Friday, January 6, 2023

The universe expands, but the expansion rate is not accelerating.

The acceleration speed of the universe is constant Between 45 and 50 km/s/Mpc. The speed of acceleration doesn't increase. And that is interesting. Because when an object's distance increases gravitational interaction between them turns weaker. And that means the acceleration speed should increase. 

So what does this mean? Is in the middle of the universe some kind of dominating gravitational effect, like an extremely large black hole? Or some yet unknown gravitational effect that stays at a stable distance from galaxies. And that causes a question: is there some kind of yet unknown layer inside the universe? 

There is another interesting detail about the speed of light in the universe. The speed of light is the cosmic constant that is stable in a vacuum. But different mediums are affecting that speed. So if light travels through some structures, it slows light. So could there be some kind of structure that causes errors in redshift? 

But one of the most interesting questions in the universe is where all its material is gone. Today universe has much fewer atoms than in the young universe. There was no dark energy at all in 380 000 years old universe. So where does dark energy come from? This is one of the most interesting questions in cosmology. 

If we think that quantum vaporization is the reason that dark energy or free energy started to affect and dominate the system. We must also understand that energy doesn't come from anything. 

If we think that dark energy is the result of hypothetical dark matter particles turning to wave motion we can think that dark matter and visible matter both have cosmic inflation. But does cosmic inflation affect differently to dark matter and visible matter? Or does cosmic inflation time different in dark matter and dark energy? 

The Big Bang is normally oversimplified. The Big Bang is the event or series of events where the universe began. 

Cosmic expansion is an interesting thing. If we think that all material in the universe came from a single point called the Big Bang we are oversimplifying that effect. If the Schwinger effect formed the universe it could form two universes our universe and the antiuniverse. In the antiuniverse, time goes like in our universe. But the difference between those universes is that in antiuniverse protons are negative. And electrons are positive. 

So the real name for the hypothetical antiuniverse is the antimaterial universe. The reason why somebody believes that thing is in Schwinger effect. When crossing wave movement turns to particles, the Schwinger-effect forms particle-antiparticle pair. If the energy level of that effect is high enough it pushes those particles and their anti-particle pairs so far away that they are not returning together. 

If those particle-antiparticle pairs touch each other the result is annihilation. Those particles and their anti-particle pairs turn back to radiation. So, were there some yet unknown particles in the young universe that do not exist anymore? When we think about the form of the Big Bang, we must realize that the biggest question is where all material of that event came from. If the universe's origin was the Schwinger effect, there must be some origin for the wave motion.

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