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Where are predictions coming from?

Albert Pike

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Always somebody is asking about predictions, and I have given them the explanation, that maybe some person has so sensitive nervous system, that they could observe the light, what comes from the tiny wormholes. This theory would claim, that the wormholes, what are smaller than atom or proton, could transfer photons from the past to nowadays. This explanation would not be supernatural. The supernatural explanations are not scientific, and that's why we must forget them.

Those wormholes could be forming when the antimatter particle impacts the normal particle in the front of the observer when is forming the small black hole, and if they oscillate at the same frequency than some similar black hole in the past, between those points is forming wormhole, that could transfer the picture from the past to the future or opposite way. This means that the observer in the past would see to the future by using wormholes. But there is another explanation for predictions, and that is the very natural thing. If somebody has made some plan and tells that to the opponent, would this kind of prediction become true.

This kind of prediction is suspected in the case of Albert Pike who predicted two or three World Wars.  He mentioned those things in the letter to Giuseppe Mazzini. And that has seen as the supernatural thing. But when we are thinking about the position of Albert Pike (1809-1891), we might think that he knew another man, named William Huntington Russell (1809-1881), who was the founder of Skulls and Bones. When we are looking at the history of Russell, we might notice, that this man was had also notable knowledge of military affairs, even he was not the military man.

This is the thing, what noticed the Governor of Delaware William Alfred Buckingham, who ordered Rusell set the militia of Delaware. Russell was not officially the military man, what could be made him the suitable link between the foreign military trainees and the military of the United States. And when we are thinking about Pike's predictions about the World Wars and the NSDAP (Nazi party) raise to power in Germany, we must explain those predictions, that the plan of those happens would be made under the supervision of Pike. Russell was an education scientist, who could be made the base for Nazis.

And sometimes I have thought, that did the "Iron counselor" Otto von Bismarck got the military training from the USA when he began to connect Germany, or who teach that man the ultimate tactics, what raises the German army one of the most notorious military machines, what has ever created.  When we are thinking about the predictions, what Pike made, we must say, that if they were plans, what were made in New Haven, that explanation would be natural.

When we are thinking about Pike's position as the officer of the Confederation army, we might think that the letter to Mazzini was meant for published. And Pike wanted to revenge the loss of the Confederation, would be the good explanation for that. But sometimes I have thought, that maybe Pike was the spy for Union, and he wanted to tell Mazzini, that maybe some confederate officials have fled from the USA to Europe, and this might cause troubles because those persons would commit crimes n Europe.

There is one thing about Mazzini, he had the same first name as Giuseppe Garibaldi, the famous independence fighter of Italia. So were Mazzini only the post box for Garibaldi? When we are thinking about the military skills, would some confederate officer give the training for the Italians, but when the men of Garibaldi would accept that training, must the officer show some papers that he was an officer. And maybe the money was sent to the USA, that somebody would make those checks because those confederate side officers were afraid, that they would find themselves in the hang. And if Garibaldi would trust the wrong person, will the rebellion and dream of independence in Italia be just a memory, and Habsburgs who ruled the Italia would punish all nation for the rebellion.


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