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Neuroimplants are the next-generation tools that can revolutionize the world.

Telepathy is a real thing, at least if people use implanted microchips for wireless communication. It's called technical telepathy. Implanted microchips allow people to exchange information between each other and machines using microchips implanted in their nervous system.

The neuro implants that stimulate the nervous system can give help with neural diseases like Parkinson's and maybe Alzheimer's. Those microchips stimulate the nervous system with electric impulses. The idea in that kind of system is that they increase the power of electric impulses that neurons give, or they just stimulate neurons. And that should deny immune cells attack against those things. 

There is a possibility that the microchips that are transmitting nervous signals can use to restore the ability to move transplanted extremities. And that system makes it possible to transplant feet or arms to people who lost them because of accidents and diseases. 

But neuro implants can also move prostheses. They can restore the ability to move things like hand or leg prostheses. Wireless communication allows the creation of robot hands that are easy to use as gloves. The problem with microchip-controlled prostheses has been the sore that the electrode needs. The wireless communication allows the neural chip can control the robot arm through the skin. 

The implanted microchips can also use for everyday payments. In that case, a similar microchip used in payment cards is put under the skin of the hand. That kind of microchip can also contain the personal data of the user. And it allows using that kind of microchips as the ID-card. 

But then we must realize that the implanted microchips can communicate via the internet. That kind of system can connect to a mobile telephone. And that allows controlling the telephone or computers without the need to use hands. 

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) allows to remote-control robots. The users who use those systems can control drone swarms. And implanted microchips allow people who have those chips to communicate with each other by exchanging information using those chips. 

An idea is simple the microchips put on Broca's and Wernicke's areas make it possible that people can use technical telepathy.  Also, animals that have those microchips can turn into biorobots. 

That thing makes intelligent pets possible. We can visualize the situation where a person forgets to load the body that paralyzed person needs for walking. The neuro-implanted parrot can put the electric cable to the socket. Or we can send the remote-controlled dog to the shop. In that case, we can put an order to shop. 

And then the workers will put the ordered goods in the basket that our pet pulls behind it. Then the RFID chip in our biorobot pet tells us that goods can deliver to that pet. Diogenes the Sinope gives inspiration for that kind of thing. That ancient philosopher sent his dogs to shop for him, and that man can be called the father of robotics. 

Neuralink and other implants that connect to the nervous system can change personality. But we know that there are people who need manipulation. The question about free will is: should a person have free will, in the case that person is dangerous to the environment? And, who describes dangerous behavior? 

The fake memories can use for mental manipulation. But the same technology can use for teaching people. The user of the system determines where that person wants to use it. So maybe someday that technology gives help with ADHD and other people with concentration problems. But that kind of system is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. 

But the world is full of somehow dangerous technology. Things like cars are the same way, dangerous in the wrong hands. When people are talking about mental manipulation they highlight free will. But every day we can see what negative things free will can make. And in that case, I mean things like despotic governments and wars. 

If we say that microchips change their user's personalities, we must understand that people like violent prisoners might require that kind of mind manipulation. Those things are questions about free will. And this point, we must ask what if somebody could change Vladimir Putin's personality for a peace-loving leader? 

When we think about the microchips that stimulate neurons we can use those things as a learning tool. The system can drive information to those microchips. And then those chips can send those signals to the brain. 

If we think that the system uses similar technology as the eye implants that can restore the person's vision the system can record information. And then drive it to the optic nerve. Or microchips can stimulate Broca's- and optical lobe. And it makes it possible to create "fake memories". But in that case, those memories are used for good.


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