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Computing is hardware and software.


Powerful computing requires both hardware and software. 

Computing is the combination of hardware and software. Things like powerful artificial intelligence require lots of power. But they can make things like the internet more powerful tools in history. The AI can measure the speed of the internet connection and optimize the result. That it gives for that certain speed. And that makes it more flexible than regular internet. The idea is that the AI uses a similar protocol to PHP. The server drives the AI and it sends the result to the client. And that thing makes it possible to use AI by using slower connections and cheaper platforms like tablets and laptops. 

If we think about AI as a cloud-based solution that interconnects multiple different systems we can model the situation where the dynamic AI will call more platforms to assist it, when it cannot make the solution alone. That kind of system can use the reserves of the CPU of all platforms in the same network segment. In that model the computers share their resources, but only when another computer asks for help. 

When we are talking about AIs like ChatGPT they might be next-generation tools. The thing is that AI can interconnect things like mobile telephones to a dynamic-cloud-based portable computer. And that thing makes them powerful tools. The development of physical systems is important because they allow driving software. So only software is not making the AI. The powerful tool requires data connections and powerful computers that can handle data. 

The new AI bases the human brain. 

"Scheme of a simple neural network based on dendritic tree (left) vs. a complex artificial intelligence deep learning architecture (right). Credit: Prof. Ido Kanter, Bar-Ilan University" ( a New Type of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Inspired by the Brain)

Researchers made a new type of AI-based tree-type model. The model is that the system builds the mindmap. Regular computer-based AI uses a linear computing model. But then if the AI creates a mindmap-looking data structure where it can interconnect the databases. The idea is that if the AI gets a keyword like "car", it searches everything that has connected to the car. It finds things like metals fuel and many other things. 

Then, the AI can increase the data mass by searching for things. With a connection with metals. And then if finds mining, mining equipment, etc. The thing that this kind of data system searches depends on the parameters that the AI uses. 

The human brain's purpose is to protect humans in any situation. And that makes them so powerful and flexible. 

The human brain is the most powerful computer in the world. It's flexible and able to make more things than any AI. The human brain uses fuzzy logic. And that makes it a little bit slow. And another thing is that the brain cannot make things like calculations with precise accuracy as fast as some computers. The purpose of the human brain is not to solve mathematical problems. 

The human brain's purpose is to guarantee survivability in all conditions. That is the thing that makes concentration difficult. The human brain's purpose is to observe the environment. We cannot fully concentrate on things like calculations. Our brain sometimes wants to see things, that happens around it. 

This is the reason why we should sit in front of a window. When the brain wants to check that nothing threats us, it can make that thing very fast. If we sit face to the walls. Our brains think that some predator is stalking us behind our backs. The brain is made to protect humans, and it still thinks that it's their mission even if we sit in a safe room and try to solve some complex mathematical problems. 

The human brain uses cloud-based solutions for making operations. Every neuron is an actual miniature brain that can process data alone. And the thing that makes the human brain so powerful is that it can interconnect neurons to structures called virtual neurons. Alone one neuron is not very powerful. But together, they are the most powerful machine in the world. 

Theoretically, we could make AI that is the same way powerful as the human brain. But that thing requires so many databases that it has been impossible. Until the  OPen AI introduced ChatGPT to the audience. The ChatGPT-based system can make those 300 billion databases theoretically quite easily. The miniature microchips called "intelligent sand" can use for making a neural computer that works like the human brain.  But those systems are far away from the power of the human brain.


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