Why handling two quantum light sources is important in quantum systems? And especially in quantum data-handling systems. That allows sending identical dataflows in two data handling (or computing) lines. By using this technology is possible. To create expanding quantum information network. The only limit to that thing is the power of the information or energy waste in the system.
When a light beam or information reaches some quantum unit in the quantum system. That unit absorbs a small part of the energy. So the system needs outcoming energy stimulation for growth.
The idea is that at the end of each line is the quantum "hill" that doubles the information lines. And that makes it possible to create a theoretically endless number of quantum data lines. The thing requires that each data handling line has a system that brings outcoming radiation emission in the quantum light beam. That helps to replace missing energy that denies the system expansion.
On the right side of the quantum "hill" is a superpositioned and entangled particle pair. That superpositioned particle-pair can send information back to the quantum "hill". The thing in this kind of system is that it can use as the quantum router.
The image above this text shows how an energy beam comes upward of a quantum point. That quantum point doubles the energy beam or light source. When the light impulse hits that quantum "hill". It sends energy beams or light beams to both sides. The asymmetry of that structure determines where information travels.
The "quantum hill" can use to transmit information in two lines in the quantum computer. That thing makes it possible. That two quantum computers can handle identical information flow.
And it helps to find errors in calculations. If results in both lines are not identical, there is an error. But if the results are identical there are probably no errors. This is one model for a functional quantum system.
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