Monday, July 30, 2018

Why somebody vandalizes cemeteries?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The vandalism at cemeteries is a very interesting thing, because those people, who do that are making the crime. They must pay the damages, what those vandals have made, and that's why the cemetery as the vandal's target is the very uncommon thing. If somebody would fall over a hundred gravestones, there must be some reason for that, because those gravestones are sometimes very heavy, and the person, who makes that needs muscle.

If the question would be about so-called "common vandalism" there would be some kind of sprayed graffiti or something like that. If the question would be about satanism, we must ask, where are the signs of that kind of actions? Those people could draw the pentagrams or put the chicken corpses in that area, and common vandals might use drugs, and where are their pipes and other equipment.

I think that nobody would do that kind of things just for fun. The good question is, how those gravestones were chosen, and is there something, what connects it with other vandalism actions in the cemeteries.  Are those vandals wait, who would come to repair those gravestones? There was one explanation for the motive of that kind of vandalism. That creepy explanation is the wealthy families, what lost their children by drugs are graved them to some cemeteries at far away from home, and there would be wrong dates to mark in the stone.

Those youngsters would be graved as old people, and nobody would even know their existence. Those graves might be kept good looking by the church, and that service could be paid for 20 or more years. And nobody actually visits those graves to remember the person, who lays in it. But that explanation was in some crime movie, what name I don't remember.

Maybe the maker of that kind of actions could be the drug user, who was in the amphetamine psychosis, but those persons would not able to work systematically. There is one thing, what could explain this kind of destruction, and that is, that there was something, what those vandals looked for, but why they have crushed some of those memorial stones. Neonazis would mark the area by their marks, and there is a question, what those people, who fall those gravestones were looking for in that area? If the motive would be political, why there were no messages, about the purpose of the vandalism?

Picture I

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