states. We can use as an example states 5, 7, and 10 for sending information. So we must not use those quantum states successively.
If we use only states 5,7 and 10. We might fill other states by using white noise. Or we can send things like images in those states. In that case, if somebody tries to open the message that thing will disturb other states and cause distortion in those images. That means we can see if somebody tried to steal information from the qubits.
Why are things like the JWST telescope along with Artemis and Dart spacecraft advancing the economy and civil and military technology?
Above: Dart mission.
The growing economy requires innovation and trust.
The price of the JWST and Artemis is very high. But the fact is that they are advancing economical advantage. Those kinds of high-profile projects are a good introduction to the know-how of the actors that are working with them. This thing will bring companies to offer their ideas and discuss with NASA and its cooperatives about advancing space technology in civil and military areas.
When we are thinking about the price of the moon program. We always forget that the moon program gave many sidelines like velcros. And the experience of heavy-duty systems. But it also opened the path to developing lightweight computers and later artificial intelligence. So the projects like Artemis and JWST are offering the framework where new products can develop.
Things like Mars-rovers are also offering the tool how to test independently operating vehicles and the artificial intelligence software that can turn into everyday life. Innovation is the key element in those missions.
The new technology can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
NASA's Dart mission also offers the possibility to create and develop a new type of artificial intelligence-based technology that allows one to search for the right asteroid and shoot the penetrators to it. But the same technology that is used in Dart can use for creating killer satellites that can destroy at least military satellites.
The problem with killer satellites is that space is, of course, a demilitarized area. But things like GPS satellites, recon satellites that point to the targets, and satellites that are supporting military forces in some other ways are military targets. The military role of the satellite makes it a legal military target.
So the killer satellites are satellites that might seem harmless to people on Earth. But modern technology is changing that situation. Those satellites can drop armed quadcopters from the orbiter.
Those quadcopters can be satellite-controlled and armed with pistols or larger weapons. Those systems are more realistic than some "rail guns". They are simply capsules that are dropped through the atmosphere and release those drones.
Monday, August 29, 2022
There is a new era for space exploration.
The next attempt to launch Artemis 1 mission is maybe on Friday. The fact is that the new era of spaceflight is rising. New heavy-duty cargo systems like Artemis and Space-X's Starship are making history.
They allow creating the new type of missions where large structures can assemble at the Earth and moon orbiters. The miniature shuttles can use as assistant systems that are putting the parts of the large-size structures in the right places.
But why the Moon is an important thing for the next-generation space missions?
The space station that is on the moon's surface offers a good place to test the technology that is needed on Mars and farther. But another thing is that the Moon is needed for interplanetary flights for one reason. Interplanetary flights are based the nuclear-powered spacecraft. The nuclear reactor that is used in those missions is dangerous because radioactive material from those reactors can fall to Earth.
Sending a nuclear reactor to the Moon's orbiter requires heavy cargo systems. The highly radioactive material that is needed as fuel in those reactors can launch to the moon's surface in multiple different launches. That minimizes the possibility that the nuclear material can leak to large areas in nature.
Nuclear fuel can be stored in hard capsules and shot together with other parts of the Moon's orbiter. When only a minimum mass of fission material is shot in each launch, it minimizes the possibility of a large-scale nuclear disaster.
The nuclear-powered rockets' parts can be put together at the Moon orbiter and the reactor can start behind the Moon. That denies radioactive debris to fall on Earth.
The moon's orbiter is also in a very good position for larger space telescopes than James Webb. The service crews can use the Moon's surface for the storage of mirrors and other systems. The service for those large-scale and extremely expensive instruments can also make by using robot teams. The remote-control robots can change the mirrors of those telescopes that can be even larger than JWST.
Astronomers found that exoplanet TOI-1452 b could be a so-called water world.
Artist's impression of exoplanet TOI-1452 b
The anatomy of water worlds.
Exoplanet TOI-1452 b is orbiting red dwarf TOI-1452 for 11 days. There is a possibility, that a thick water layer covers the entire exoplanet TOI-1452 b. That thing makes that exoplanet very interesting. TOI-1452 b is 70 times larger than Earth and five times more massive than our planet. TOI-1452 b is possible a locked planet where powerful winds are blowing because the difference in temperature between day and night sides is very big. So what kind of world the water world can be?
That temperature difference causes extremely strong winds. The windspeed in those jet streams can rise over Mach 1. The difference in the wind speed in latitudes causes the stripes in the water world's atmosphere and the friction between those stripes will heat the atmosphere of the water world.
And if there forms some kind of hurricanes in the atmosphere of water worlds those hurricanes can stay years. The water worlds have stripes because there is nothing that can disturb the atmosphere. Forming clouds requires islands or dry areas. Ans waves require that there is some kind of shoals.
If there are no shoals or landmass the oceans can be very slight, because nothing will cause the waves. There are possible massive vertical flows that are chancing water at the surface. But those flows require that there is some kind of volcanic activity below the ocean. There is the possibility that water layers over the water world exoplanets are even thousands of kilometers deep.
The massive gravitation can pull water even to ice. The exoplanet Gliese 461 b has a surface covered by ice even if the temperature on that planet is 436 degrees Celsius, but the extreme gravitation pulls water to ice on that planet.
There is also the possibility that a thick water layer presses the bottom of the ocean to ice. The reason for that is the extremely high pressure will deny the oscillation of water molecules.
But if the gravitation on the surface of the water world is stronger on Earth but lower than forming of hot ice requires. That means the water will not boil at 100 degrees Celsius. So the oceans of the water worlds can be extremely hot, and they will not boil. Because of massive gravitation.
