Monday, January 2, 2023

Baruch Spinoza's great ideas.

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Jew and atheist. 

The difference between religion and philosophy is that religion is like a ball. There is God, or some figure that people must respect. And that's it. Philosophy or religious philosophy includes questions who and what is God? And if we worship God, what the God worships? What is god for god? 

One of the questions that Spinoza's thoughts are forming is, does God have God? What if God creates another God? Is God an atheist? 

We can think that the world is like a sandbox. The sandbox is the main attribute that is full of subattributes. God is substance. 

Two substances cannot affect the same attribute. But substances can affect subattributes that are grains of sand. 

Baruch Spinoza wrote that God is the creator of nature. And otherwise, God is also part of created nature. So if we want to make decisions about the form of God by following the ideas that Baruch Spinoza created a long time ago we can ask one question. 

Does Spinoza mean, that God can create another God? That is one of the most interesting ideas of Baruch Spinoza. What if God wants to create another God with the same abilities as the first one? The fact is that those God and the God that it created cannot handle the same attribute. 

So God and second God cannot stay in the same world if we think that the world is an attribute and God is substance. But then we can also think that God and the second God can still live in the same world. They cannot handle or affect the same main attribute if they think that the World is the main attribute and that the main attribute is full of subattributes. 

That kind of idea caused trouble for Spinoza. But his way of handling God is interesting. For Spinoza, God is substance. 

The substance's existence doesn't depend on something else. But then Spinoza formed the idea that if God is substance, the other creatures cannot share the same attribute with God. 

Spinoza's idea was that there is no free will. And those ideas caused theological problems between Spinoza and other people. The most interesting question in that model is "can God make so big a stone, that he cannot rise it". That thing falls under the free will model of God.

But can substance make it possible to round that problem? The substance cannot handle two attributes at the same time. But the new substance can replace the old one. And that new substance can have the ability to handle the problem that was impossible for the preceding substance?  

If God wants to create so heavy stone that he cannot rise that stone. That means God create a substance that existence is limited. While that substance exists. God cannot rise that stone from the ground. 

But then God can create a new substance that refutes the preceding substance. The thing is that the same substance cannot handle two attributes or definitions at the same time. But the new substance can replace the old one.

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