Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Robert Bartini and his dreams: ground-effect and invisibility.

Invisible aircraft and nuclear-powered bombers that used ground-effect (Ekranoplan)were Bartini's most radical ideas. There is no information if the original idea of Bartini that remained as a theoretical concept planned to be nuclear-powered. The Business Insider tells that the concept above this text planned refueled by submarines. 

But there is a possibility that Russia planned to create a nuclear-powered ekranoplan in that country. Things like the nuclear-powered Tu-95 Bear-class bomber called Tu-95 LAL tell that in the Soviet Union were many radical concepts in aviation. And one of them could be a super- or even a hypersonic nuclear-powered strategic bomber. 

Robert Bartini (1895-1974) was an amphibious- and ground-effect aircraft development pioneer. He was a Hungarian who worked in the Soviet Union. He was the father of some of the most radical aircraft concepts in history.  

"Caspian-Sea monster" ekranoplans are based on Bartini's research. Bartini's last ekranoplan VVA-14 was completed two years before he died in 1972. The massive Caspian Sea monster made its maiden flight in 1987. The smaller jet-powered ekranoplan, A-90 "Orlyonok" was introduced in 1972. And maybe Bartini saw that aircraft flying. 

That man's most interesting ideas were nuclear-powered bombers or nuclear-powered ekranoplan and invisible aircraft. The idea of the last one was that the oscillation of the aircraft's body will pull the incoming electromagnetic radiation to it. 

The idea is that the aircraft's body will sink in when electromagnetic wave movement strikes it. And that thing makes it work like foam rubber. The same method that makes foam rubber invisible to sonars can use to make layers invisible to all other electromagnetic radiation. 

But the problem is: how to find the right energy level for material which quantum field can tie incoming energy waves in every electromagnetic spectrum's frequency. 

Aircraft in images; 

1) A-90 Orlyonok

2) Caspian sea monster 

3)Beriev-Bartini VVA-14, wings removed. 

If the aircraft's body sinks in as much as radiation brings energy to it. That thing makes it impossible to see the aircraft, but Bartini was too ahead of his time that this kind of system can work. 

But then there is the possibility that a standing wave field can use to catch electromagnetic waves. That thing makes it possible that electrons and photons are impacting that field. And then that thing can aim the radiation in the wanted direction. 

There is the possibility that Bartini's idea can work but the oscillation must not come from the aircraft's body. In some fixed models the aircraft or layer wanted to turn invisible by using a standing wave. In that model, above the layer is forming a standing wave. 

The standing wave can form by using 100% reflection. If the standing wave's energy level is a little bit lower than the incoming radiation. And then it could conduct energy to the right point. That thing makes a situation where radiation sinks to that standing wave movement. 

Holograms and invisibility. 

The scattering effect makes a hologram. And holograms are quantum fields. So holograms can create virtual structures that can aim the wave movement to wanted direction. The hologram can make incoming electromagnetic radiation slide over it. When we think of holograms as creatures of electromagnetic radiation we can understand that all electromagnetic wave movement can create holograms. 

That means UV and infrared radiation can also make a hologram. But usually, we don't think. That also radio waves and even gravitational waves can create holograms. Electromagnetic waves can make holograms if they can scatter. 

And if those wave movements have a certain energy level they make electromagnetic waves with the same frequency to travel over them. That makes incoming radiation with the same frequency unable to reach the object. That is below that hologram. These kinds of things are interesting concepts. 








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