There is possible that that planet's ocean swims some kind of lifeforms that are similar to that swam in Earth's oceans before the oxygen is released into the Atmosphere. The water worlds are exoplanets that can support quite similar lifeforms like fishes or sea insects even if that planet is in a powerful radiation zone. The water layer protects animals that are living in that ocean.
Can there be intelligent lifeforms on water worlds?
The ocean worlds are very interesting in the point of search for intelligent lifeforms. The intelligent lifeforms can make undersea structures and underwater stations for protecting themselves against the powerful radiation of the central star of some water world. But in most of those models, the intelligent civilization must form on other planets.
On the water worlds themselves, the endemic species cannot reach the level of the technically advanced civilization, because they cannot make fire or melt metals, which is the key element for technical inventions. But there is always the possibility that the endemic species can use volcanic temperature for melting metals, that was the first step for humans on that route to technically advanced species.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
GPS is the key to next-generation military systems.
Above 1: The Vampire system
Many people think that most armored vehicles are main battle tanks (MBTs) like M-1 Abrams and "Leopard". Most of the armored vehicles are not MBTs. They are cheaper and lighter vehicles like Russian BTR-60 and "Movag Piranha", is one of the armored and weaponized cars. The thing is that things like "Javelin" and heavier "Spike" missiles are making even jeeps dangerous to at least some MBTs until there is a new invention that protects the MBT against the incoming missiles.
Weapon development is the race between improved warheads and improved armor. If the MBT is modern it should do its mission. But if that tank is not modern and equipped with modern offensive and defensive systems it's a death trap. The thing in old-fashion technology is that is working. But if the opponents are using things like GPS-guided ammunition and recon drones with AI-based aiming and launching technologies the old-fashion systems with dummy grenades have no chance against that kind of system.
The GPS can make any projectile and weapon system more lethal than ever before. Things like rifle grenades and even single bullets can have GPS guidance systems. The GPS can point to the person's location and when the shooter shoots the rifle grenade that GPS detonates the grenade at the perfect point above the target.
Above 2: M982 Excalibur GPS-guided ammunition.
The smart computer-controlled sniper systems can use GPS for aiming the rifle in the right position. When a drone or something else locates the target the image in intelligent scope will position the mark at the right point and the bullet can fly precisely in the right trajectory.
This kind of aiming- and launching system can be put in the body of that weapon. The computer will calculate the needed angle and things like sidewinding can be input to that launching system from the weather station. The same system can install into the old-fashion cannons. But also single rifle bullets can equip with control wings and a GPS.
The VAMPIRE system can transfer any pickup to a small missile carrier. That kind of system is a good example of a new type of modular weapon kit that can install on any device. The Vampire system can be dangerous at least to lightweight infantry fighting vehicles like APC and IFV (Armored Personel Carriers/Infantry fighting vehicles) and trucks. This kind of system can also use for commando actions and they can install in manned or unmanned vehicles like robot cars.
That kind of vehicle can operate by a remote team and it can slip near airfields and destroy the aircraft that is hanging at the airfield. But the new intelligent weapon systems are making the world more dangerous than ever. In the wrong hands, those systems are dangerous for national security. They can be used for strikes against things like fuel storage, armored cars, and electric conversation stations.
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The quantum heat pump can theoretically detect dark matter.
"An illustration of the device, which consists of two superconducting circuits: a cold high-frequency circuit (in blue) and a hot low-frequency circuit (in red). Here, the current that flows in the red circuit generates an oscillating magnetic field which leads to the photon-pressure coupling".
"By sending in a strong signal to the blue high-frequency circuit, this one is transformed into an amplifier capable of detecting radio-frequency photons flowing in the red circuit with much higher sensitivity. Credit: Researchers" ( Have Built a Quantum Heat Pump To Detect Dark Matter)
Above this text, you can see a quantum heat pump. That system is based on the idea of two superconducting circuits with different energy levels. And different frequencies. In that image, they are marked with red and blue colors.
The red one has a higher energy level than the blue circuit. Or actually, the red circuit is a hot low-frequency circuit. And blue is a cold high-frequency circuit. The red superconducting circuit sends the radio waves to the blue circuit.
And the low-frequency electric impulses turn into high-frequency signals in the blue circuit. That makes the blue circuit more sensitive than the red circuit.
And the energy level of those two circuits can be calculated extremely accurately. And if the radiowaves or some other parts of those circuits interact with something that is not visible. that causes an anomaly in the energy level of that system.
Normally attempts to create interaction between visible and dark matter are basing extremely high-speed particles or magnetic fields. The idea is that fast-moving particle or wave motion can impact the dark matter causing an interaction that is visible in the changes in energy level.
But there is the possibility that dark matter particles are virtual. That means that they might be some kind of whirls in gravitation waves. Or they can be impacting gravitational waves.
Is it possible that the dark matter particles cannot interact because they tunnel themselves too strongly so that there is no interaction between material and dark matter? But what is the limit of that tunneling? Would that tunneling happen between the superstrings that are like whisks when they are forming particles? Or can dark matter particles tunnel themselves even through the superstring itself?
There is also the possibility that particles of dark matter are so small but their energy level or their quantum field is so powerful, that dark matter can simply push superstrings away from their route.
Or maybe those mysterious things are making holes in the superstrings that are forming particles. The interaction between dark and visible material would prove that the origin of the strange gravitation effect is the particle.
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James Webb-telescope detected carbon dioxide in the exoplanet's atmosphere.
Above: Artists' impression of exoplanet Wasp-39B
Exoplanet Wasp-39b has carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. That thing is one of the possible marks of the lifeforms. But there is also the possibility that oxygen is connecting to carbon in the atmosphere of Wasp-39b. The Wasp-39b is a giant exoplanet. It's so-called hot Jupiter and the atmospheric temperature of that planet is 900 degrees Celsius. That is an extremely hot planet, so there should not be any lifeforms.
