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About the meeting between Trump and Putin and U.S support to Russia and the Soviet Union.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There have been comments, that Trump was accepted the limitations of human rights in Russia, and makes brotherhood with dictators. But when we are going back to the Second World War there was the law, what was known as "Lending and Renting law". That law guaranteed that Joseph Stalin got military equipment from the United States during the Second World War, and USA delivered many military aircraft like Bell P-39 "Airacobra", A-20 "Havoc" and DC-3 to Soviet Air Force.

Also, some tanks and one Royal Sovereign class battleship were given by the USA and Great Britain, what delivered battleship for Stalin for the fire support role in 1944. That battleship returned to Royal Navy in 1949. That law actually supported Joseph Stalin to stay in power, and the question is, what the Soviet Union gave back for that equipment? Nobody ever asked, was this support necessary or did the United States government knew about the human right situation in the Soviet Union. But that was the Second World War and Western allies needed help, and Stalin was able to give that help in the form of the Second Front. And that was real after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union and the USA took the part to War after the Pearl Harbour Attack in 6. December 1941.

But when we are thinking about the supporting undemocratic government, the meeting between Trump and Putin is actually the very important thing, because Vladimir Putin is the very well known man, whose way to work we all know. And what we afraid in the west? There are persons, what have been out of the publicity, and who wait that Putin will someday divorce from the position of the power in Russia.

Those persons are same style men and women, who believe the Great Russian empire, and those persons might be very surprising actors if they would get the power. Putin himself is not the problem, the problem is the forces, what support him. When he got the power in Russia after the strange heart attack of Yeltsin, Russia got the president who had skills and relationships to crush the organized crime, but the work was left to halfway.

Putin crushed the street gangs, but he couldn't get the leaders of the organized crime to court. Those persons legalized their business and now they will sell the mobile telephones, and nobody ever can show them ex-mafia bosses. Putin Used KGB in that operation, and the peaceful streets were enough for people, who were tired of violence and corruption.

And the forces, what keep Putin in power are the very complicated thing. If some decisions of the people who they support are not pleased them, the punishment would be death. So if those forces want, that Putin will continue his career as the President of Russia, that man would not have a change, or he would become the disappointment, and that would cause the heart attack by potassium-chlorinate injection. And when we are thinking about Putin, he could continue his career quite long, and maybe he wants to become some kind of Brezhnev, who was many years in the power of Soviet Union.


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