Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Criticism is allowed if its target is a henchman.

The reason why NATO and the UN failed in Afghanistan was that they wanted to build a society from the top to the ground. The situation is similar as we try to build the house and build the roof first. The problem with society is that regular people must support the system. 

The reason why we have so many foreign workers in many countries is not that they are cheaper. One of the reasons can be that those foreign workers are easy to kick off. And they will not hang on the hoods after retirement. Foreigners would not return to that workplace. After the fire from their jobs. And that is one logic behind foreign workers. They are easy to remove from society. 

When we are critical. We must realize one rule: it's easy to be critical. If we are supervisors. It's easy to use and demand criticism, especially if the target for criticism is a henchman or some other person. 

But if a henchman introduces criticism against a supervisor or ourselves. The community saw this kind of criticism as problematic. The criticism that comes down to the top is not allowed. 

If a henchman criticizes supervisors, that is an attack against authority. Authority, and position as a supervisor include many things that a person in that position can offer. And that's why people are telling many things to those supervisors. 

Authorities must not listen to anything that they don't want. And they have the right to replace too critical henchman with a new henchman. Who pleases them? It's easy to be open to other people's critics especially if the target for criticism is some other person. 

Many times we face situations where people think, or are told that strong leaders tell other people what they should make and think. And this thing sometimes makes it very hard to handle things because the leaders believe in their authority. There are always people who want to follow their leaders and support them. Strong leaders can give strong gifts. And that is the reason why some people believe in strong leadership. 

Strong leaders with strong opinions are the worst things that you can see. And they might see some things differently from people who make research. Scholars and researchers are bringing the report to leaders. But does the leader read those reports? It is their business. And if a strong leader makes a wrong decision. That is hard to fix as we see in Ukraine. 

The world is full of people who are searching for simple solutions. We all want to prepare people who have critical attitudes. But then we face the situation where people must accept critical opinions. Many times right to criticism is reserved only for superiors and leaders. 

Henchman just must accept everything that leaders say and think. If the henchman's opinions are not pleased the supervisor. 

Supervisors must not listen to opinions that are not supporting that person. And then the supervisor can kick henchmen off.  And they can replace them with people, who please them.

We can see that logic in Putin's leadership. Every different opinion causes punishment. If parents follow that logic when they grow children, that thing means every single time when children have a different opinion from their parents, they will get punishments. This kind of authority is that authority is always superior to henchman. The position of supervisor is right to get information. 

And that information supports the decision-making. But that requires that the supervisor reads the report. This is the thing that makes things like research difficult. If a leader will deny some decision because the intelligence says that let's say the enemy is too strong. That would seem like intelligence makes decisions for the leader. And this is the way of thinking that made Putin attack Ukraine. 

When children introduce some opinion that doesn't fit adults, that causes punishment. A child can get minimal punishment, like yelling or simply scolding. Those things are punishments, even if they are small punishments. The argument for those punishments is that. Those punishments grow people to respect their authority. 

The reason for punishments is simply superior: the parent has a right to give those punishments. Leaders sometimes believe that they are fathers and mothers of the people. Other people must follow their orders even if that thing takes them to nemesis. 


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