Monday, July 23, 2018

About the age limits in the use of the Internet

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Google has prohibited the use of its services from persons, who are under 16, here in Finland. 16 is the limit when people are responsible for their crimes in the eyes of the law, and they can put jail. The reason for choosing the age of 16 in Finland is probably, that other persons would make Google accounts in the name of people, who is under the age of criminal responsibility.

And maybe some hackers or other persons, who have used the Internet for the illegal purposes, like spamming the parliamentarians, are opened their accounts in the name of underage persons, whose names and pictures got from schools or neighbors. If some hacker can get the names of the pupils, this criminal can steal their identity by using their names and birthdays and then start the actions as the official supporter of the Russian Federation.

The telephone number can also be faked, or it can be prepaid, but this kind of things makes that suspicious. Use of underage person identity on the Internet is the very bad thing because the usage of those accounts is sometimes very different, what child's world should be, and the international politics and terrorism are the things, what should not be written by some 12 years, if that person is not some extreme intelligent youngster.

The thing, what makes the account suspected for use in illegal actions, is that some 12 years old probably would not support Vladimir Putin or show the pictures of assault rifles. This means that the actions of that account are different than the other that age person's accounts have. Another way to see the texts is that if the text would not fit the writer. The real prisoner would not probably like police, or homeless would not like to live on the streets. But if some prisoner starts to like the things, what is working against their benefits, the account would be stolen. Those accounts can be put under the surveillance, and if they are used by mobile devices, the person can be located quite easily.

And if in the table of the restaurant, where that device is located finds any children, but telephone sends messages, there is a reason to suspect that some other person than the marked user of the account is using that account. One thing, what makes the account suspicious is that is used only from the public hotspots. That means that the user would want to hide the existence of that account.

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