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Strange things about Mafia and OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

William Donovan
Kimmo Huosionmaa

War is a terrible thing, and it can cause violence long after it has been ended. The traumatization in the battlefield makes that some of those warriors start to believe, that violence is a good solution for everything, and that makes possible to make violent crimes. After the Second World War, there was no talking about the people who were routined to killing, and in some cases, somebody might start to like that thing. At the front line, the killing was everyday action, and also military training was given to persons, who were in prisons.

That thing was made because those men were not missed at home, and that's why they were suitable for the agent- and other special missions, because they were ever got letters from home. And of course, the loss of that kind of man could be hidden. Those men, who went voluntarily in the Agent missions had the bost military training, what the man can get. And if they would be captured, the German military police shot them without mercy.

That kind of fate was of course very attractive for persons, who must die because they were wanted for serious crimes. When they jumped in one way missions some of them might set up their own death because that would satisfy the police, what might look them for robberies and murders. There is a fish named "Fugu" or "Blowfish". The poison of that fish makes human "zombie", that means that person is actually suspended animated. In that condition that victim could be buried even for days, and there would be no harms for brains.

So if the suicide capsules were the poison of this fish, could the man brought back to life. The agents had always suicide capsules because if they were captured, the intelligence afraid that they were tortured and those men could uncover secret information. And that's why they had cyanide capsule in their hands for the painless death. But sometimes there were claiming that some of those capsules have been filled with Sarin-or Soman Nerve-gas.

Then the person would bite that capsule, would it cause the death of all interrogation team.  Sometimes have been claiming that the nerve-gas capsules have put in the large caliber hollow bullets, and those bullets can be very deadly if they are used in the assassination missions by snipers, who were equipped with large caliber rifles. This claiming remains only claiming, and there is no evidence about that. But inside hollow 50 Caliber bullet can be assembled the class capsule, what would be filled with nerve agent.

The reason for sending prisoners in the agent- or other special missions was that they would not be missed at home. And in some cases, the chief of OSS (Office of Strategic Services)  William "Wild  Bill" Donovan or some other allied espionage boss used executed persons in the top-secret military operations. Those persons were marked as an executed, and then they were sent to Germany for some covert missions. There are no papers for that kind of actions because the MI-6 and CIA the successor of OSS washed their archives at the end of the war. And maybe the information of that kind of actions was destroyed for political reasons.

There are proofs that the intelligence have been recruited people for covert operations from prisons and other "teams of tough men". And if we are honest, we cannot be sure is some of the convicted criminals slip in Axis side in covert operations and marked himself as the "shot by Gestapo". This conclusion bases the information, that OSS used Mafia to break the lines of the Italian army in 1943 at Sicilia.

And if the men like Salvatore "Lucky" Luciano took part in that kind of operation, there could be room for worse men, who were sent to the German side for murder targeted persons, what Donovan or the British intelligence ordered to kill. The legend that Mafia helped to break the lines of Italian troops is real, and sometimes I wonder, what those men got for the salary of that operation? That is the very nice question because Mafia is not a very patriotic organization, and maybe Donovan promised, that some of those men could flee from the hands of the law. But this is only writing, nothing more.


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