Monday, July 30, 2018

Synthetic sugar substitute named aspartame.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Aspartame is the synthetic substitute, what is 100-200 times sweeter than saccharose. This sugar substitute has claimed to be dangerous because it creates methanol and formic acid the human body when it would be destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists claim, that this chemical causes many health problems, but there is no evidence of that.

Those doses are not dangerous, claims the health authorities, but there is one danger in this chemical if it would be misused with some other chemicals. Humans are naturally addicted to the sweet taste, and that's why we all like sweets. Aspartame is used in sweets and lemonades for replacing sugar, and that's why diabetic patients can also use those things. But if aspartame is used with drugs or narcotics, would that be very dangerous.

If this sugar substitute is connected with anodynes or narcotic medicals, that would make them more addictive, than they normally are. And good taste would be an excellent way to market some medical products. If the narcotic chemicals would be connected with the sweet taste, would it become very addictive, and if some medical factories would not care about anything, they would connect aspartame with the drug pills, and good taste makes these chemicals easy to take.

And that is strictly against the ethics of marketing. Those medical would not get selling permission in the European Union but in some African or Asian countries, the medical authorities are not so sharp with those things. And if those good taste fentanyl-tablets would be sold to people, they can cause problems also in Europe.

If narcotic-addict would get aspartame with fentanyl, would that person choose also later that sweeter product, and there is claiming, that some drug dealers have given drugs to their clients, what is mixed with aspartame. In those cases, the drug has been mixed to drinks or juice. And this sugar substitute would make those drugs easy to drink. This is quite alarming because the first contact with drugs happens with drinks or tablets.

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