But there is one possibility that is not what somebody wants to hear. The possibility is that the carbon dioxide is coming from the high atmosphere of some invisible target near Wasp-39b. The object can be some kind of moon near Wasp-39b. There is also water (H2O) and sodium (Na) in that planet's atmosphere.
The Wasp-39b orbits its central star in four days. The mass of the Wasp-39b is one-quarter of Jupiter. So its mass is similar to Saturn but the size is larger than Jupiter. The reason for that is that the Wasp-39B is forming of lighter elements than Jupiter. And that means it's lighter but 1,3 times bigger than Jupiter. The question is why Wasp-39b doesn't lose its atmosphere to its star G-class star Wasp-39 ("Malmok"). That star is slightly smaller than our Sun.
The Wasp-39b orbit time around its star is 4 days. So why Wasp-39 didn't burn that planet to an interplanetary cloud? Why Wasp-39's star wind of ions doesn't blow the Wasp-39b to space? The gravitation on Wasp-39b is not so powerful that it could keep that gas giant in one piece. And Wasp-39 is not any red dwarf. It's quite similar to our sun.
So some people say that Wasp-39 b should not even exist. Many other exoplanets are orbiting their center star in a couple of days. But those planets are orbiting red dwarfs whose surface temperature is about 3500 celsius. Wasp-39's surface temperature is about 5000-6000K (about 4726-5726 degrees Celsius) (The temperature of the Sun's photosphere is 5772K)
There is the possibility that there is another small dwarf or so-called real planet in those solar systems. Even Earth-mass rocky planets are hard to detect if their size is very small. If the earth-mass planet forms mainly of heavier elements like iron and other heavy metals that thing means that its size is smaller than Earth if its gravitation is the same as Earth.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
The main problem with nanomachines is: how to make parts for them.
Biological nanomachines are genetically engineered bacteria. The problem with organic nanorobots is that they have the same limits as bacteria. Normally in nanotechnology bacteria's ability to make descendants is terminated. There is only DNA plasmid in the core of those bacteria.
The purpose of the DNA plasmid is to control the functions of bacteria. But the main DNA is removed. That means bacteria cannot make descendants. And it makes bacteria easier to control.
The non-biological nanomachines are necessary tools in highly toxic and radiation environments. Their operational area is larger than genetically engineered bacteria. Those non-organic or non-biological systems can operate at a high level of radiation and higher temperatures than bacteria. But making large numbers of those machines is difficult.
Nanomachines are impressive tools. But the biggest problem is how to make those extremely small machines work right. There are billions of points where nanorobots are useful, but creating parts for those systems is difficult. Things like microchips are easy to make in miniature size. But the problem is in mechanical parts. How to make a gearbox for nanomachine?
That system allows the nanomachine to move back and forth in its operational area. One of the versions is to use two nano-size electric motors that are connected to an axle. The first electric engine is connected to its axle straight.
And another one uses protein wire as the cross-drawn belt. Or the system can use two cogwheel-like molecules as the gears.
The axles and pulleys are created by using fullerene nanotubes. That is cut into pieces by using lasers. Researchers can also create those system's propellers by using thin nylon or kevlar fibers.
Another version is to put miniature magnets around nanotubes that are pulled through nanomachines. And that thing makes them miniature MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic Drives). The nanomachine itself can be the crystal that is controlled by a microchip. That microchip can also deliver energy to those nanomachines.
Why do photons have no mass?
When we are looking at the two forms of light, particles and wave motion we can try to find the answer to the strange abilities of the photon. There is the possibility that when a photon stretches to wave motion or superstring it turns flat. So when a photon hits particles its impact area is so small, that it cannot cause enough large-size impact area.
The situation is similar to when a bullet hits the house. That bullet cannot destroy or affect all houses because the impact area is so small. So the bullet makes a small hole in that house.
Same way when a flat photon or superstring travels in space. And impacts material. There is the possibility that it just pushes the quantum field around particles away. The idea is that the particle's quantum field is not a uniform structure. The quantum fields around particles are a series of superstrings or quantum lightning that is forming a structure that looks like a whisk.
The force of that quantum lightning or quantum strings can be unique. And that makes it possible that qubits can have multiple quantum states at the same time.
When photons are impacting quantum lightning. It will transfer energy to those quantum strings. That energy pushes those quantum strings away from each other. It makes it possible that photons can tunnel themselves through particles. This thing denies interaction between the photon and other particles.
So could the tunneling effect be the reason why the interaction between photons and other particles is so weak that measuring the mass of the photon is hard or even impossible to measure? Or is the impact area of photons so small that it starts to tunnel through the particles before the measurements can be done?
The artificial embryos are opening new visions for biotechnology.
The artificial mice embryos were "real" embryos, not clones. They were made by connecting the chromosomes of two mice. And that makes this thing very interesting. When we are thinking about this method from the point of view of artificial evolution, that thing opens a road to more versatile things than just cloning.
Artificial embryos are making it possible to create tailored people. The parents or DNA deliverers of those embryos can be selected very carefully. Also, nanotechnology can change the sequences of DNA. And researchers can change things like skin color and gender.
The ability to connect genomes and put them in the stem cells is making it possible to create new animals and even humans by using the genomes that are taken from the DNA samples. In some theories, mysterious UFO abductions are made for collecting DNA from extraordinary people. DNA can use to solve what kind of genomes are making people intelligent can be solved from that data.
This new technology doesn't require sperm or gametes. The simple tissue sample is enough.
And that thing helps to create new individuals for the dangered animal population. But that thing can also make it possible to create the new Einstein and Edison for society. There is the possibility that the cell samples that are taken from the most brilliant masterminds on our planet are used to create new very capable humans. The fact is that nanotechnology makes it possible to order the gender of the person.
