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About writing and personal freedoms

Mediaeval writer

Kimmo Huosionmaa

It would be very tough to make every writing by using the scientific methodology. Sometimes people tell, that the sources of the texts are badly marked, or something that people write is actually the hoax. But when we are thinking about sources, are the museums the sources, what can be thought as trustable. Is the Museum of technology in Vienna the source, what can be trusted? If we are thinking about the proofs of the things, we must say, that when we are looking at the crop images, we are normally mean the complicated pictures, what are made by pushing the crop to the state where the crop has been flattened. Making those images is quite easy.

There are three ways to make them with modern technology.  The first one is using the quadrocopter and GPS, and if the nano helicopter is equipped with the powerful compressor, what would blow the water or hydrocarbon to crop, it would make the image quite easily. But if the used stuff were water, the crop would be wet, and hydrocarbon is actually expensive. Another way is to use two helicopters, where another flies higher, and then the lower one would make the pictures. The controller of the lower helicopter must be sharp, that the picture would be, what this person wants.

The third one would need technology, what is very difficult to get. It is to use the Schwarm of the nano- or robot bugs, what are acting as one entirety. This would need complicated technology and that system is difficult to create because there are many quadrocopters, what must be paid. The quadrocopters would be equipped with RFID component, and the central computer would control them with multi-channel radio, what gives every part of the swarm individual orders. Or if the maker would have the "wise drones", that swarm can operate independently. It would be enough that one particle of the group of the robots would get the orders, what to do, and then it would send the orders to other members of the swarm. But those drones are actually difficult to buy because they are sometimes military secret. And of course, the prize of those drones is very high. And that's why I must ask "why somebody would want to do that?" Are those crop pictures really made for fun, or are those pictures result for some kind of control tests, where were tested the capacities and controls of drone swarms?

If we are thinking about image manipulation or something like that, we might say that the faker of the image is somebody else than us. Then somebody writes something, must this person give room for personal opinions and thoughts. Personal thinking is not a crime, and also bringing own personality in the text is also allowed, and when we are thinking about the newspapers or some other media, there is of course sometimes need to release the space in the magazines for something very important thing.

The thing is the big international meeting in our country, and then is the best way to keep the mouth shut up because there are more important things to think that some "Sentinel family". There is better that nobody says against the official mention, and the comments can be let to official reporters.  But I don't understand what those newspapers write in the rest of the year. And if some writings have no meanings, why in the newspapers are some writings against the writers, who would write something against the political elite. When are we thinking about the spam, who cares about it? If some writing is meanless, why giving the comments against it?

When we are looking at the writings, many writers would connect them in the very tight role, and that makes writing very hard. Looking for sources all the time makes writing very difficult, and this process should be easy and light. When somebody makes the text,  this writer can make some own worlds.  Here we should say "don't be so serious Sam", then I would write something about Pharaohs, we can say almost everything about those people. I haven't met any Pharaoh in my life, and I must confess, that the use of own imagination we can fill the holes of our knowledge.

Also, Mika Waltari probably didn't meet Akhnaten or doctor Sinuhe in his life. He must use the imagination in his famous book "Sinuhe", that this writer wrote in Istanbul. Here we must think something very interesting things in history, what are connecting to the finding of the grave of Tutankhamun. The man, who was working in the field was Howard Carter, as you probably have read in the schools.  Of course is quite suspicious that Carter found the grave in the last day when the financial support, what this man got from Carvarnor was ending. And here I must ask again "how long the hemp rope would stand in the desert?". Does that material stand 2000 years in the air?

And if Carter was looking for that grave with the theodolite, how this grave could be found? The grave KV-62 is in the canyon, and it was not visible. So were there some texts, where were the place of that remarkable cave? And were somebody visited there before Carter?. When we are thinking about the books of Waltari, they are very interesting. This man was the very sophisticated writer, and he wrote many novels from history to crime. And all his characters were actually fiction. He has used the historical persons with fictional characters, but nobody knows actually, what kind of man was Akhenaten.

The name would not make the character real, and when we are thinking about the position of fictional character Sinuhe in that book that doctor was placed in the highest places in the Egyptian society. And sometimes I have thought, that some writer like Clive Cussler could make the novel, where Sinuhe could move to America by using the reed boat. Or maybe Akhenaten had bad relationships with his family, and they did not send the bounty hunters after this doctor. Who knows what were the ideas of Waltari, when he wrote that character.


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