Monday, July 2, 2018

There are things, what are not mentioned with psychopaths

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Psychopaths are persons, who would not have the social conscience. They would not feel anything, and that's why those persons are the most feared people in the world. There are no limits to the violence, what this kind of person can do. That thing made Pentagon make the report, where was investigated the psychopathic behavior transforming the perfect military operator. Only 4 percent of military operators are so-called "natural killers", but they do almost half of the killings. And this would make addictive to use that kind of operators in the operational areas.

Because the psychopath would not have the conscience they would not regret their actions, and the biggest problem with so-called "black operations" is that some operator will get drunk, and then tells stories about their missions to somebody in the restaurant. Normal military man would protect their psyche the way that they would not want to see enemy faces or know their names when they will shoot them. Also shooting only armed enemies makes those persons thought that they are forced to shoot, or another side would shoot them.

The psychopaths can look the victims to the eyes. This would make them ideal for sniper role in the military field. And this makes them be perfect military operators in the special forces and assassination missions. Those people would not tell anyone about their missions. That's why United States army major David S. Pierson wrote the report: "Natural Killers-Turning the Tide of Battle". There was investigated the psychopaths capacity to work as the military operators. There is claimed to have programs, where psychopaths are training to react as normal people.

One of those programs might be "Artichoke" or "Sleeping Beauty", where the psychopaths are training to give answers to the nature tests, what seems socially acceptable. The thing, what have ordered that investigation claimed to be CIA because sometimes the spy must kill the person, who he or she knows very good. The organizations that would use this information might also be FBI and DEA with other law enforcement agencies. Those law enforcement agencies use sometimes so-called deep cover agents, what have to confess their target organizations that they are "real men" for their jobs, and I don't know how far those persons can go in those roles when they play criminals?

Could it possible to make murder, if the targeted person would be some killer, who is working for drug mafia, and maybe killed hundreds of people? Undercover, operators must do something for getting in the targeted organization and to win the trust of the members of the group. And in this case, those people must be confessing, that they are not members of the law enforcement.

But murder is the thing, what might not "need" to mention in the reports, because even if that target were the man who has made hundreds of murders the murder is always a crime. And then the operators must understand that the person, who likes them can tell the cartel, that they are the agents of the police. And in those cases, they must make hard decisions, if they are in some city like Cali in Colombia, what is controlled by drug mafia.

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