The nanomachines can replace the Y-chromosome by using another X, or otherwise. There is also the possibility to make those embryos sterile by connecting extra gender chromosomes in the genomes of that embryo. This thing is opening the most powerful tools that the human race ever had before. So we must realize that we must use this technology carefully.
Friday, August 26, 2022
What does somebody do with information about how a hawk homes its prey from the chaotic swarm?
"Composite frame sequence of a Swainson’s hawk attacking swarming Mexican free-tailed bats at a bat cave in New Mexico, USA. The white lines connect the hawk to the bat that it captures, and remain parallel over time showing that the bat remains on a constant bearing. Credit: Caroline Brighton (Oxford Flight Group)"( Study reveals how hunting hawks home in on prey inside a chaotic swarm)
Many swarming animals, such as insects and birds, use chaos as a shelter. Chaos makes it harder for a predator to pick a single bird or insect from that chaotic flock. Information about how animals such as hawks or dragonflies select targets and attack them makes it possible to create algorithms that are used to select the main movers from a flock of drones.
The prime mover is the drone that goes first. And the secondary drone is the backup tool. That mission is to observe the prime movers. They are forming two- or more-stage hierarchical systems that can make their mission waves.
Flocks of drones imitate nature. They try to create chaos by hiding drones that are higher up in the hierarchy. The drone swarm is a hierarchical network of the entity, in which the main trustees and secondary movers collaborate with their pilots by sharing information across the whole, which is a combination of drones and their controllers.
Drone swarms are powerful tools and in the next-generation military systems, drone swarms are playing a vital role in aiming other weapons and attack against enemies. The drone swarms can use chaos for making the air defense harder to locate the centers of those swarms.
In some visions, the center drones are more sophisticated, made of more expensive components, and equipped with more effective computers and they have sharper sensors than attack drones. And even if all of those drones have similar systems there must be drones that are making sure that the mission is successful.
So there are always prime movers and then the secondary movers that are observing the mission. If the mission is not done, the secondary movers must accomplish that.
Those centers are used to control their hench drones that are equipped with explosives and weapons. The drone swarm can use chaos for making the AA flak harder to detect the drones that are controlling the systems. But there is always a prime mover in those swarms. The prime movers are hard, but possible to detect from the drone swarms.
Scientists created synthetic mouse embryos by using stem cells.
"Natural and synthetic embryos side by side with heart and head folds stained in color. Credit: Courtesy of M. Zernicka-Goetz" (
Those synthetic embryos are the most fundamental things in biotechnology ever created. Those embryos had hearts and brains. So this kind of cloning technology can use for creating neurons for people whose brain is injured.
The problem with those neurons is that their memories are gone when they are destroyed. But even the existence of the "spare part" neurons makes it possible to avoid physical damage to the brain structures.
Same way as scientists can clone mice by using stem cells. They can clone humans or any other mammal. Stem cell technology can be the biotechnology of the future.
There is the possibility that before humans are born researchers take a couple of stem cells from each embryo for cryogenic storage. This thing makes it possible that each person has stem cells in a stem cell bank. Those stem cells offer the possibility to give stem cell therapy. Or that technology can use to create spare parts for people whose organs are injured.
The fact is that the DNA of the stem cells can also be stored separately. And nanotechnology allows researchers can change the DNA inside the stem cells. So theoretically if researchers have the DNA in their storage they can use even the stem cells that are taken from mice and change the DNA in the nucleus of that cell. That kind of technology allows the cloning of stem cells.
The human clones are the thing that offers one version of immortality. The person can make a copy of the body and then transfer the memories to that embryo. There is the possibility that the people of tomorrow have the microchip in their nervous system. And then microchips are copying the memories of the person to the internet. Then those memories will transmit to the younger person's brain through the cortex.
That kind of technology can open fantastic and otherwise frightening visions. That thing can give the person some kind of immortality. But it can also make it possible to create clone armies. And in some visions, the clones can also be used to replace people who are injured. Or their death wanted to be hidden. That is one vision for biotechnology, that allows researchers to create spare parts" for people.
A photon trap is a perfect tool for sensors.
"Researchers built a “light trap” around a thin layer using mirrors and lenses, in which the light beam is steered in a circle and then superimposed on itself – exactly in such a way that the beam of light blocks itself and can no longer leave the system". ( Perfect Trap for Light – Allows Light To Be Absorbed Perfectly in Photosynthesis and Photovoltaics)
A photon trap is a perfect tool for sensors. But they can also use to create energy to ignite a fusion reactor without fission. The idea is that the photon trap collects energy from the sun. And then that temperature ignites the fusion fuel.
A photon trap is a chamber where light is trapped inside it. Then that light or photons are jumping between mirrors of that chamber. This thing makes the photon trap the perfect tool for the sensors. When outcoming energy hits those trapped photons. That thing increases their energy. The photon traps can also use in ecological fusion or some other kinds of research. When light is conducted to the photon trap that increases its energy level until energy stress ends.
Or energy breaks out from that chamber. That makes it possible to create next-generation solar panels or fusion systems. In that case, the fusion material will be put inside the photon trap and increasing energy will ignite that fusion. Photon traps are interesting tools for many things. They can use in extremely sharp sensors, long-distance data links, or even fusion experiments.
In some visions, in the future fusion-powered spacecraft can use photon traps fro ignite fusion engines. The system can conduct energy to the fusion chamber that is formed by a photon trap. The energy that is required for igniting the fusion can be taken from the sun. And then this kind of system allows for the creation of enough energy for the fusion system without the need to use the fission reactor.
Lockheed -Martin "Helios"-naval laser system enters service.
