Thursday, February 9, 2023

New research allows transferring neurons between species.

"This is a histological image of a rat brain with a grafted human brain organoid. Credit: Jgamadze et al." ( Transplant Human Brain Organoids Into Adult Rats – And They Respond to Visual Stimuli)

Scientists transfer human neurons to adult rats' brains. And those neurons give a response to visual stimuli. This is the first time in history that living neurons transferred to an adult's brain. And that thing allows the creation of new types of medical treatment for brain damage. The ability to transfer neurons to the neural system and make them operate also allows the transfer of the "brain" between people. 

The problem with neuron transfer is that those new neurons have no memories. Neurons need their memory blocks to make their missions perfectly. Those memory blocks are needed so that neurons can find the right track for information that travels through it. 

DNA transfer allows creating the customized organs for people. In some models, the DNA bite that controls the cell's shell antigen production will transfer to animals like pigs. That allows the creation of customized organs for people who need them. Rats and mice are excellent for making neurons. Those rodents are fast growing. And they are used in tests in multiple laboratories. 

Another version is that system duplicates the neuro's DNA using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). And then transfer that DNA to other cells. One of those cell types can be cancer cells. In that case, the system removes old DNA from those cells. And replace it with new DNA. 

The cloned cells allow for avoiding the immune defense because cloned cells are not alerting immune defense. The problem is that the system must produce lots of cells. That can replace the destruction in mechanical brain damage. 

One of the biggest problems with that kind of cell transfer is the immune defense that destroys all foreign cells. Normally, the immune defense destroys the transplanted cells if their antigens differ from the individual's cells. 

But by using genetic engineering is possible to create the perfect cells for transplant. The idea is that cells can create by cloning the individual's neurons. And by using advanced biotechnology and nanotechnology is possible to create genetically engineered mice that tissue antigens perfectly fit with the receiving human. 

The idea is that the DNA bite that controls the cell's antigen forming will transfer from the receiving human to the rat's embryo. That allows the creation of customized tissues like neurons for receivers. Transferring the DNA that controls tissue antigen formation allows the creation of animals like pigs for making customized organs for people.

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