Sunday, April 24, 2022

DDG-1000 "Zumwalt" the big stealth failure

The "Zumwalt" class destroyers are proven that the ship is harder to make stealth than some aircraft. The size of the ship is far bigger than the aircraft. And that makes it impossible to make the stealth ship, whose length is 190 meters. By using traditional stealth systems. The shape of the ship is also harder to turn stealth than the shape of the aircraft. 

So the things like active stealth systems.  Which bases the artificial intelligence controlled jammer systems makes that interesting project old fashion and that's why only two of those destroyers are in active service. Active stealth means the very high accurate jammer systems that can stop the incoming radio wave. And that system denies the echo from the hull of the ship. 

That kind of intelligent system. Along with nanotechnology and quantum, stealth is a next-generation and more sophisticated system than traditional shape-based systems. The nanotechnical stealth means. That there are microscopical grooves and other kinds of structures at the hull of the craft. 

One of the structures can be nanotechnical antennas. That is covering the ship by ion clouds. Those ions deny the radar echo. 

But quantum stealth can deny the echo of the electromagnetic spectrum's all wavelengths. The idea is that the incoming photons will bomb by using photons that have the same energy level. And that thing makes it possible to make the ship invisible to radar, infrared, and the human eye. 

Quantum stealth requires extremely high computing power. So maybe the portable- or ship-mounted quantum computers can make it possible to make the system that absorbs every single wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. 

The idea is that the counter radiation will deny the echo of the radiation by sending the counter radiation that will remove energy from the incoming radiation. The problem is that every single photon must erase separately. 

Those active systems can install on any ship, vehicle, or aircraft. They make it possible to make the traditional-looking but stealthy ships. One of the versions of the modern electromagnetic weapon systems is the magnetrons or radio antennas installed inside the hull of the ship. 

Those systems can muffle the incoming radio waves. But if their power will increase high enough, those systems can destroy almost all incoming cruise missiles. That thing is like the electromagnetic version of the great sails broadsides. But the cannons are replaced by using electromagnetic transmitters.

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