The new tool for military systems is lasers. The Helios-type laser systems are offering ultimate defensive and offensive systems. Laser weapons with adjustable power can use for laser communication, laser eavesdropping, and spectrographic intelligence tools. In the last case, the laser will stress the target's atoms. And spectrometer can detect elements that are used for that target. The difference between those systems is the power of the laser rays.
The laser weapons can also shoot ground targets over hills by using very simple methods. The quadcopter will just rise the mirror above the area and that mirror will use to aim a laser ray at the ground target. So the Helios-type systems can also use to destroy ammunition and individual targets on the battlefield. The main problem with regular mirrors is that the glass layer at the front of the reflecting layer absorbs laser radiation.
And that thing broke the mirror. But new technology allows for the creation of mirrors, where extremely thin glass protects that silver layer. That thing minimizes absorption.
But a new type of laser technology allows for the creation of extremely powerful lightweight lasers. One of the systems is the so-called free photon laser where the laser ray will get energy from other laser rays that are targeted to it. In that case, the laser element is virtualized. The central- or leading ray must only be more powerful than other rays.
The fact is that there is no limit to the size of those free-photon lasers. The nickname of those systems is "System Death Star". The multiple laser rays can connect to one very powerful laser ray. And that kind of laser system can be dangerous even to orbital systems.
There is also introduced a vision that the acoustic ray can use to clean the air molecules and fog away from the laser ray. First, the acoustic ray will make the channel through clouds or smoke. And then the laser ray will shoot through that channel.
In another version called "ion laser," the laser structure has formed the plasma. Then the acoustic beam will make a tunnel in that plasma. And after that, the laser ray will put to travel through that channel where plasma pumps energy in it. The magnets are keeping that plasma away from the walls of the laser. And then, the infrared laser ray will be shot through that channel, where plasma pumps infrared radiation to that laser ray, which makes it very powerful.
Image and sources.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Liver disease is linked 38% higher risk of dementia.
The FDA accepted new medications for Alzheimer's. And the research is advancing very fast. The name of the medicine is in the top link below this text.
Accumulating toxins can cause the immune cells can attack neurons. When certain toxins are accumulating in cells there is the possibility that their membrane proteins are changing. Or otherwise, there will be some strange chemical compounds in the core of those neurons. And if the immune cell misses the neuron or their support cell and destroys those vital cells.
The liver is a very important organ. That organ removes toxic material from our bodies. And that thing can explain why liver disease causes dementia. When toxic waste of the cell metabolism will start to pile up in our body those products of metabolism also get access to our brains and neurons.
When toxic chemicals are starting to pile up in the brain neurons are meant to stay the entire life. There is a big risk that those neurons will be destroyed. This is the reason why we must think about our way of life.
If researchers could remove those toxic chemicals from the brain that thing can bring a cure for some kinds of dementia cases.
When toxins start to accumulate in brain neurons, they disturb the normal metabolism of those cells. The damage to the DNA of brain neurons can cause problems.
''Researchers from Osaka University discover an unexpected alteration in the brain during the autopsy of a patient with clinically typical Parkinson’s disease: an accumulation of TDP-43 proteins rather than alpha-synuclein". (ScitechDaily.Com/An Unexpected Change in the Brain: A New Cause of Parkinson’s Related Cell Death Discovered)
And the thing is that in Parkinson's something in the brain cells causes their death. So could that thing be the hybrid influence of toxic chemicals that makes those cells create wrong proteins or if the chemical environment of the cells is something else than it should be? That thing causes anomalies in the actions of neurons.
Scientists try to explain or model dark energy.
Dark energy is energy that rips the universe into pieces. That thing means that there is too much energy in the universe. So is it possible that some particles are "shining too bright?". That thing causes the wave motion called dark energy kicks particles away from each other.
Einstein's theory of gravitation and gravitation lensing exists. So things like dark energy don't mean that the entire gravitational theory is wrong. But there might be some parts of that theory, that require some kind of rethink. Or maybe there is one thing that even Albert Einstein himself didn't recognize.
That thing is that gravitational lensing accelerates the photon. Or actually, the gravitational field accelerates a photon when the photon travels to the gravitational center. And when a photon travels away from the gravitational field's center its speed slows. That means the speed of photons is not the same all the time.
When photons hit to planet's atmosphere, their speed slows. That thing sends radiation to the universe. That radiation or wave motion will transfer to photons and increase their energy level. And that thing makes the idea of the thing called "photon with hyper-high energy level".
When some photons travel faster than others they must slow their speed to the level of the speed of light. Speed is another name for kinetic energy.
Energy cannot vanish. It can just take another form. When a particle decreases its speed it must deliver that extra kinetic energy to some other particle or quantum field.
There is the possibility that the source of dark energy is in the hyper-speed photons or some other particles that they should.
That means the interaction between photons and quantum fields can be the source of dark energy. When a photon or some other particle comes out from a wormhole and touches some other particle that means that the impact sends more energy than it should.
When particle comes out from the wormhole they have a higher energy level than normal particles. And when that kind of particle hits quantum fields that reaction will transfer more energy than predicted.
There is also the possibility that some particles are coming outside the universe. Outside the universe, the speed of particles is higher, than it is inside the universe. That thing means that when those particles are impacting with particles inside our universe that impact delivers more energy than it should. But there must be some kind of source for those particles.
Why do we all have an individual way see things?
The idea of the ultimate reality that is the same for everybody is a myth. The reality is different for everybody in the world. How we see things depends on the experiences that we have. The same thing that might mean funny and pleasure to some people might be very traumatic for some other people. We know that things like festivals and concerts are meant to be places, where everybody has fun.
