Friday, February 17, 2023

There is no absolute information.

There is no absolute information. 

If some object is forward of the main information. The main information is the information that has the biggest effect on the observer. But the thing is that we cannot separate the main object from the object that is closer to us. 

That closer object seems to dominate. Information travels in time and space. When we think about the information's source, we can think that is the object. And photons bring information about that object to the observer. 

The existence of an object means that we get information about the object. That object's existence starts with us, but an object can be virtual. And it exists until we get information that the object's existence ends. But information about that object remains in our memory. And if the object exists only in our imagination. An object's existence is virtual. 

Information is like a road or tower. That means information forms chains. Information can be material, or it can be the things like some kind of action. When we think that information forms roads. There is always begin and an end in the information. Information is not vanishing. But it can decode in another formation. And that means we cannot separate the beginning of the original information from the secondary information. 

In that case, the information is like a tower. If we face the thing that began the series of information cases we can think that information is like a house with floors. In the case that we handle some case periodically that forms the floors. The floors are the time that spends between those event-handling sessions. 

When information is born it's sterile. But then another piece of information covers that original information. And that thing pollutes information. In both images, the secondary information is the fog. That covers the timeline under it. 

When we see something, our mind stores it. The same way the universe stores information in the material. The remnant of the beginning of the universe is the universe itself. 

A reason why we cannot see the universe's begin is simple. Information from that event is buried below other things. The secondary information has covered the beginning of time and space. That information exists. But we cannot that very first information from information that formed later. The later formed information is like fog, covering the very first information below it. But information itself cannot vanish. 

It just turns its form. There is a possibility that the absolute darkness in the Kuiper belt hides information about the solar system forming. In that extremely low temperature and weak solar wind material like iron is in the form of Bose-Einstein condensate. The superconducting material forms thing that stores information precisely in the form where it impacts to superconducting material. 

When time travels forward we are taking more distance from the beginning point of the information tower. The information is clear when we see the fresh case. But then the fog turns the information tower unclear. The fog is secondary information. Even if we have the biggest problem at our desk things like everyday problems like visiting the shop can make us forget the solutions. 

That is urgent for the entire planet. Maybe we create a solution that is suitable for planetary defense. But then we forget that thing when we visit the shop. The reason for that is simple. We think that our milk liter is more important than some asteroid-turning system. 

We can think that the image above this text is a good example of how information behaves. We see bright lights and many other things. But those bright lights cause a situation that we cannot see in full entirety. We see bright lights. And those bright lights hide a much bigger entirety, that surrounds us. This thing is called a light wall. The term light wall means that the main object hides behind the brightness and fog. 

That means details covering the entirety. We cannot observe things like dark matter and dark energy because the brightness of visible material covers them under the visible material's shine. 

The information that we see is always limited. When we see things that are in front of us. We cannot see things that are behind our backs. And that means we can observe a maximum of half of the space. Which surrounds us. Even if we have 180 degrees field of view we cannot see everything that happens around us.

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