Time is relative, said Albert Einstein. And that is the only real fact about time. Things like time as dimension or time as wave movement are theories, or attempts to model that kind of thing. We know that we can stop aging by traveling at the speed of light. When an object travels with the speed of light, that thing causes a situation where that particle gets so much more energy than it loses. And that is the situation where the particle is not aging.
The speed of light is relative. When the universe expands the quantum fields that are slowing the time will turn weaker. And that means the material is also turned thinner. So in the young universe speed of light is slower than it's now.
That thing that should be real is the medium, where light travels. Affect the speed of light. The speed of light is lower in water than in the air and in air, particle travels slower than in a vacuum.
But the thing that makes the speed of light relative is that we can observe it outside from water. If we would live in a universe filled with water, we would not see that difference. The speed of light is always the top speed. But the differences in the speed of light in the medium are possible to see only when a photon or some other particle crosses the border of those mediums.
Cherenkov's radiation forms when a particle crosses the speed of light when a particle crosses the border between water and air, in a short moment, it travels faster than the speed of light. Things like neutrino detectors benefit that idea. When the particle's speed decreases, it sends a blue light shockwave. And that blue light shockwave turns the sky to blue.
Because it must release kinetic energy to water for slowing its speed from the top speed in air to the top (or highest) possible speed in the water. But we can see that thing only because we can observe the border between air and water.
That's why we cannot measure the speed of light outside our universe. The reason for that is we are inside the system. We know it's higher. But that's the only thing that we know.
Aging means that particle turns to wave movement. And that means time is real in the material. The reason for that is the expansion of the universe. And then we are facing the question is time travel possible? As I always said, like Einstein and Hawking said, time travel forward in time is possible by accelerating the particle or object to so close to the speed of light as possible. But then again we can virtually cross the speed of light.
The idea for that virtual crossing the cosmic speed limit is this: (Escaping velocity + the speed of object should be over the speed of light). That thing should make particle younger because it gets more energy. And that energy should replace the energy that the particle lost in quantum vaporization.
But is time travel backward in time possible? The fact is that requires that time exists in space. And nobody has seen time in that form. The thing is that time is unknown to us. It's the thing that we can see from the clock. But that time is not the time that physicists are calling time.
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