But some negative experiences can cause that person ever go to those places. The fact is that feelings are in dominating role in the way to see things. The fact is that if the person has some kind of difference in the nervous system or senses that can cause that person to see the world differently than others. So when we are thinking of observation, we must realize that memories have a big influence to things how we are seeing things.
This thing should show that people are individuals. We might see things differently than other people. We might have an allergy that makes something like a chocolate painful experience. That thing causes immune system over-reaction and the itch. This itch makes that very common tasteful candy a bad experience for others.
This is one point of seeing things. When we have some kind of anomaly that thing changes our way to see things.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
The principle of superconductivity is easy to understand.
Metals and some other materials are turning superconductive in low temperatures. The superconductivity is the result of the lack of oscillation of the object. And that thing makes objects superconducting. There is also a second way to make an object superconducting.
That thing is increased pressure. And an extremely high pressure ends the oscillation in metal. The problem is that the needed pressure is over 20 thousand times the atmosphere. And if there is a lean in the system that can cause a dangerous situation. The combination of low temperature and high pressure can make it possible to create superconductors that are operating at higher temperatures than ever before.
The third way is to use plasma or a magnetic field that is pushing the wires as normal pressure does. In that case, the magnetic fields are making it possible to create superconducting at room temperature.
The thing that makes the object superconductive is that its atoms are close to each other. So they act like a stick when an electron hits them.
In normal material, those atoms are like balls they would pull energy out from electron that moves between them. But in superconducting objects, the energy travels in atoms' quantum fields.
In superconducting entirety, they form a thick entirety. When an electron hits those atoms it hits their quantum fields it pushes the quantum field or atom forward.
So the entire line of atoms is moving forward. And then it sends the quantum forward. Because the electron pushes the entire atom line that acts like a stick forward that thing doesn't cause resistance.
But the thing that makes the object superconductive is that there is no loose space between those particles. The atoms are pressed extremely close to each other. And that means they cannot move anywhere when an electron hits them. So the energy travels through that object without any resistance.
Resistance is the thing that is caused when energy travels in the object. And the atoms are swinging when their quantum field swings like jelly. That swing requires energy. And that energy is out from electrons that are traveling at the core of the electric wire.
When atoms are packed close to each other they can transmit energy in the form of wave motion. When an electron hits those atoms it will push the entire atom line. And then that atom line sends the quantum to another side of it. That thing removes resistance between those atoms.
The first-time robot learned to imagine itself.
For the first time in history, a robot imagined itself. It looked at itself from mirrors and made a copy of itself. Of course, robots could make copies of themselves by using CAD drawings, stored inside their memories. But the ability to imagine themselves is fundamental.
The ability to imagine themselves without the 3D images makes it possible that robot can fix their damages autonomously. That thing is necessary when the robot is operating in areas where they need to be extremely independent.
The ability to imagine themself will work with the 3D models of the robot's surface layer and its system. The image tells what the structure should look like. And the cameras and other sensors are telling the real situation. The robot's core can contain sensors that are observing what its skeleton and hydraulics are looking like. And if there is some kind of warp or other damage.
The inner core of the robot can have sensors that are observing the condition of its inner structure. Those sensors can be lasers that are following possible wraps and bricks in the structure of hydraulics or robot's other structures. The system knows, that it needs repair if it sees errors in those structures. And then, it can start to create spare parts by using 3D printer technology.
This ability makes it possible to create systems that are repairing the damages in manned systems. There is a possibility that the 3D printer systems are installed in the structure of the vehicles. And they can repair damages like holes in the core. Or those systems can create any part that the robot needs.
Developers can install self-repairing systems in all kinds of vehicles or other systems. As an example, deep-space probes can repair their structures by using 3D-printer technology.
The system can find needed minerals by using spectrometers. Then they can melt them by using lasers and microwaves. The probe can also use carbon asteroids for creating carbon fiber. The only problem is that melting carbon for fibers requires quite powerful lasers or electromagnetic systems.
But a similar system can make repairings for tanks, armored vehicles, or even flying aircraft. The only thing that this kind of system needs is material that 3D printers can use when they do their jobs.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Do we have enough mass for a multiverse?
The fact is we don't have an answer for that. The multiverse theory is hard to prove right or wrong simply because those other universes are outside our Universe. So we cannot prove their existence by calculating the mass that exists in the Universe where we live.
There is also the possibility that those other universes are invisible to us. So we might just guess about the existence of the universes outside our Universe.
There is a couple of versions of the multiverse theories. The first one is the original multiverse theory where other universes are outside the Universe as we know it.
But another more exotic version is the matryoshka universe theory. In that theory, the black holes are involving another universe. The idea is that the information cannot vanish. The black hole doesn't destroy information.
Black holes store information. And that information that is stored in black holes can take the form of the Universe.
There is the possibility that there are other universes but we cannot see them. The reason for that can be that the size of particles that form those other universes is different than particles in our Universe. So, we cannot see that material. And another version of the invisible Universes is that they exist in black holes.
But how we can prove that thing? The fact is that we cannot prove that thing without traveling through the event horizon. The idea of that "universe in a black hole" is based on the idea that in the middle of the black hole is the point where all energy and wave motion along with the material is packed. That material would be in the fourth dimension because its energy level is so high.
Even if we see that the fourth dimension is very small if we are seeing that dimension outside it. But if we want to move into that fourth dimension we can see it as a large space, or similar way as we see the third dimension where we are living. The idea is that the dimension is a certain energy level of the matter. The material must have the same energy level as other material bubbles that can interact with them.
One of the versions of the matryoshka universe theories is that the Universe is the three-dimensional bubble in spacetime that has an unknown shape. And other three-dimensional bubbles are forming other universes that can interact with "our" Universe. But there is the possibility that there are other universes where the material is four-dimensional. If we will look at those four-dimensional universes from the outside they look small.
