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The thoughts about the Apollo program, and its three men crews.

Saturn-V rocket

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many explanations for why NASA returned to the Moon, and why they send three-man crews on that journey? The most common explanation for staying out from Moon is of course that the costs of that project would be so huge, and that explanation is the most acceptable of those stories. But if I would stop writing here, I must give you the very short text, and that's why I must start to write something, what is not proven in anywhere. Only thing what is interesting is, that NASA sends three-men crews to the Moon, and that would make social problems in the spacecraft because only two of those crews could land to the Moon. But everything else is pure fiction, or I hope so.

One of those explanations is that the military is testing some kind of weapons at the Moon, and that would be the reason, why the humans did not go in there since 1973. At above this text is a picture of the Saturn V-rocket. In some theories, there would be the nuclear missiles dug under the dust of the moon, and they could be inside some kind of tubes. Those missiles would cause horrified surprise if they would be used against the target on Earth. And some stories tell that this study project had code name "Project Luna". The weapon base would be fully automatized and remote controlled.

 But there are some other things, what makes that leaving out of the Moon very interesting thing.  In some other stories the moonwalk and other things in that project, what was called as "Apollo" served the top-secret or semi-secret project called "Ozma". In this attempt to make the relationship between the civilizations were send the message to some stars, that humans are here. And when the astronauts were sent to Moon, the investigators of NASA tried to recognize if the footprints on the Moon would somehow be changed.

 And they send Apollo to the Moon for making two missions one is public and the second was somehow childish attempt to uncover the secret moon base of aliens, and until yet the NASA would not be given answers from humanoids. and there is no evidence about the connection with the "Project Ozma". There is one remarkable detail in the Apollo program, and that is why NASA used three men crews, and only two of them would land to the Moon. This is the only fact what is shown true in the stories, why humans did not send back to Moon.

Three persons in the small space cause always anger and other problems with social relations. and maybe NASA tested the anger management process of the most qualified military personnel, but if we are thinking carefully the three men crew would cause that the astronauts were unable to make observations because of they afraid fights or anger, and did NASA that election for the strength of the crew because they had something to hide.


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