Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What happens when a black hole is forming?

When a supernova explosion happens. The shockwave starts to travel out from the star. A Supernova explosion is a case where fusion fills the entire star during that process. Energy impacts the middle of the supernova with enormous power. The shockwave forms an electromagnetic vacuum. So we could say that the supernova is like a giant vacuum bomb. 

And when the power of that shockwave decreases the electromagnetic vacuum around the nucleus of the star starts to fill. At least in this stage in the supernova explosion energy that drops in that electromagnetic vacuum smashes against the material that is in the middle of the star. The energy impact smashes electrons in the atom's nucleus. 

And if that impact is powerful enough it just smashes all elementary particles, quarks, and electrons into one entirety called a singularity. That material is extremely thick. And when some kind of electromagnetic radiation impacts that thing, that radiation reflects from the object. 

That reflection causes things where the gravitational waves are traveling out from the black hole's nucleus. If the reflection happens in very short periods. The vacuum between those power fields has no time to fill. That thing causes the case that simultaneously repeating vacuums are starting to pull objects inside that thing. And when objects reach the black hole's nucleus. They reflect from the nucleus. The thing that sends gravitational waves can be some kind of superstring. 

Black holes are like potholes in the universe. Whenever a black hole sends a gravitational wave against another energy wave that travels in it the impacting energy wave loses the energy of falling waves and material. So the energy level of radiation that impacts the black hole's nucleus is always lower. And that causes a situation that the black hole loses its mass. 

Those supermassive objects interact with their environment. Outcoming radiation keeps a black hole or its event horizon in form. If the radiation that falls in the black hole ends nothing limits the expansion of the black hole. But because the black hole will not get more energy, it will turn lighter. Gravitational waves are forming similar forms as other materials and magnetic fields. When the expansion of the gravitational field is unlimited. That turns its energy level lower. That causes the explosion of the black hole. 

Also if a black hole's mass is too high that causes a situation the impact of falling energy or wave movements is too strong. That thing destroys the black hole. Inside the black hole, its nucleus rotates at an extremely high speed. The speed of that point is about the speed of light. That thing causes high power interaction between internal structure and gas that is falling into the black hole. And there is a small vacuum in that absolute ball. 

That vacuum can be smaller than a quark. That vacuum pulls the nucleus inside. So the internal vacuum and outcoming energy are keeping singularity in the form. When the reflection starts from the nucleus of the black hole it's in a vacuum for a short moment. If there is no internal structure that pulls the singularity inside. There is the possibility that it destroys the singularity.

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