There is the possibility, that part of dark energy could be coming from outside of our Universe. That theory goes like this. The outside energy source brings sends wave motion in "our" Universe. The thing is that the wave motion cannot form from nothingness. So if the source of that wave motion is outside the Universe, it can be in other Universes. But proving those universes' existence is very hard. Maybe gravitational waves can give a tip about the existence of those hypothetical other universes.
Research uncovered that people with similar faces have similar genomes.
Image: Human Beings on a Molecular Level: People With Similar Faces Likely Have Similar DNA)
There was an article today in It had a highlight: "Characterizing Human Beings on a Molecular Level: People With Similar Faces Likely Have Similar DNA". Genome researchers are uncovered that the DNA is similar between people who have similar faces. But that kind of research can also use to make models of human faces. In databases are stored the shapes of the faces.
And the DNA that forms the nose and other details can uncover. By connecting the DNA models the AI can create the image of the person. In the future, the computer can make the model the faces of humans by using the DNA sample. In the same way, the AI can make the model of human fingerprints by using the DNA image.
Researchers confirmed that DNA between two persons with identical faces is also similar. So that thing tells that face recognition can use to search for family members of some people. When the computer or the Ai sees enough similarities between the faces of two people it might suggest the DNA confirmation about that thing.
This thing means that people who are from the same family can be uncovered just by using some social media application and image recognition tool. Faces are a heritable thing and that means people who look like the same can have similar genetic backgrounds. This thing is one of the most fascinating things in history.
It helps researchers to find bloodlines and families that have some kind of tales about ancient times and maybe some of them uncover things like who is Mona Lisa (I think that woman was the sister of Leonardo da Vinci) or was there some woman as pope? Maybe those tales cannot ever be confirmed. But there is always a possibility...
Nanotechnology and drones are effective tools for field medical research.
Drones can carry X-Ray transmitters and receivers. The system can work that way that the 2-8 drones are flying around the target. The receiver must be on the opposite side of the target. That allows making X-ray research for natural animals without trapping them.
Drones and artificial intelligence allows also make even PET scannings for insect-size natural animals without the need to trap them. And the same systems can also use for research on humans who might be injured.
The fact is that nanotechnology and drones allow us to make even radiological research on the insect's nervous system and body in a natural environment. The system can be artificial intelligence-controlled drones that can have nanotechnology-based injectors. That injector injects things like the I-131 isotope into the insect's body.
And then extremely small sensors can detect how the radioactive isotope travels in the insect's body. The system can use miniaturized sensor chips that are like dust. Those sensors can transmit data to the drone that flies near that insect. Or drones can have miniaturized telescopes that can detect the reactions of the isotopes in the insect's body.
Researchers found out how flies' brains respond to tastes.
"A new imaging technique called trans-Tango(activity), developed by researchers with the Brown's Carney Institute for Brain Science, reveals how specific neurons in brain circuits of fruit flies respond to stimuli such as sweet and bitter tastes. Credit: Gilad Barnea". ( new technique, researchers make surprising discoveries about how flies' brains respond to tastes)
New miniature systems called "trans-Tango" open a view of the insects' brain activity. That system can observe the activity of individual neurons. That can revolutionize neurology. This kind of system can collect information on how the insects find their food. And how they observe predators. Maybe quite soon, those systems can install in drones, controlled by artificial intelligence. So they can observe insects in their natural environment. That kind of information can use to create a new type of insect repellent.
But the information on how the insect's brains work can give vital information. The researcher can use that information for the systems that are controlling nanotechnology. The insect's neurons can install in the nanorobots that can use to find and destroy cancer cells. The fact is that those nanomachines can also use to clean blood from poisons.
The next generation tool for medical work can be the biorobots. Those robots are things like worms that can destroy tumors or eat plague from the blood vessels. Worms like Elegans worm can be a microchip implanted. And they can be controlled by radio systems like BlueTooth. In that case, the receiver uses nanotechnology.
Those worms or their neural system can also create electricity for those extremely small electronic components. Those worms can also use to clean toxic chemicals from the blood vessels. And that thing makes them interesting in the point of view of medical work.
Monday, August 22, 2022
A new study tells where memories are stored.
The study shed new light on the process of memory recall. ( Implications: New Study Reveals Where Memory Fragments Are Stored)
A new study solved where memory fragments locate in the human brain. This kind of study can help to create technology that can help to minimize brain damage. The problem with brain cells is that when they have been destroyed. The memory fragments of those cells are destroyed.
And that thing makes replacing damaged neural tissue difficult. Another study has solved how brain cells are forming. In animal brains the brain neurons that are formed together wed distinct connectivity and activity throughout the animals’ adult lives.
That thing means, that the neurons are born in pairs keeping in touch their entire life. The neurons are formed in pairs because there should be an odd number of neurons in the brain. That thing eliminates the possibility that there is the same number of neurons in the case the brain must decide something. If every single neuron would have pair that thing makes it possible for the brain can lock. The odd number of neurons makes sure that the brain can make decisions.
So what kind of thing can solve memories for the damaged neurons?
In most cases, the lack of oxygen causes brain damage. There is the possibility that in the future nanotechnology can transfer mitochondria to those damaged neurons. And if the cloned neurons can move near them they can transfer memories to those new neurons.
The idea is that genetic material that is taken from damaged cells can use to clone new neurons and the memories from those cells can save by using nanotechnology. Those memories can be stored in electric form or the system can transfer the molecules to the new neurons. That kind of system can be a reality in the future. But that thing would be far away in the future.
The "silent mutations" are not harmless.
The reason why some mutations are silent is simple. Cells read the DNA sequence, where the silent mutation locates seldom.
