The "W" boson was too heavy. And that thing can revolutionize physics. The "W" and "Z" bosons are transmitting weak nuclear force or weak interaction. So they keep the nucleus of the atom in one piece. The weak nuclear force or the weak interaction effects between protons and neutrons. The "W" boson is too heavy. And that means inside the "W" boson could be something connected to that particle.
One of the things that can make that kind of thing is some kind of quantum plaque that is around that boson. Or there is some kind of particle that creates the form that you can see above the text. If we are thinking that "W" and "Z" bosons are affecting different directions. That means the mass of those bosons should be the same.
Normally, the "W" boson is between protons and neutrons. The quantum fields of those particles push that high-energy and short-living particle into a piece. So the "W" boson is like a spring that is between protons and neutrons. When those particles are removed from around it.
That thing releases those springs. The ends of those structures of the "W" boson are starting to oscillate and move back and forth. That movement turns stronger and stronger because it takes mass away from the "W" boson. And finally, the entire boson turns to wave movement. So inside the nucleus of the atom is also wave movement that resonates "W" and "Z" bosons". That wave movement is the interaction that happens between "W" (or "Z") bosons.
Normally people don't know that most radioactive isotopes are not sending radiation all the time. The reaction that causes the radioactive radiation is outcoming energy stress. When that energy stress hits the radioactive isotopes it will shake their balance. This is the reason why warm nuclear materials are more radioactive than cold radioactive materials.
The radiation must increase the energy level of the atom high enough that it can begin the reaction which turns the "down" quark into an "up" quark. And that thing launches the radioactive breakup.
The weak nuclear force can transform a "down" quark into an "up" quark in neutron. That thing happens when weak interaction emits the "W" boson. Quarks are in triangular, or "V"-shaped form in the protons and neutrons. When weak interaction transforms the "down" quark into an "up" quark the "V" shaped form of the quarks turns around. And that thing sends the electromagnetic radiation.
That radiation pushes that new particle away from the nucleus of the atom. And this is the thing that causes the radioactive breakup. The transformation of the "down" quark into an "up" quark is the thing that causes radioactive radiation and turns elements into radioactive. The number of neutrons determines how radioactive some isotope is. When there are a lot of neutrons there are lots of transformation cases.
The radioactive breakup begins when the "W" boson transforms down quark to up quark. That transformation sends electromagnetic radiation to other quarks. And then also other quark structures are starting to rotate. That thing causes the nucleus of the atom starts to rumble. That rumble is seen as gamma-radiation.
Then that energy load that travels through the atom pushes electrons away from their trajectory. Beta radiation is mainly fast electrons. The gamma pulses are making the effect that electron cores of the atom expand and contract. When electrons are escaping that thing rips the nucleus to pieces.
By the way...
Theoretically, "W" and "Z" bosons can use as the power source. Those high-energy elementary particles are short living. And when they explode they are releasing energy that is stored in them. That is one thing that makes those bosons interesting.
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