Another name for the hyperenergetic photons could be "heavy light". So could photons, along with information, be the new states of material?
The idea of hyper-energetic light is that the photon is the eight-shaped quantum field or quantum string. That quantum field orbits through the point where is the hypothetical graviton. When the energy level of that quantum field rises the speed of the rotating quantum field or quantum string is rising.
And that thing transmits energy to the quantum fields. That are surrounding particles around that photon which increases their mass. So that could be one answer to the mystery of dark matter? The thing that supports this idea is that the photons can increase the mass of the particles but they seem to have no mass themselves. So could the reason that the photon has no mass be that the photon hovers above the other quantum fields.
Could the graviton be the reason why the quarks inside protons and neutrons stay together?
Could the reason why protons and neutrons are staying in one formation be, that there is a fast-rotating particle in the middle of them? And could that particle be the mysterious graviton? The idea is that the strong nuclear interaction is the interaction between quarks and gluons.
So there is the possibility that the gluons are inside the quarks. And that fast-rotating particle is sending wave movement to the quarks. The wave movement cannot go through the gluon and the gluon forms the quantum shadow between that hypothetical particle and the nucleus particle of the proton and neutron.
If that hyper-energetic particle is small and its fast rotating quantum field is higher energetic that thing sends radiation to the core of the proton and neutron. But it causes a similar effect to water that travels over the small hole. That rotating quantum field will throw the bites of other quantum fields away. So it's like the quantum-size vacuum pump.
The reason for that is this quantum field has a higher energy level than the radiation that impacts it. That means energy travels to quantum fields that are at lower energy levels. Also, that radiation turns the direction of those impacting quantum fields. And it acts as a vacuum pump.
The quark structure of neutron ("Wikipedia")
That electromagnetic or quantum shadow causes the quantum field low-pressure to start to pull the quarks to the middle of the proton or neutron. The reason why that vacuum is so powerful is that the gluon is so large in comparison to quarks. That causes the electromagnetic vacuum will pull those quarks to one entirety. The central particle that rotates will send the radiation to the quantum core of the proton and neutron, which sends the radiation through the atom.
The annihilation happens when the gluons are flying away and the nucleus particle of the proton and neutron sends radiation to the quantum field of that hadron. When antiproton as an example impacts with proton it pulls the quantum field outside.
And that thing will turn gluons away and the hypothetical central particle sends radiation straight to that quantum field which explodes. In the case of the electron-positron annihilation, the positron pulls the electron's quantum field away from the core of the electron. And the shape of the electron is like the yarn ball which starts to erupt when the pressure of the quantum field is turning weaker.
How lightweight can a photon be?
Could graviton explain why the quarks remain in a formation called protons and neutrons? And could the graviton explain why photons have energy, but that strange light quantum particle has no mass? Let's begin with the photon. Photon is a strange particle because it doesn't have mass but it can carry energy and information.
Photon is the particle of light. Photon has the forms of wave movement and particles. That means light is the wave movement as well as particles. But why do photons have no mass? The answer might be found in the case, where the photon split into two pieces. That thing gave on the idea that maybe the photon is the "eight-shaped" quantum field.
There might be some particle, like still hypothetical graviton in the middle of that "8" shaped quantum field that rotates with very fast speed. That rotation causes the quantum field is transmitting radiation.
And maybe that radiation puts the photon hover above the other quantum fields. Because that particle is hovering above the quantum fields of the atoms. That thing makes it possible, that the weight of the photon is impossible to measure.
Sometimes is introduced that high-energy light can be the source of dark matter. When the energy of the photon is rising the speed of the rotating speed of the tapa-looking quantum field is rising. And it sends the radiation to the quantum fields that are surrounding that photon. As I wrote earlier.
See also
Dark energy
Dark matter
Fundamental interactions (Fundamental forces)
Standard model of physics
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