And those DNA sequences control the development of neurons and the nervous system. There is no junk DNA in human genomes. So every genetic abnormal is dangerous.
When people are talking about things like "silent mutations" they should understand that the thing that makes mutation silent is that its location is in the DNA sequences that are not read very often. If the cells don't read the DNA sequences very often that means they don't need that data very often. So what that kind of data is? Those DNA sequences that are read seldom involve information that is needed for cells that are splitting very seldom.
So those "silent mutations" are in the areas where is information. That controls the development of the nervous system. And that kind of mutation involves the greatest risks. The error in the genetic code that controls the development of the neurons is always causing a big risk. Things like retroviruses can cause errors in genetic material. And there is the possibility that also descendants of the infected person will get those damaged genomes.
The problem is that if the virus writes its genomes to DNA sequences that are controlling the neurons the neurons don't need those DNA sequences anymore. Or the damage in genetic code is in genital cells. So the DNA of the neurons is not damaged. But genital cells can transfer that genetic damage to descendants.
That means the genetic damages can be invisible. If cells are already ready those DNA sequences might not read. That means that if the damaged sequence is transmitted to the next generation the descendants can get visible genetic disorders even if their parents are wealthy.
Photon rings around black holes part II.
The inner shadow of the photon rings could tell that there is some kind of radiation that pushes the photon ring away from the event horizon. So is that inner shadow the result of the Hawking radiation? Or is it an even more exotic thing?
Can that inner shadow tell the wavelength of the radiation turns so short that radiation that falls in the black hole is invisible? There is the possibility that the black hole can pull that radiation straight. But if there is wave motion that is coming from the black hole. That thing can form short-living virtual particles.
There is the possibility, that those short-living particles are the source of dark energy. When photons are orbiting a black hole they are interacting with their environment. Those photons are collecting things like gravitational energy and resend that wave motion around the universe. That dark shadow means that there is the possibility that the photon itself can be the hypothetical graviton.
There is the possibility that around the black hole is the area where the massive gravitation pulls also wave motion straight. In that case, the straight-moving photon would have an extremely high energy level. So could that shadow show that a black photon exists? The black photon would itself be the mysterious graviton. Or it can be the route to that particle.
Near black holes happens things that are impossible in the regular universe. The extreme curvature of the universe makes it possible that wave motion that has a high energy load can turn straight. And when the energy level of photons will rise enough that thing can cause that photon turns black. That photon ring can prove many things. And it gives information about the most extreme phenomenon in the universe.
Photon rings around black holes can help to detect gravitational waves or even dark matter.
There is a photon ring around black holes. That photon ring is an example of the energy level and the force of the gravitation of black holes. That photon ring is one of the things that is predicted but the evidence of those photons that are orbiting black holes is not confirmed yet. That photon ring is one of the things that is making black holes invisible.
The photon that orbits a black hole precisely at the point of the event horizon can act as a tensor between the world inside the singularity and outside it. So the photon that is orbiting a black hole just at the point of the event horizon can conduct energy away from the black hole. By using two-way quantum entanglement.
But the photon will not necessarily require quantum entanglement for conducting energy away from the black hole. The photon can stretch by massive gravitation if another side of the photon is inside and the other is an outside event horizon. That photon acts like an antenna, that conducts energy out from a black hole.
When particles are falling through the event horizon there is a short moment where they are between two worlds. That means at that moment the point of the black hole forms a tensor. The particle or superstring will conduct energy or wave motion away from the black hole.
Black holes are quantum systems. And energy is always flowing from higher energy level systems to lower energy levels systems.
All black holes are rotating. And that rotation increases the energy of that particle or bite of superstring that acts as a tensor. That means there is forming a small black hole, precisely at the point of the event horizon. That black hole sends radiation like all other black holes. So that radiation pulls energy out from the larger black hole.
The tensor black hole that is just at the point of the event horizon makes a channel through the event horizon.
Because the gravitation field around black holes pulls even light inside them. It is impossible to transmit information out from black holes.
Except, in this case, there is another black hole just at the point of the event horizon. That small black hole acts as a tensor or connector between the world inside and outside of the event horizon. That small black hole drives radiation away from the black hole and decreases its mass.
That energy will increase the energy level of the photons that are orbiting the black hole turning their energy level hyper-high. There is the possibility that those photons can someday detect dark matter. If that photon impacts dark matter that should cause an anomaly in its energy level. And sensors can detect that thing.
If there is a quantum entanglement or black hole at the point of the event horizon. That quantum entanglement or black hole acts like an antenna that transfers energy out from the area inside the event horizon. So that thing could prove the existence of Hawking radiation. Or that the source of Hawking radiation is inside the event horizon.
The energy level at bottom of the tensor or connector is higher than at the top of it. That makes it conducts energy out from the black hole. Because that energy comes inside the event horizon, that makes the black hole vaporizes sooner or later.
Energy will conduct out from the black hole through the physical tensors, like particles that are falling through the event horizon. Or virtual tensor like quantum entanglement. Whenever wave motion comes out from a black hole inside the event horizon it loses its mass.
And also gravitational waves that black holes are sending are decreasing their mass. So the photon rings can use to detect gravitational waves.
So this photon ring conducts energy out from the black hole by superpositioning individual photons with photons that are inside the event horizon. There is the possibility that some photons are traveling just, precisely at the point of the event horizon.
That means this photon is in two positions at the same time. And the event horizon splits that photon. Then the photon can create quantum entanglement with two other photons. The first photon is orbiting that black hole near its event horizon and the second photon would be inside that black hole. That quantum entanglement acts like an antenna that transfers energy out from the area inside the event horizon. So that thing could prove the existence of Hawking radiation that comes inside black hole.
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