Why cosmic superbubble's magnetic fields are interesting? The answer is that the common magnetic field determines the border of the local cosmic bubble. But the common magnetic field and certain energy levels determine the quantum system.
One of the things that can determine the quantum system is the certain energy level or the state of the participants of the quantum system. Or we should rather say that the thing that determines the quantum system is that it's the group of participants that can exchange information with each other.
When we want to make things like a quantum computer. We must bring information from outside to the quantum system. If we cannot make that thing the quantum computer is useless. Same way, if the errors that a quantum computer makes cannot be detected and correlated, that makes quantum computers useless.
In some visions, the nanotechnological computer that is put into orbit in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) can use to make the error correlation and error detection for quantum computers.
The idea is that the time dilation makes the binary system operate the same way effectively as the quantum computer. Benefiting the time dilation means that the time dilation makes the time move slower in the fast-moving computer. And that gives more time for the calculations.
One of the most problematic things in quantum computing is error correlation and error detection. Quantum computers are the most powerful computing systems in the world. And that thing means that the only thing that can detect errors in quantum computers is another quantum computer.
Another problem with quantum computers is that they require superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. The problem with quantum entanglement is that it requires that another side of that thing is at a higher energy level. If the energy level in quantum entanglement reaches stability that destroys the superposition.
Information cannot travel in quantum entanglement if its energy level is stable. That's why the system cannot keep quantum entanglement longer time. The quantum entanglement exists for about ten seconds. Then the system must re-adjust itself. The AI can observe the quantum entanglement and when its energy level turns stable. It can drive information to mass memories.
The AI can use for error-detecting. The idea is that when the quantum computer operates for a couple of seconds it can transfer the answer of the calculation to the binary mass memory. The binary system can check part of the calculation series in bites. So the system benefits from the adjustment moment of the quantum computer. And then it makes the bite of calculation.
In some very futuristic ideas things like time dilation can use in binary systems, and they can check the results that quantum computers are making. The idea is that time is dilated in binary systems. In some visions, the miniature computer that is closed in the nanotechnical capsule will be put into orbit in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider of the CERN).
New artificial intelligence-based systems can revolutionize everything. When the Ai use to tame quantum systems the idea is that the AI can control individual components in the quantum system. Or actually, the AI can search the quantum system.
And then, it records the interaction values between outcoming energy and the quantum system's internal energy. When we look at things like quantum computers. We must remember that if we want to control quantum systems. We must bring energy from outside to the system.
And we must make that thing precise in the right point of the system. If the point is wrong, outcoming energy doesn't give wanted value. And that thing destroys the quantum system. The system's destruction means. That it doesn't make anything that the users want.
The thing that machine learning makes in that kind of research is that it records energy levels and points that give wanted values in the longest possible time. So the AI can adjust the energy level and the point of incoming energy. That is brought to the quantum system very accurately.
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