ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) sensor of LHC (Large Hadron Collider) uses antihelium nuclei first time for detecting dark matter. The operators want to use antihelium for detecting interactions between weak wave movement and sensors. The idea is that the antihelium nuclei or so-called anti-alpha-particle, where protons have a negative electric load can detect some wave movements more easily than regular helium nuclei or alpha particles.
And the reason for that is the antihelium is sterile. That means it would not receive electromagnetic wave movement the same way as regular helium nuclei. This makes it easier to measure changes in that ion's weight and the size of its quantum field.
Gravitational waves should have a scattering effect similar to light and radio waves. And when scattering gravitational waves impact with other gravitational waves. That causes the maser effect that increases the power of those gravitational waves.
The problem with dark matter detection is that nobody knows the form of dark matter. There is the gravitational effect that the source is unknown. Also, there is a mystery curve in Muon-particle's trajectory in Brookhaven and Fermilab laboratories. So did that muon hit something that was not seen, and could that thing be dark matter?
Dark matter must not be real material to affect the muon's trajectory. Dark matter can be so-called virtual material. In that model, the unknown gravitational effect is some kind of gravitational maser effect. The idea is that gravitational waves act like all other wave movements. That means gravitational waves also have scattering effects like light and radio waves.
But there is the possibility that dark matter is some kind of channel. That means something that travels at extremely high-speed forms the channel where electromagnetic wave movement falls. But the problem is this, nobody has confirmed the detection of dark matter. The gravitational effect that is called dark matter is a mystery. And sometimes researchers say that dark matter does not exist.
Or maybe they should say: "Probably dark matter has no material form at all". Maybe, dark matter is virtual material that forms when gravitational wave movement increases its strength. The fact is that the form of dark matter is a mystery. There must be some source for the gravitational interaction that is the second dominating effect in the universe.
Why is antihelium ion effective tool for annihilation measurements?
It's easier to calculate the predicted energy production of sterile particles than some very old particles. In particle collimation measurements system calculates differences between predicted and real energy levels. During those tests, the system also detects the changes in the decreasing energy level of those impacted particles. If the decreasing energy curve is not straight. That tells something about the origin of the quantum fields that connect with the antihelium nuclei or some other particle that travels in the particle accelerator. The reason why antihelium is a so effective detector is.
Its annihilation stays longer than electron-positron annihilation. Also, a larger surface area of antihelium or antihelium ions guarantees. That antihelium can catch more quantum anomalies on its surface than smaller positrons. And those things are making measurements easier. Because anomalies are stronger. And they last a long time.
That is why antihelium annihilation is a more effective way to detect dark matter or very weak wave movement than regular helium use. The existence of antimatter is not very long. And that guarantees their purity. Regular helium atoms can exist for billions of years.
And that thing means. Electromagnetic wave movement is polluted those helium nuclei. When an elementary particle or ion travels across the electromagnetic or quantum field. It takes a little part of that field with it. And that affects the weight of the elementary particle or ion. That change can detect by measuring the annihilation energy of that impact. The problem is how to separate electromagnetic fields that are connected to a particle when it travels in the particle accelerator. And what accumulated over them over billions of years.
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