Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nanotechnology and the immune system

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Nanotechnology and immune defense are the combinations, what people don't usually think that would sometimes save the life. When we are thinking the vaccine of tomorrow, we might think that inside human body would be injected with the nanorobots, what would transfer the antigene of the organism straight to the stem cells, where the immune cells are forming, and that might increase the power of the vaccine.

The term "antigen" means the part of the mantle of the targeted organism to the stem cells, and that opens new ways to give the vaccine. One of the most modern ideas is that those nanorobots, what might look like small crayfish would catch the organism from blood, and transfer it straight to the place, where the cells of the immune defense are forming.

Also if there are enough those machines, they can also destroy bacteria and tumors by closing the blood veins in there by using carbon. In this case, the carbon would be injected into the veins with the nanomachines, what would carry them in the wanted position.  Or they can cut the mantle of the bacteria open, what would destroy it immediately.

The question is, how the nanomachines would do that thing? They can operate under the command of the computer, what is outside the body, and communicate with that computer by using radio signals. And the radio waves can also transfer electricity for those small robots. The position of nanomachines in the body can get from RFID sensors, what allows the computer to control each of them independently. And that would give them the opportunity to make surgical operations inside the human body. Those small robots can slip into the body by using sweat gland's channel, what the body uses when it removes sweat.

Those robots can be very lethal if they are in the wrong hands. If that small robot would take the part of the targeted person's cells, it would cause the terrible immune reaction, that could exterminate that person. After that, the nanorobot can slip off the body, and it would not leave any trace of its existence. Those extreme small robots can be delivered to the targets department by using nano bugs, and they can be controlled by the relay systems, what are installed in nanobugs or quadcopters. They can be used in special forces operations.

And is some scenarios the agents of DEA or other anti-crime offices have this kind of robot in the body, and if they are in trouble the systems, what is telling about the condition of the body would release that nanotechnological crayfish. This crayfish would slip in the bodies of the hostage takers, and after that, they would be facing the death, what is the most unwilling, that human mind can imagine. Those cells, what is used to turn the immune system can collect from the target's own body. And this makes the nanorobot the perfect weapon.

Picture I

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