Friday, April 15, 2022

Photon denies crossing the speed of light.

The image above this text introduces the time from the Big Bang. But it could also introduce how a photon stuck at the front of a particle denies crossing the speed of light. When the particle's speed closes speed of light overheats. And energy is starting to travel out from particles. 

But the main problem is that there is a quantum vacuum behind the particle where the energy starts to move. When the speed of a particle increases that quantum vacuum turns deeper. And that thing increases the speed of energy flow. So that's why the accelerating particle needs more energy when it is close to the speed of light. 

There are also the whirls behind that object. Those whirls can from new material in the universe. 

The photon that is at the front of the particle or object forms the quantum entanglement with the particle. That is at the lower energy level. That means energy flows to that particle. The thing that denies crossing the speed of light is that the energy slides over the quantum field as it makes in stealth bombers. That incoming energy forms a quantum vacuum behind the particle that is closing the speed of light. And that quantum vacuum behind the particle is slowing its speed. 

So the energy flow that is impacting with particle should turn the particle to a higher energy level. But the problem is that it cannot store in that particle. When the particle is closing the speed of light its quantum field turns elongate. And that makes the quantum field acts like the stealth bomber's shape. 

The electromagnetic or quantum vacuum behind the particle slows it. 

Energy flows over that quantum field. And that thing causes the quantum vacuum behind the particle. The only place in the universe is the wormhole or black hole where all particles are traveling at the same speed. 

There is the possibility that if in that quantum channel or quantum vacuum is a transmitter the straight wave movement. That thing removes the quantum vacuum and the particle would fly with the same speed as photons. 

When we are thinking about the particle that is closing the speed of light. We can think that the doppler effect where the wave movement forms a thing that is like a wall. Doppler effect is one of the things. That denies the crossing speed of the light. 

The thing is that when we are thinking about the tachyon-photon-Higgs boson transformation chain we can think that when the spacecraft or some other particle will close to the speed of light the tachyon falls from the fourth dimension stays at the front of the particle. 

Then the photon would form the quantum entanglement with the doppler wall and the particles that are closing the speed of light. Because the photon's energy level is higher than the particle's energy level that thing pulls the particle back to the third dimension.  


The fourth dimension is the energy level where material jumps out from the third dimension. 

Or otherwise saying the material loses its ability to interact with the third-dimensional particles. The reason for that is the difference between the energy level of those two particles turns too long. And they cannot interact with each other. 

The wave movement that the fourth-dimensional particle sends is at the too-high energy level. And it sends so high energy wave movement that the wave movement cannot interact. The frequency or wavelength of that radiation is almost straight or the waves are too close to each other that they cannot interact with regular material. That wavelength would be shorter than gamma-rays. And its energy level is far higher than the gamma-rays. 


That thing means. The photon is between the particle, doppler-field, and tachyon. Transports energy from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. The energy travels to the lower energy level and that energy denies that the particles except photons cannot reach even the speed of light.

When a photon has trapped the front of the particle. Energy flows from the photon to the particle. The energy or wave movement travels over the quantum field. Back to the particle and causing an electromagnetic vacuum that is pulling the particle backward. So when the particle is closing at the speed of light. 

It cannot even reach the doppler wall because there is a photon between that wall and the particle. That doppler field will get its energy from the hypothetical tachyon particle. 

So when tachyon drops from the fourth dimension it must also travel through that doppler wall. So its energy level must turn low enough that it can fall through that doppler wave. And during that process, it turns into the Higgs boson. 

When the particle is closing the speed of light. There is the possibility. That at the front of it is stuck the photon. That photon can cause the speed of light cannot cross. But that thing is one of the most interesting things in the world. Because, if there is the possibility to transfer energy to that particle from sideways. Or the electromagnetic vacuum behind that particle is filled allowing crossing the speed of light.

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