Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Ultrasonic waves and other soundwaves can use to charge nanotechnical tools. (And The futuristic self-organizing material can automatically create physical 3D holograms. )

"Schematic illustration of ​​wirelessly charging a body-implanted electronic device using an ultrasonic probe. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)"(ScitechDaily/Using Ultrasonic Waves To Charge Underwater and Body-Implanted Electronic Devices) The similar systems can use to charge underwater and even airborne devices. 

Wirelessly Charging Body Implanted Electronic Device

Nanotechnology allows making the of new types of chargers that are safe to use. The idea is to use sound waves for making electricity for the nanomachines or larger electric devices. The ultrasonic waves are one version of sound waves. The soundwaves and especially ultrasonic waves are pressure impulses. And pressure impulses can use to make electricity. The first version of this system bases the crystals. When nano-size quartz crystals are stressed by using pressure impulses. 

That small crystal creates electricity. In another version, the small-size turbines are starting to rotate when those pressure impulses hit them. The idea of the sound-based turbo generator is one of the newest ways to make electricity for electronic components and nanomachines. The system is similar to wind turbines but their size is far smaller. The LRAD system can impact the drone by using ultrasonic waves. And then those pressure impulses will tunnel through the liquid to the nano-size windmill system. 


The sound-based charger can give electricity to the small laser devices that operate in the liquid and create complicated magnetic structures. The lasers can use to make magnetic skyrmions that are allowing to move the parts of the nanotechnology in large entirety. 

When we think of the new miniature space shuttles they can act as the platforms for the new zero-gravitational factories. If the nanomachines are created by using magnetic bites hovering lasers can adjust the temperatures of certain bites. Nanotechnology requires absolute stable physical and chemical conditions. 

The hovering nanorobots that are operating in certain gas mixtures are interesting tools. When a robot requires recharge it can move away from the structure and then the soundwave can impact it. Also, small-size LRAD systems can move parts of nanomachines to the right position. 


The futuristic self-organizing material can automatically create physical 3D holograms. 

Those 3D physical holograms can copy the shapes of the structures, and that thing can revolutionize machinery. In the future, self-organizing nanomaterials can make it possible to make physical holograms. That means when the system takes an image of the object. That nanomaterial that is like the old fashion film makes the 3D model of the object. 

The idea of that nanomaterial is simple. The system bases similar exposure technology on old-fashion films. But the difference in this material is that the nanomaterial is turning into 3D structures. The idea is that the light-sensitive area in the crystal controls the growth of that thing. Each area on those crystals is sensitive to a certain wavelength or color of light. The control light stresses those crystals with certain light color. When the let's say the green lamp is on, that causes a photochemical reaction in the area that is sensitive to green light. And that makes it possible to adjust the growth of the crystals by changing the color of the light.

The new nanomaterial can self-organize in complicated centimeter-scale structures. The self-organizing nanomaterials can be the "physical fractals". Term physical fractal means the nanotechnical material that can form the structures. In some physical fractals, the idea is to use the stick-shaped molecule. The other side of that molecule can react to, for example, blue light. 

And another is reacting to red light. That thing makes it possible to make the holograms where certain points are blue and others are red. And that thing makes those molecules can take the shape of the hologram. In other versions, the reactive heads of the molecule are covered with the structure that resonates with certain soundwaves. When the molecule wanted to react.  That sound system brakes the cover. And that uncovers the reactive part of the molecule. 

The idea of self-organizing materials is based on the idea of reaction between organic and non-organic materials or molecules. As well old-fashion film makes the image the self-organizing materials are basing the film and growing crystals. 

Those complicated structures are like 3D physical holograms. The 3D-physical holograms are created by using crystals. There are light-reacting parts in those crystals. When the light impacts the crystal it reacts like film. But that 3D structure requires that the system can make the rising structures. 


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